already, and most of the boys were gathering up their gear ad heading home.

'Damn it all,' Tracy sighed.

'What's bugging you?' Peggy grinned.

'I'm horny!' Tracy complained.

'Yeah, I know the feeling,' Peggy said. 'Too bad there aren't more guys around.'

'You'd think we had the plague or something,' Laurie chimed in. 'I mean we're not exactly dogs.'

Tracy was picking up on the vibes from her friends – maybe she wasn't the only girl in town with her peculiar problem. 'Hey, you two,' she said eagerly. 'We can tell each other everything, can't we? We've been friends since grade school, after all.'

'Sure,' Peggy said. 'What'd you wanta knew, Tracy?'

'I just wondered if you've ever fucked a boy before,' Tracy said. 'I have.'

'Well, so have I,' Peggy admitted. 'Met too,' Laurie giggled.

'It's super fun, isn't it?' Tracy sighed.

'It sure is,' Laurie giggled.

'Oh, cut it out, you guys,' Peggy moaned. 'You're making me horny.'

'Well, we can do something about that,' Tracy said.

She placed her hand inside her bikini panties and touched the warm soft fur of her muff. Her friends watched what she was doing and quickly imitated her. They lay on their backs, hands working busily inside their swimsuits, parting the furry lips of their muffs and rubbing their hot horny clits. It wasn't as good as fucking but it beat doing nothing at all.

'Mmmmmm,' Laurie sighed, 'it sure feels good.'

'Yeah,' Peggy panted, 'I'm gonna come in no time.'

'It's kid stuff,' Tracy complained, all the while feverishly frigging her juicy little clit. 'I'd rather be fucking.'

'So would we,' Peggy moaned, 'but do we have a choice?'

On that note they stopped talking and got down to serious business. Each girl seized her slick throbbing clit between thumb and forefinger and began kneading it roughly. There was no sound but the gentle splash of the waves and the girls' soft sighing and moaning. They were so absorbed in bringing themselves off that they didn't notice they were no longer alone.

Coming over a nearby dune were dozen young bikers, all dressed in leather and blue denim. The long- haired bearded men were in their mid twenties, trim and muscular and aggressive-looking. They were strolling along drinking beer when they came over the sandy rise and saw the three girls. The bikers stepped short, gawked, and then exchanged broad grins.

It was quite a tantalizing sight. Oblivious of the bikers' presence, eyes screwed shut in ecstasy, the three pretty teenage girls were furiously working their hands under their bikini panties, panting and moaning, obviously frigging themselves. After watching silently for a few moments, the bikers held a whispered conversation and then started down the dune toward the girls.

'Hey, girls,' one of the bikers called out, 'can we help you out?'

Tracy, Peggy and Laurie gasped at opened their eyes. Their immediate reaction was fright. The approaching bikers looked mean and dangerous. The girls sprang to their feet and started running as fast as they could. The bikers laughed and started after them. The girls were in a panic, knowing the young men could ultimately outrun them. It was a matter of reaching the nearest lifeguard before the bikers caught up with them.

Pew and Laurie made it, but Tracy didn't. Her legs were shorter, she couldn't move as fast and to make matters worse, she tripped and fell, sprawling face down on the sand. When she looked up, Peggy and Laurie were far off in the distance and the bikers were right behind her! She scrambled to her feet and started to run again, but the three young men caught up with her and grabbed her.

'Oh, please don't hurt me,' Tracy sobbed.

'Baby, we ain't gonna hurt you,' one of them said. 'You're too pretty for that. We just want you to take a little walk with us, share a beer, have a little fun. Okay?'

Tracy figured it would be better to cooperate till she saw a chance to escape. 'Okay,' she said.

'Great,' he said. 'Let's go beck this way that's where we left our bikes and the beer.'

Two of the bikers took her arms and trotted her along at a fast pace. As they walked, Tracy began to relax. She was pretty sure she knew what they wanted. They weren't going to hurt her – they just wanted to fuck her. Was that so bad? She was beginning to find the three muscular young men very attractive, and she didn't mind the prospect of taking three stiff cocks, either.

Presently they came to a small hidden cove where the bikes were parked. The young men made Tracy sit down on a blanket, and they gave her a beer. She'd never had alcohol before, and she was tipsy before she knew it. It felt good – relaxed and kind of funny. She was still a little nervous around the bikers though. She couldn't be absolutely sure of their intention. One sat down beside her and ran his eyes hungrily over her curvy little body.

'My name's Joe,' he grinned, 'what's yours?'

'Tracy,' she said meekly.

'Well, Tracy,' he said, 'these are my buddies Mike and Doug and I think what we'd like you to do is take off your top so we can see those pretty tits.'

Tracy blushed hotly, but at the same time she felt a rush of lusty excitement. She hadn't been mistaken – they wanted to fuck her, all of them!

'Go ahead, honey, take it off,' Joe leered, 'or do I have to take it off for you?'

Mike and Doug sat down on the blanket, too, grinning evilly. Tracy knew there was no way out of stripping, and she wasn't even sure she wanted a way out. Her pussy was getting hotter and hornier by the second. Shyly she untied her skimpy bikini bra and dropped it on the blanket. The bikers gawked hungrily at her luscious round, firm tits and big pink nipples.

'Nice,' Joe sighed, 'real nice. Now I want you to just lie back, honey, and let me play with those pretty tits.'

Again Tracy blushed. The bikers had a way of making her feel shy and horny at the same time. She lay down on her back, and Joe knelt along side her, leering at her perfectly firm pointed tits. He reached for them, and his hot moist hands closed over the sensitive tits. She almost shivered with arousal. Grinning, Joe molded and squeezed big fistfuls of hot silky tit-flesh.

Tracy sneaked a glance at Mike and Doug, who were sitting close by on the blanket. They were leering as they watched Joe squeezing her naked tits. She was sure now that all three bikers would be fucking her. Could she take it? Why not? She'd fucked her other lovers for hours on end. The only difference now was that she'd be fucking three guys instead of one.

Joe was amusing himself by teasing her large nipples into stiffness. In her state of hot arousal, that wasn't hard to do. He grasped the soft cones between hid fingers and kneaded them, and they soon swelled into rigid rosy-pink buds that stood up stiffly from her swollen pale tits. Joe leaned down and flicked the pointed nipples with his tongue. The hot wet feeling made Tracy want to moan with excitement.

But she was still shy with these menacing-looking young men. They didn't ask her for her reactions, and she didn't tell them anything. She lay perfectly still and expressionless as Joe tongued her stiff-nippled tits and Mike and Doug watched the action. With wicked leers, Joe finally tired of fooling around with her tits, and he eyed the tiny panties of her bikini bathing suit.

'Why don't you take off them panties, honey?' he grinned.

He said it softly, even pleasantly, but Tracy knew she'd damned well better cooperate. The three bikers could easily overpower her, and they all wore sheath knives on their belts. Blushing, she began to untie the little bows that held her bikini panties together. Mike and Doug crawled even closer to watch. The bows undone, she slipped the panties off and tossed them aside, then blushed even harder as the three lusty young men eyed her totally naked body.

'Sheeeet,' Mike chuckled. 'We sure lucked out today.'

'Yeah, ain't she nice?' Doug leered.

'Shit, she looks like jail bait,' Joe groaned. 'Think we oughta take a chance?'

'Oh, man, we gotta,' Mike sighed. 'Just look at that pretty little pussy.'

Вы читаете Babysitter in heat
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