the moment.'

'Alright Philip, thank you,' murmured Julie.

'Quite alright my dear, the sea-air will do you a world of good, always does.'

Julie Moore hung up the telephone and started to look around her studio, she would take her sketchbook with her, do some studies of the ocean and the wildlife, anything to take her mind off of her problems. Oh Randy, she thought… I do love you!


Julie had been on the island for a couple of days before she began to realize that she was being studied. Two men in particular always seemed to be on the beach when she was, at first she had thought it coincidence but now she was convinced that they were after something. She was a little frightened, after all she thought to herself, I am alone at the house, anything could happen! She made a mental note to call Philip when she got back to the day, perhaps he would come out to the island later on. She lay back on the sand, pulling her sunhat down over her face just enough to cover the sun from her eyes but not enough to block the two young men from her view. She was curious now… who were they?

Idly now she began to study them, both of them looked around 25, they were both fairly tall, the only difference being that one was rather stocky with his height and the other quite slim. The slim man had dark black hair and was really quite handsome, the stocky one had sandy colored hair and wasn't as good looking although he was attractive. Suddenly she became aware that they were walking towards her… oh God! What should she do? Should she get up quickly and rush into the house? No time, they were almost at her side.

'Hi, I'm Pete Howard,' the slim dark-haired young man said smoothly and, 'I'm Tim Black,' the sandy-haired man said quickly following.

'Oh… hello,' Julie said shyly, 'I'm Julie Moore.'

'Hope you don't mind our pushing ourselves upon you, we noticed you yesterday, aren't too many people here during the week.'

'Is that so?' Julie said.

'Sure, this place is mobbed on weekends. New Yorkers' pile out here like ants, you won't believe it, that is if you're here then. How long are you staying?'

'I'm not sure, I'm in my friend's house and he may come out tonight to take me back to the city,' Julie said quickly, anxious to let the young men know that there was someone in her life that she wasn't open game.

The two young men were so charming however that Julie's fears were quickly dispelled, they chatted for a long while, went into the ocean together and before she really knew what she was doing, Julie found herself inviting them both back to the house for a drink.

'Love to,' they both echoed.

Julie was beginning to discover a sense of power with her new freedom. Ever since Randy had walked out on her she had become increasingly aware of how much of the outside world she had closed off, particularly in the direction of men. She had even ceased to think of herself as being really attractive until recently, in fact until Philip Randolph had paid her so much attention. Now, with two attractive young men at her feet she was really beginning to feel beautiful. The fact of the matter was that she was lonely and whether she knew it or not, she was also vulnerable, and her ego was being lifted by their very presence. She would have read the danger signs in their boldly moving eyes and in the persistent tingling excitement beginning to course through her own body, but she ignored the warnings. After all, neither of the young men had said a single thing out of order.

'What would you like to drink,' Julie asked them now back at the house.

'I'll take a scotch and soda,' Pete said quickly his gray blue eyes lingering on her breasts for a quick moment.

'Me too,' Tim said grinning a little at Pete's audacity.

'Here's to friendship,' Pete said, his eyes devouring Julie with sheer desire. The young woman caught his glance and suddenly wondered if maybe she had made a mistake inviting them both up to the house. She was apprehensive as she became aware of his salacious gaze, how could I have been so stupid?

A tingling warmth keened through her to stab at her belly without warning. It was completely unwanted and now she recognized the danger signals within herself. She had no intention of playing around with a couple of men she hardly knew. They had gotten into her house, but that didn't mean they had to stay there. She was amazed at what was happening down between her legs, she felt the seeping moistness and the turgid warmth in her genitals… it had been three days now since Philip had made love to her and she realized that she was quite horny. It was almost as if the fucking session with Philip had reawakened desire in her and now here she was with a couple of men she hardly knew quivering violently and wondering if they were going to rape her. I must be going mad, she thought to herself.

Immediately that Julie realized what was happening, the moment she sensed the mental communication that was going on between the two men she realized that the best thing for her to do would be to simply leave the house, they wouldn't dare do anything to her on the beach and surely they wouldn't have the nerve to wait in the house until she came back?

She glanced around the room, then quickly she headed for the door. Pete had been watching her intently however, realizing that his lecherous glances had frightened her and he was in front of her before she knew what was happening. 'Going somewhere Julie?' he inquired casually. 'We're nice men, you're not going to leave us alone are you?'

Tim was standing behind her now, too close for her comfort. 'Are you nervous about something,' he grinned lewdly behind her head.

Julie gasped inwardly when she saw the huge bulge of Pete's erection. It lurched, the movement catching her eye and causing her to shiver with unwanted expectancy.

Pete's now leering eyes followed her apprehensive gaze, and he expanded his fully erect penis again, purposefully, causing its hard length to be outlined against the cloth of his swimming trunks.

'Interested?' he grinned.

'No I'm not,' Julie said firmly trying to get out of the house, a tingle of fear running up and down her spine.

Behind her Tim's arms encircled her pinioning her own arms to her sides, as his hands covered and held the soft globes of her breasts, his fingers kneading deep into the tender flesh through her cover-up and the scanty bikini top. Instantly, she was aware that her nipples had come up hard and throbbing against his hands.

'Take your hands off me you dirty bastard!' she screamed.

'Naughty, naughty, such language for a lady,' sneered Tim, 'not a chance though,' he murmured in her ear, his loins thrusting against her so that she could feel the equally huge bulge of his fully erect cock against the small of her back. He kissed the nape of her neck.

Tiny wavelets of rising passion cascaded through her tense body. God! How was she to cope with two men intent upon seducing her… or raping her? 'I'll scream,' she threatened.

'Why would you want to do that?' Pete seemed surprised. Then quickly he pressed in close to her, his strong hands holding her head in a vise-like grip as he lowered his lips to hers, capturing their softness, his tongue probing between them, while below, the hard length of his erection bulging inside his swimming suit group up firmly against her rapidly inflamed loins, which were encased only in her scanty bikini bottoms. Thrilling sensations sang along her nerve endings, concentrated there between her legs, the soaring melodies of her passion gaining in constant crescendo until with a sizzling crash she knew that she was lost. She actually wanted this, something weird and perverse inside of her wanted them to take her, it was almost as if another side of her nature was now being released within her, she who had spent so much time devoting her energies to her artwork was now actually craving and drawing to her men, men whose sole intention was her body, they didn't care about her soul or her art, they just wanted to ravage her body!

Momentarily, she had resisted Pete's kiss, keeping her teeth clamped tightly shut but when it happened to her, her churning belly defying the voice of reason and answering only to the primal rhythm of the two massive cocks grinding against her and the moist warmth of Pete's inquiring tongue and lips against her mouth, she melted against them, her jaws opening slightly to allow his oral member to slide between the barrier of her teeth to taste the sweetness of her. At the same time, her hips began an almost imperceptible undulation of their own,

Вы читаете An unholy lust
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