convulsing and screaming like a mad woman. She knew there was no escape until he was finished with her.

It was a double climax! Or was it just a continuation of the first? Sister Mary Theresa didn't know. What did it matter? She gazed down at the still licking man. She scratched him hard, digging her fingernails into his back. He was wiggling his narrow ass. 'Oh!'

Sister Mary Theresa bucked backward, rolling and squirming on the floor as her orgasm tortured her with a pleasure too intense to stand. Each time she had sex, her response was more frenzied, more powerful than the last! This time she'd nearly passed out from pleasure.

'God help me, help me,' she whispered mechanically. The nun didn't expect any help from… if indeed there were a God! Why should something so powerfully good lend a hand to a filthy woman like her?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a hot, flicking sensation striking her thighs, making stringy lines up one side of her body. Looking down again, she realized the man was rubbing his cock against her calf and knee. He was humping forward with rapid movements. Each time he did, his knobby cock sprayed out jizz.

Sister Mary Theresa cried out again, trying to stagger to her feet. But it was useless. All her strength left her. She lay there, being covered with that foul man, stinking like a barn while the men watched and laughed at her.

She was still babbling, moaning, turning her head away from the commandos.

'God in heaven!' she panted. It was still too dreamlike for her to comprehend. If she had really done this, really opened her body to another man. Surely some terrible fate awaited her for committing this depraved act.

Sister Mary Theresa made it to the desk, curling bet fingers around one of the legs and holding tightly onto it. There was some sense of reassurance, some feeling of reality coming to her by performing this simple act.

'Strip her, clean her up and take her down to the other nuns,' Jack said tersely. A strange smile crossed his face as Rick and Joe slid their hands under her arms and pulled Sister Mary Theresa groaning from the floor. They dragged her to the doorway, her tattered habit trailing behind her. Her head hung limply forward. She opened her eyes and flashed the handsome young commando a look of sorrow and fear.

'Please, leave me alone. Please, stop this! You're endangering your mortal soul.'

How silly, how hollow those words sounded now. How awe-inspiring they had sounded several years ago when the archbishop of San Francisco had pronounced them solemnly in the cathedral. But now she nearly laughed herself after warning Jack and the others.

'Fuck my mortal soul!' he snarled. 'That fuckin' dude from Spain's got more to worry about than I do,' he said, patting his rifle. 'Just a little more,' he added, glancing again at his wristwatch. He was so cocky, so sure of success! Only then did Sister Mary Theresa remember the real reason for this madness. They were simply passing time, amusing themselves in the safety of a hideout, waiting for the hour when they could go out and gun down an innocent man! No, she had to warn people somehow. There'd be blood on her hands for eternity. Whatever sexual atrocities she had committed here and would commit, they would pale next to the crime of murder!

'Come on,' Rick said to his buddy.

Both dragged her down the corridor silently. At times the young nun tried to walk. But she was so weakened from her ordeals, she finally let them drag her along as if she were a sack of potatoes.

They took her to the bathroom, that awful place where Sister Mary Theresa had first learned of her powerful, suppressed sex drive. Tearing the filthy garments from her body, Rico shoved the protesting mm into one of the five shower stalls.

The nun stood there, leaning against one of the cold metal walls, modestly covering her pussy and tits with her crossed hands and arms. It was silly to keep up this pretext of modesty considering what she had done with these men. But old habits die hard. She stood in the shower stall then, feeling weaker by the second as Joe reached in and turned on the water.


Sister Mary Theresa gasped. The water hit like a hammer on her sensitive flesh. Joe turned the shower head so the main stream bit her pussy. It was as if someone had punched her cunt. Then the man moved the water up to her tits. Her nipples sunk into the firm flesh surrounding them under the powerful flow. She felt the whole mass of each tit aching with arousal. Oh, now she was turning onto water! Was there nothing that could stop her sexuality? The outside heat of the water and the inner heat of her lust combined, to make the nun pant from excitement.

'Oh, no, no!'

The nun put her hands to her face. The shame of feeling this in front of these men made her tremble. She wept, wishing she could die on the spot.

'This'll wash it out,' Joe said, pushing her back so roughly her head struck the metal stall with a loud thud. Sister Mary Theresa cried out, then felt her knees giving way. With a long, low moan the nun slipped to the shower stall floor, the water blasting into her face, wetting down her hair to her skull.

She weakly covered her face with one hand, turning it away from the men and the stream of water now raising clouds of steam from the floor. She lay weeping as Rico played the stream over her body.


The young nun opened her legs, bringing her knees to her belly. The incredibly heavy rush of warm water on her clit made the girl's hips rise and fall. She cried out again with a mixture of shame and lust, letting her upraised knees fall open fetter. She tried to stop this crazy cunt heat by holding her hands over her throbbing, sensitive pussy. But still her hips rolled shamelessly, much to the delight of the two commandos washing her down.

'Oh, unnngh!'

Every time Sister Mary Theresa put her hands over her cunt, Rick moved the stream to blast her nipples. The splashing droplets of water bounced off her tits and shot into her nose or mouth. Sister Mary Theresa coughed, gasping for air.

'Fuck the water, honey, that's it, fuck the water,' Rick said derisively.

The nun couldn't hide this growing heat from them. She knew she was rutting there like a cow in front of them. She was helpless, powerless against her own body. No matter how she tried, the nun still sought out the stream, still fucked back at the rushing warm water.

'Shit, she ain't gonna just sit there and fuck water when I ain't had nothin',' Joe muttered, his eyes bugging out as be watched the nun thrash around on the stall floor.

Sister Mary Theresa twisted her hips, seeking out the stream. It was feeling more and more excitingly erotic. The hot mass of feelings in her crotch accelerated, sharpening to a fever pitch as the water beat steadily at her clit. Her flesh squeaked on the cement floor. Sister Mary Theresa knew all the sweat and cum of the doggie show had come off by now. But she still remained in the shower, drinking in that pulsing sensation taking over her pussy. Gritting her teeth, she tried to force an orgasm right there in the stall.

A quick move of Rick's arm swept the water across her tits, leaving her cunt high and dry.

'Uhhhh!' she grunted with frustration.

'Take her, kid,' Rick said.

Joe didn't need further encouragement. Rick had turned off the water while his buddy ducked in, pulling the rutting nun from the stall and dragging her out into the bathroom. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Joe was on top of her in a second, tearing open his zipper, yanking out his cock while knocking her legs apart with his knees. She felt the hard tiles pressing against her butt and shoulder blades. He was fucking her on the floor, his trousers growing dark with water stains while his cock pushed through her wet cuntlips. Already the nun could feel her pussy muscles contracting, grabbing tightly and greedily at his cockhead as it pierced her hot drooling fuckhole.

'Let's take the slut to the others,' Joe said, getting up unsteadily.

Sister Mary Theresa looked up at him and felt like an old worn dishrag.


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