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13. Варварские нашествия на Европу
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Drogereit (Richard), Sachsen und Angelsachsen, Niedersdchsischesjahrvolfilr Landesgeschichte, XXI, 1949.
Hawks (C. F. C.), The Jutes of Kent, в: Dark Age Britain [N361], p. 91–111.
Hodgkin (R. H.), A History of the Anglo-Saxons, 3d ed., Oxford, 1953, 2 vol.
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Myres (J. N. L.), Pelagius and the End of the Roman Rule in Britain,JRS, L, 1960, p. 21–36.
Раздел II. Современные работы
Sayles (G.), The medieval foundations of England, London, 1948.
Sisam (Kenneth), Anglo-Saxon royal genealogies, Proceedings of the British Academy, XXXIX, 1953, p. 287–348.
355) Stenton (F. M.), Anglo-Saxon England, 2e ed., Oxford,
356) Stevens (С. E.), Gildas sapiens, EHR, LVI, 1941,
p. 353–373.
Sutherland (E. H. V.), Coinage in Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries, в: Dark Age Britain [N 361], p. 3– 10.
White (Donald A.), Litus Saxonicum. The British Saxon Shore in scholarship and History, Madison, 1961.
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Wilson (D. M.), The Anglo-Saxons, London, 1960.
Б) Археология.
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Fox (Cyril), Offa'sDyke, Oxford, 1955.
Fox (С. и Aileen), Wansdyke reconsidered, The archaeological Journal, CXV, 1958, p. 1–48.
Jessup (R. F.), Anglo-Saxon jewellery, London, 1950.
Kendrick (T. D.), Anglo-Saxon Art to A. D. 900, London, 1938.
Leeds (E. Т.), The archaeology of the anglo-saxon settlement, Oxford, 1913.
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Leeds (E. Т.), The distribution of the Angles and Saxons archaeologically considered, Archaeologia, XCI, 1945, p. 1–106.
Myres (J. N. L.), Cremation and inhumation in anglo-saxon cemeteries, Antiquity, XVI, 1941.
388 Библиография, Методы исследования и документы
Myres (J. N. L.), Some parallels to the anglo-saxon pottery of Holland and Belgium in the migration period, LAntiquite classique, XVII, 1948, p. 453 и cл.
Myres (J. N. L.), Romano-Saxon Pottery, в: Dark Age Britam[N361],p. 16–39.
Thompson (J. D. A.), Inventory of British Coin Hoards, London, 1956.
В) Топонимия, лингвистика.
Ekwall (Eilert), The concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names, 4th ed., Oxford, 1960.
Forster (Max), Keltisches Wortgutim Englischen, Halle, 1921.
Forster (M.), Der Flussname Themse und seine Sippe, Munchen, 1941.
Jackson (Kenneth), The British Language during the period of the English settlement, в: Studies in Early British History [N330], p. 60–82.
Mawer (Allen), The chief elements used in English place-names, Cambridge, 1924.
Mosse; (Fernand), Esquisse dfune histoire de la langue anglaise, Lyon, 1947.
Smith (A. H.), English Place-Names elements, London, 1956,2 vol.
Smith (A. H.), Place-names and the Anglo-Saxon settlement, Proceedings of the British Academy, 1956, p. 67–88.
Stenton (F. M.), The historical bearing of place-name studies. Anglo-Saxon heathenism, Transactions of the roy hist. Soc, 1941, p. 1–24.
X. Различные германские народы
383) Schwarz (Е.), Die Herkunft der Alamannen, Vortrdge
und Forschungen, hrsg. von Th. Mayer, 1,1954, p. 37–51.
Раздел II. Современные работы
384) Boeles (Р. С. J. A.), Friesland tot de elfde eeuw, 2е ed., 4s
Gravenhage, 1951.
Csallany (D.), Archdologische Denkmaler der Gepiden im Mitteldonaubecken, Budapest, 1961.
Sevin (Heinrich), Die Gebiden, Munchen, 1955.
Саксы на континенте.
Ehmer (Helmut), Die sdchsischen Siedlungen auf dem franzbsischen Litus Saxonicum, Halle, 1937.
Lintzel (Martin), Der sdchsische Stammestaat und seine Eroberung durch die Franken, Berlin, 1933.
Loisne (comte de), La colonisation saxonne dans le Boulonnais, Mem. Soc. Nat. Antiq. France, 1906, p. 139–160.
Salin (E.), Les traces d'industrie et de peuplement saxon ou anglo-saxon en Gaule merovingienne, RA, 6e s., XXXII, p. 917–925.
Slicher van Bath (В. H.), Dutch tribal problems, Speculum, XXIV, 1949, p. 319–338.
См. также Tischler [N 157] и Lot [N 347].
392) Reynolds (R. L.), Reconsideration of the history of the