Her lips kept active, kissing my clit when she wasn't licking it, and those kisses usually turned, slowly but surely, into a prolonged bout of sucking. Not to mention a little nibble or two, from time to time, just to keep me moaning. Which I was happy to be.

So there was no way I could keep on merely looking at Dierdre's cunt. I planted an index finger on each side of her gash, once I'd found the damned thing, what with all that hair, and I opened her, as gently as my excitement would allow.

She split easier than I had, and her inner labia came puffing out at me as her petals unfolded. They were plump, meaty flanges, a salmon color that looked delicious to my admiring eyes, and as I spread them, I could see her clit, already well on its way to full arousal not to mention the liquid jelly that coated the tender fleshed mouth of her snatch itself. As she opened up, too, there was a delightful aroma of sex that was suddenly much, much more intoxicating than the Colombian we'd blown together a few minutes ago. I looked at her pussy for another moment, drinking it in with my eyes, and then I had to begin drinking it in with my lips and tongue.

'Mmmmmmmm,' I heard her sing into my own pussy, the vibrations exciting me nearly as much as her tongue work. 'It really is a big deal, isn't it, Barbara?'

'Bet your ass it is,' I agreed throatily. A moment later I was in her, up to my ears.

I hadn't eaten girls that many times, to be truthful. Most of my experience had been with mutual masturbation; we'd only gotten down to lips and tits on rare occasions. I really wasn't very good at it. Or at least, I didn't think I was. But it seemed that the moment I got my tongue into Dierdre's pussy, I became an expert. I didn't know what I was doing, but my tongue had no doubts. It thrust and scooted about, slipping and sliding across the folds of her salmon-pink pussy, and before I knew it, I was sticking my tongue up her hole in a series of quick thrusting penetrations, going a little deeper each time. She was sticky in there, as far as my tongue could go, and the juices of her flooded into my mouth, sweet as honey and so delicious I wondered if I could ever stop feasting here, at her cunt.

I let my middle fingers take over the work of keeping Dierdre open, and my index fingers poked their way into her pussy, along with my tongue. She had the largest clit I've ever seen, a big, red protuberance that looked, from extreme close-up, as big as a busted thumb. And if it was extra large, it was also extra sensitive. She came, the first time, the moment my fingertips pinched off the base of her clitoris and skidded upward, slithering across the glisteny tip of the tender button. I heard her cry out 'Aaaaaaaaiiieeeeee!' in a voice full of wonder and appreciation, and her pussy came slap-slap-slapping up at me, the hole's active muscles clutching furiously where my tongue was thrust between them. I thought she was going to pull the tongue right out of my mouth and suck it all the way up her cooze. But I don't think I'd have minded too much if she had.

Still, I felt a little jealousy, for she was coming like a bandit and here I was, not quite satisfied. I'd been close, by myself on the bed before she came in and she had me dangling now, just waiting for her to finish the job she'd begun.

Only Dierdre was selfishly enjoying her own orgasm, almost totally ignoring me. Her finger was in me, but it wasn't moving, and her tongue and lips had broken off their clever attacks on my labia and clit. I humped around on the bed, trying to remind her of what she was supposed to be doing, but she just lay there moaning and whimpering her pleasure.

'Bitch!' I growled, jerking my tongue out of her cunt. I replaced it with three fingers of my right hand, bunched into a spear like cluster. I stabbed her deeply, and she screamed again, a delirious keening cry of acceptance. Her pussy muscles rippled energetically around my fingers, and she was as wet as a girl can be without recourse to a bathtub. The juice was leaking out of her in torrents. I scooped up some of it with my left hand and massaged it into the fleshy swell of her pubic mound, coating the hairs with Dierdre's cuntal essences.

'Don't just lay there,' I said finally. 'Do something or let me have it!'

'Ohlih, sorrrryyyyy,' she trilled, giggling. And then I wasn't sorry at all, because she gave it to me. I mean, really gave it to me! She covered my clit with her dripping mouth and she sucked, and she got me spread widely enough to take four fingers up my pussy, which was two more than I'd ever been able to get into myself at one time.

