Davie had flung herself across the bed and was sobbing as the scheming, incestuous brother of her so- called 'friend' kneeled beside her on the floor, a comforting hand on her back.

'That's right, Davie, let it all out. Just cry away – everything you saw going on in that room. Let that whole scene between my sister and your dad wash right out of your eyes,' he told her tenderly, cunningly.

The distraught young girl cried even harder, her pitiful sobs filling the darkened bedroom. She felt lost, empty, and she didn't know where to turn. Her father… the one person in the world she loved and respected… lying there naked on the bed rutting with a woman she thought was a trusted friend… the same woman who had… been with her at the beach today… Oh God, oh God! The whole world was crashing down around her! She thought everything would be all right once she got to Eleuthera. Isn't that what Trish said? Isn't that what her father had said: 'Everything's going to work out fine… just fine!' Yes… for them!

Now Randy was her only friend. She had been betrayed by her father and Trish… and yet, they were doing something that's perfectly natural; something all grownups do… they wouldn't have done it in front of her. Still, she had always thought of sex as something good and clean, something you did with someone you really loved – not just the slapping together of bodies… She was so confused. If only she hadn't seen them together… if only she hadn't seen her mother with those two disgusting fairies… if only she hadn't let Trish lick her between the legs this afternoon… It was all too much, too fast. She didn't really hate her father, and she didn't really hate Trish, either; but something was lost, gone forever… Something had changed in her attitude toward the man who had sired her, and toward the woman who she thought was her friend – and she didn't know what it was. It only filled her with an unutterable sadness. She felt like a little girl lost.

The tears gushed freely until her lovely eyes stung and she felt her nose was a red balloon. She was only dimly aware that Randy was whispering consoling words in her ear; that he was stroking her dark hair and rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. His voice was hypnotic, his touch, reassuring.

'… and just forget it, Davie. Forget that they were naked on that bed… forget that they were all turned on and saying things… all those dirty words. Don't think about how they must have felt… what it must have been like for them on that bed… no, honey, just put all that out of your mind…'

Put it out of her mind. That's what she had to do, of course. That is what she would do. She'd put those pictures out of her mind, too… the ones in VIVA… Randy and that Oriental girl… No! Not Randy… somebody else…

Randy got up and sat on the edge of the bed. Her face was turned away from him and he kept stroking her hair and whispering comforting words, over and over… Then he stroked her shoulder again, and her soft, bare arm. His hand was warm; his touch was delicate, deft. It felt so good to be caressed by this handsome, understanding boy who was her only friend now. He was right, she mustn't think about what she saw a little while ago in Trish's bungalow; she mustn't let that image remain vividly implanted on her brain…

'Don't, Davie… don't think about it anymore…' he said as he gently took her shoulder in his hand and turned her over on her back. He brushed some wispy strands of hair away from her fevered face and smiled at her tenderly. He knew that his words were having the desired effect on her now; she was thinking about her father and Trish, of course, just as he had hoped she would. It's going to work after all, he thought exultantly. I'm going to score with this tight little cherry tonight!

Davie looked up into his strong, handsome face. His words seemed to flow like molasses into her ears. She was fully aware that he was telling her not to think of what she had witnessed, but the vision became fixed in her mind instead. In fact, the more he droned on, the more he stroked her hair and her arms and talked to her in his soporific way, the more clarified became the scene in her mind. She didn't want to think about it, but she couldn't put it out of her consciousness, she just couldn't.

And strangely enough, the images in the lovely teen's brain were beginning to have a certain physical effect on her innocent flesh as well. She could feel a strange, twitching sensation deep in her belly; the same kind of sensation she had felt when Randy kissed her on the steps. She suddenly felt like being kissed again, and she must have communicated this to the hot-blooded youth, for he slowly leaned over her and pressed his lips to hers again, not French kissing her this time, but just kissing her softly and tenderly and very, very excitingly.

She began to tremble slightly under the pressure of his chest against her body, not from shock or weeping now, but from something far more basic, something that was the captive woman inside yearning to break free…

Randy felt the young girl trembling beneath his embrace and he smiled inwardly. She's almost ready… almost. Easy does it, fella. This is the crucial moment, right now. Just a little bit more and you'll be home free!

He let his face rest on hers while he continued to stroke her hair and brush it away from her fevered face until finally, he let his hand move down, down ever so slowly and gently onto the swelling mound of her nubile young breast. She was breathing faster now, and so was he, as he continued to implant the image of her father's sexual escapade with his lucious, naked sister in her confused young mind.

He began to rub the pliant globe tenderly and lightly and he felt her stiffen at his touch. But she made no initial effort to push his hand away. He smiled to himself, confident that he had won the first round. He kept caressing her breast, running his thumb across the hardened little nipple, his heart pounding in his chest and his cock leaping like a wild bronco in his pants.

Suddenly, a red light flashed in Davie Knight's brain, warning her to stop this gentle boy's caresses, warning her to stop before it was too late, before her own body betrayed her and she was suddenly swept away in a flooding tide of passion. Yes, she had to stop him… stop him from feeling up her breast, even though it felt soooo good, so warm and wonderful. The sensations in her body were already beckoning her on… on into the dark and terrifying unknown. They were sounding a siren call to her most primitive and latent grownup desires…

'No! No, Randy! Stop!' she cried, pulling his hand away and rolling away from his into an upright, sitting position, her back to him and her head buried in her hands. She was a living, breathing conundrum of confused desire.

The lust-ridden youth was taken completely by surprise. He had been strongly confident that she was totally his now. He gaped at her for a moment, then reached out and grabbed her, pulling her back into the fold of his arms. 'Take it easy, Davie,' he panted, 'it's all right. Everything's just fine…'

Now he was saying it, too! Why was everything 'just fine' for everyone else except her? Nothing was 'just fine'…

She tried to resist him. 'No, you shouldn't touch me like that… you know you shouldn't; not after what we just saw. It's wrong.'

'What's wrong about it, Davie?' he asked desperately, feeling his conquest slipping irretrievably from him. 'It's not wrong – it's right, don't you see that, Davie? It's right because you're a woman now, Davie, a woman – with a woman's body and a woman's needs. You're ready to fulfill that womanhood… you're ready to give in to your emotions, Davie… to let that woman inside of you free…'

'Like Trish does… if that's the kind of woman I'm supposed to be – a bitch in heat!'

'You'll be fortunate – very fortunate – if you ever come half way close to being the woman Trish is!' he flung back hotly. Then he cursed himself for being so rash. 'What I mean, Davie, is that…' He drew a long breath. Shit! How do I get out of this one! 'See, your dad and Trish, they've both been around the block. They're mature people. They both dig it, because that's the way it's meant to be. If it wasn't, well, nobody would turn on in the first place. You'd see why they were doing it, you'd know why they were both naked on that bed together if you let yourself he the woman you are… if you let yourself go and make love… with me… I want to make love to you, Davie… I want to feel your beautiful naked body next to mine… want to give myself to you, the way a man gives himself to a woman… in bed…'

'Noooo!' she wailed, totally afraid now. She didn't understand what had come over Randy. He was so nice before, almost like a brother… What was he thinking of now? How could he be thinking of doing to her what her father was doing to Trish?

Randy was beside himself now. Panic mixed with pride and rage coursed through his young loins. You little

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