sandwich. 'Well, I had a very strange phone call this morning and when I told the dean about it, he just brushed it off.'

'I wonder why.' Julie's eyes were wide, puzzled.

'No idea. There's something odd. He didn't show any inclination at all to have this allegation investigated.'

'What was the phone call about, Brad?'

'It was about orgies taking place at the old School Board offices.'

A look of shock, a little shudder of horror passed over her face. 'Orgies?'

'Yes,' Brad's voice was dull, dispirited.

'How did this anonymous phone caller know about it?'

'Apparently, he says, he heard it from one of the youngsters involved… a kid… Janice's age… and the things they were doing to her…'

'What things?' Julie's eyes were wide again, her voice scarcely more than a whisper.

'I don't want to talk about it. Julie. It's so sinful. Lewd and evil, that's all. I can't tell you. You wouldn't want to hear such disgusting things.'

The minister sat staring across the room. He didn't want to talk about the things that went on at the School Board offices, but he couldn't help thinking about them. Once again, he thought of what he'd heard of a young girl lying on a bed, her slim white thighs spread wide while some dirty old man ran his fingers along the sensitive skin up between them, stopped at the little triangle of curly pubic hair, teased at it, and licked his middle finger towards the glistening hole half hidden within. Lord, he could almost see it, almost see the lewd expression on the man's face, as he traced the narrow slit of her cunt, then stopped to burrow in between the moist warm walls. He could almost see the leers on the faces of the men watching… how many would be there? Five or six? A dozen? He didn't know, but he knew one thing for sure; he'd like to expose these perverts and prosecute them to the full extent of the law.

Did all the men out there stay in the room with the girl and the man who were copulating so obscenely? Or were they watching through the two way mirrors that the caller said they had out there? Reverend Corman had never seen anything remotely like a two way mirror but he'd heard about such things. Dear God, the whole idea made him practically violently ill. He got up, started pacing restlessly back and forth, got himself another drink, and drained it in practically one swallow.

'Well, if you don't want to,' she said.

'It's not just the story, Julie,' he said, shaking his head.

'Then what?'

Brad couldn't tell her. Merciful heavens! She was so good and decent; the kind of wife any man was lucky to have. A wonderful woman, the very best. How could he talk to her about such depravity, such filth. She wouldn't even understand. What if he told her about some of the other things that went on there… at least, what he had heard… the way some men like to lick the pussies of these little girls.

They would get them on a bed, and spread their legs out, and begin by running their tongues over the snowy mounds of their round little breasts, stopping long enough to fasten their mouths on the tiny ruby-like buds of their throbbing nipples, licking them into a taut erection. And then they would begin to race the narrow valley between the two firm spheres, running their tongues the length of it, running them down, too, over the youngster's slightly swelling belly. It would be a matter of moments before the man would have his head poised above the little patch of softly curling pussy hair that lay between her widespread thighs. And then it would flash forward, and his tongue would dart out, to slip deeply into the narrow channel there. He couldn't tell Julie that. In fact, he couldn't even stay in the living room with his wife any longer.

'I'm. going to sit out in the back yard for a while. You go on to bed.'

Julie looked puzzled but didn't question her husband even when he slammed out the back door with the brandy bottle under his arm.

Corman wandered around his back yard for awhile, then sat down on the porch swing. He was all alone and it wasn't a cool night. He put his head in his hands, closing his eyes, trying to set his mind on church matters instead of the orgies he was certain were taking place even as he sat here, out at the School Board offices. He tried to concentrate on his daughter, on his wife, but his mind kept slipping back to the scenes that were being enacted right that moment.

Just as in his dream, there was something about the idea that began to send little ripples of arousal up his spine, to make his balls ache, his penis jerk and lurch. He tried to think it hadn't happened, wasn't happening, tried to put the sinful thoughts out of his mind. But the bulge in his pants was proof that it was physical as well as mental. The reverend felt an obscene tingling in his balls as he thought of innocent young girl's legs spread nakedly in front of the older man who teased and licked her moistly squirming pussy while dozens of men watched hungrily!

The disturbed minister closed his eyes and seemed to see Julie lying in bed, beneath him. God, he thought, what would she do if he did anything like that to her… ran his tongue down over her voluptuous body, sent it slithering deep inside her… Holy Father! What was the matter with him? He was a man of God, his wife was a fine woman, and they loved each other as decent people should and here he was thinking about these lewd and forbidden practices that only heathens and anti-Christians practiced.

He closed his eyes, clenching his fists, trying to turn his thoughts to something else. But the image of all the perverted acts going on up at the School Board refused to disappear. What would it be like?

He felt the excitement again, felt the tingling in his balls, the throbbing there, felt that it would drive him crazy if he stayed there on the porch swing any longer. He poured himself another drink and downed it as he had the other ones. He didn't normally drink! What on earth was the matter with him? The usually mild-mannered minister was angry at the dean, that was one thing but there was more to it than that. He dared not mention his lewd thoughts but what he really wanted to do was to fuck Julie silly, throw her down and fuck her until she couldn't walk! Do everything to her, too, that he'd never dared to do. Maybe he was a minister… but he was a man, too and he wanted to do things that a man did!

Wearily, Brad got up from the swing and went into the kitchen latching the back door. He stumbled a little and for the first time he realized that he was rather drunk. He turned the light on noticing that the whole house was by this time in darkness. Julie must be asleep but he didn't want her asleep. He wanted his wife to be the woman in his dream earlier that evening.

He bumped into the bedroom door and he could already feel the stiff hard bulge of his penis, rigid as an iron rod, pulsing hotly against the cotton fabric of the pajamas he was still wearing. Well, by heavens, he was going to sleep in the nude tonight! He pulled off his bottoms and let them fall to the floor. His desire-hardened cock sprang forth, suddenly free, jutting out before him. He stood for a minute, staring first at his throbbing rod of flesh then at the quiet form of his wife, lying still under the blankets. Her eyes were closed as if she were asleep and he wondered if she really was.

'Julie?' he muttered.

She lay still, eyes closed as tightly as ever. Why did she have to play dead, tonight of all nights? She'd done it often enough before, he knew, but he wasn't in the mood for it now. In an uncustomary aggressive action, he ripped the blankets back off her outstretched body, then seized the nightgown she wore, jerking it up to her shoulders.

Her eyes fluttered open, the bewildered look in them changing quickly to one of fear. 'Brad!' she cried. 'What are you doing? What do you want?'

'What do you think I want?' he shot back. And when she covered her mouth to stifle a scream, he snapped, 'I want to fuck you, that's what I want!'

An expression of disgust filtered across her face and she pursed her lips and turned her head away. 'Really, Bradley,' she reprimanded primly. 'It's not like you to be so vulgar.'

'That's how I feel.'

'Bradley, you're drunk,' Julie said. She slid across the bed right to the other side. 'I think you should sleep on the day bed.'

'I'm going to sleep with my wife and I'm going to fuck her senseless.'

She gave another little cry of alarm as he lunged forward; seizing the nightgown again. Suddenly, he flung himself on the bed, hunching over her, while she cowered against the mattress, trying to burrow into it as if she

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