I couldn't stop screaming. So loudly, in fact, that it scared me. To muffle the cries of pleasure, I jerked my fingers out of Dierdre's way and sucked up a mouthful of hair and snatch, whimpering against the furry pillow of flesh as she gave me bloody hell. Her fingers hadn't looked especially big if anything, they seemed slender and delicate, as a girl's lingers ought to be but they felt like Johnny had come to life in my pussy. And the way her lips and tongue flogged and suckled my clit! She had me afire in six heartbeats, and she had me coming in six more. Really coming! It was ten times better than the one I'd been about to give myself on the bed before she came in. It was at least two times better than any other come I'd ever had. In all my life. Swear to God.

We came apart slowly, me shivering and trembling and sweating from every pore of my body. Dierdre had calmed down a little more than I, and she petted me indulgently as she rearranged herself on the bed, putting us face-to-face instead of face-to-cunt. I squirmed, anxious to feel her body against mine, and one of my hands shot up to stroke her tit where it peeked over the low top of her bra. The nipple was small and hard and my fingers closed upon it possessively. I squeezed her nipple as if it had been my own, and I heard her sigh deep in her chest. She put her own hands on my tits, and plied them delicately but determinedly. As her fingers teased and toyed with my nipples I felt another, briefer, come floating through me. I closed my eyes and swam into it, moaning wistfully.

I untied her hair ribbons and let the thick dark hair cascade onto her shoulders. It was as silky and tender to the touch as her beaver had proven to be, and there was so much of it! I combed her hair down with my fingers, found that it would reach to just below her breasts when it was given full rein. We made a little game out of that. I swirled her hair, made it veil her nipples, then moved in with my lips to part the hair and find the hidden brown treasure inside.

She couldn't get enough of my hair, either. She worked her fingers through the threads of ultra pale blonde, even folded some of my hair into her own so that we were trapped and locked in a bond of hair. We kissed a lot, and we couldn't keep our hands off one another, and I was glad, somehow, that I'd waited this long to have a really meaningful relationship with another girl, because it was perfect. I wasn't jaded. I could enjoy each and every sensation with her, and Dierdre could appreciate my sense of wonder and delight.

'I think I'm going to like it here,' I said finally, as we lay just touching, both of us too tired to do anything else.

'I hoped you would,' Dierdre replied, running a finger across my lips. I parted them and sucked the finger inside, giving it a special kind of greeting, with lots of tongue and lip and cheek work. 'You're pretty good,' she said as I went down on her finger. 'How are you with guys?'

'Depends on the guy,' I said, releasing her. 'I haven't had much luck in that direction. Not compared to tonight.'

'So what are you doing this weekend? Going home, I guess?'

Actually, I wasn't. That was the one thing I really didn't care for about this school. New students had to show up the Thursday before Labor Day, for registration and physical and orientation. That took care of Thursday and Friday. Then we had the long weekend, with school officially beginning on Tuesday, after Labor Day.

I'd planned on spending a lonely holiday, here at the school. Daddy had already told me he'd be out of state over Labor Day and that I might as well stay at the school. One or two of the new girls were going to be here the whole weekend, but only one or two, and it had promised to be a lot of fun.

'No,' I said, 'I'd figured to stay here, maybe get a few chapters read in my classes, you know?'

'Oh,' said Dierdre, 'that can't be! If you're not going to your home, why don't you come home with me? Sure! Hey, it's fine with my parents. They would love you. Really! And if you're having bad luck with guys, you ought to meet my older brother! Picture Warren Beatty with a Kentucky accent.'

'I don't know,' I pondered.

'Sure,' she went on. 'You come home with me tomorrow, and maybe Saturday or Sunday we can go to our place on the river. We'll have a picnic. My brother can show you how to ride a motorcycle, if you don't already know, and – oh, you'll just have to meet my family. I think you'll like them. Everybody thinks his own family is tops, I know, but, well, mine is special. Really and truly. So will you come?'

'Why not?' I said. The prospect of spending my holiday with Dierdre suddenly seemed very inviting. As to her brother or the rest of the family, well, if they were half as nice as their daughter, I couldn't help but like them,

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