would have to see Nichole once again and then she would find out just what it was that was going on. When that time came, Kim resolved that she, herself, would have to be firm. She would have to show Nichole that she wasn't having any more of her life. Nichole could – and would – lead her own life. Kim wouldn't judge her, but she wouldn't have anything to do with her. When she did see her again – and she felt sure she would – she would demand the pictures and negatives and tell her that their relationship was at an end.

Kim's basic character came through. She set her house in order, took a long hot shower during which she soaped herself all over as if she were trying to wash her sins away, and, clean, warm, she got into bed and slept the sleep of one who is mentally and physically exhausted.

Then she set about her daily routine. A walk on the beach in the morning, going to the post office, a walk on the beach just before dark, then an evening at home before a fire while she watched TV. Only, she found things were different. It was almost as if she were a different person now. She found it hard to write to Hank without thinking of what had happened up in the city. Her walks, her whole day was viewed from a different reality now. She had the terrible feeling that things would never be the same again. And, that awful, insidious, feeling of dread was growing again. It wasn't a feeling of being watched – she had no urge to look over her shoulder.

If she had, if she had stopped on her walks and really looked around, she would have seen two people sitting in a Mercedes-Benz and watching her through powerful binoculars.

Nichole didn't know what Web was looking for. To her, everything was set up. Why didn't he act? Sometimes, he reminded her of a cat toying with a bird. He had to play with his victims before he finished them off. He had played with her. He still played with her. She had done his bidding, she had taken an old friend, someone who hadn't done anything to her, she had taken an old friend and put her in a position where Web could take advantage of her. It was all set… so why didn't he pounce?

Web lowered his glasses. It was as if he was reading her mind. 'Tonight, we pay your friend a visit.'

'Good! I'll call her.'

He sneered at her. 'You'll do nothing of the kind. We have the element of surprise on our side. Why dissipate it?'

The element of surprise worked well. When the knock came at the door, Kim was in a housecoat right after a warm shower. She thought it was the paper boy or a neighbor on some errand. When she opened the door and saw Nichole standing with a very distinguished looking man in gray, she didn't know what to think. She stood looking at them without saying a word.

'Well,' Nichole laughed, 'may we come in or do we have to talk out here on the street?'

'Come in.' Kim stood aside, holding the door open.

'Kim, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is Mr. Web Hardman.'

Kim nodded coolly, not wanting him to think she was at all friendly with Nichole.

Web was all suave manners. He took Kim's hand and said, 'I've admired you from afar for quite some time, Mrs. Steward.'

Kim didn't know what to say and thus didn't say anything. She didn't care if they thought her rude. She was not going to invite them to stay.

'What do you say to an admirer?' Nichole asked, a taunt in her voice.

'Thank you,' Kim was curt.

'I even admired your pictures,' Web spoke in such a quiet voice that for a second, Kim felt she had misunderstood. 'I admired your pictures very much. You have a lovely body.'

The red haired housewife stood with an open mouth. She didn't know what to say or think. Astounded, unbelieving, she turned and stared at Nichole, only then comprehending. Nichole smiled weakly. 'Why?' Kim asked, 'why are you doing this to me?'

'You'll find out,' Nichole said with a glance at Hardman.

For the first time, Kim felt sorry for Nichole. It was a hell of a time to feel sorry, but Nichole's look had told her so much. Instinctively, she turned to Web Hardman, knowing now that he was the man behind the entire thing. Her chin was defiant as she asked, 'How much?'

Web looked puzzled.

'How much for the pictures and negatives? I ready don't have much money.'

'Money?' Web snorted and his cruel laughter rang through the cottage and sent a chill up the spine of both the girls. 'Money?' he asked, deriding, 'my dear girl, I've spent – and made – more money in one hour than you'll probably see in your lifetime. Money? It isn't money that I want.'

It was as if her feeling of dread reached its climax at that moment; as if she suddenly knew what it was she was fearing… what she had dreaded ad these days.

Web walked around her, looking at her voluptuous young body as if she were a spirited racehorse he was about to buy. 'If you want those negatives, you will come to my house tomorrow evening. If you don't come, the pictures will be spread all over town and most of California by the following morning.'

'And what do you expect me to do at your house?'

Web smiled. Nichole shuddered, knowing what the smile meant. 'You win entertain me.'

'And if I refuse?'

'I've told you the consequences.'

'I refuse,' Kim was resolute. He had to be bluffing. Yet, he didn't panic. He shrugged, touching the knot of his gray tie with manicured fingers.

'Very well. By the way, I've been watching you for some time. I could give you a list of the people you see.'

Kim was puzzled by the way he changed the conversation.

'I notice you never visit your husband's parents.'

Kim froze.

'They're almost neighbors of mine. Moreover,' he went on, smiling, smooth, 'I notice they never seem to visit you.'

For the first time, Kim lost her composure. She looked imploringly at Nichole who offered no help.

'I wonder what they will say when they get a set of glossy eight-by-tens of you in action? I wonder how they will react?'

'You… you – filthy bastard!'

Web shook a finger like he was cautioning a child. 'I've been called worse names by experts. Nichole can tell you. She can also tell you that each name you call me, each evidence of hostility on your part will only end up costing you more. Right now, I'm willing to give you the pictures in return for an evening of… shall we say, fun? Any more impudence or insult from you will cost you dearly.'

Kim shook her head in disbelief. 'You went to all these lengths? You're crazy, you're in…'

She never got to finish her statement. Web's hand few through the air almost too fast to follow. There was a loud crack, and Kim's head spun and she saw stars as the pain sponged in deep. She staggered under the impact of the blow, then staggered more under the impact of hate that spat out from Web Hardman. 'Don't you ever say that again!' His face was livid as he shot the words out, his fists raised. 'You'll pay for that!' he screamed, 'you'll pay for saying such a thing, my dear!'

Kim shrank back from him, truly afraid. Even Nichole moved nervously aside.

He stalked to the door, glared at Nichole who followed him, swung the door open, and looked back. 'There will be a car here for you tomorrow night at eight. You had better be in it. If not,' his voice rose to a malicious ringing quality, 'a copy of those pictures will be on their way to your husband. Another copy will go to his parents. A third set will go to the Chief of Police here in Carmel.'

The door slammed and Kim found herself alone again. She knew what was happening. Now, instinctively, she understood a lot about poor Nichole. And herself! She had to plan. She had until the following night to plan.


The car, a Mercedes, was right on time and the driver was none other than Klaus! Kim turned a deep crimson when she saw him, but he was all manners and made no allusion to their night in San Francisco.

Вы читаете The straying wife
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