standing on the other side of the door.

'Hello?' she called.

'Excuse me,' replied a masculine voice. 'I'm looking for Barbara Kelley.'

'She's not here.'

Tracey was at her shoulder. 'If you don't know who it is, don't let him in,' she hissed.

The man at the door must have heard her.

'Whoever said that is absolutely right. Never open the door to strangers. I'll come back another time.'

The figure disappeared, and Jenna turned back to her curious friends. 'Probably a bill collector,' she said. 'Or he's selling something. I've never seen him before.'

'Did you get a good look at him?' Emily asked.

'Not really. He was tall, he had dark hair . . .Why are you grinning like that?'

'Because I was right with my prediction! You just met a tall, dark, handsome stranger.'

'I couldn't tell if he was handsome,' Jenna pointed out.

Emily sighed. 'Well, he was tall and dark and he was a stranger. Three out of four isn't bad.' Then, suddenly, her face changed and she shivered.

'Now what's the matter?' Jenna asked.

'I just got a bad feeling about him,' Emily said. 'Like maybe he's not a nice person.'

'That doesn't make sense,' Tracey said. 'If he was a burglar or something like that, he wouldn't have told Jenna not to open the door.'

'That's true,' Emily admitted. 'See? You can't rely on me. I get these visions, but a lot of the time I don't understand what they mean.'

'It's too bad we can't blend our gifts and work together,' Tracey commented. 'Jenna could read your mind and make sense out of what you see in your head.'

'She can't read my mind,' Emily reminded her.

'I didn't say that,' Jenna argued. 'I never try.'

'Try now,' Emily urged. 'What am I thinking?'

Jenna closed her eyes and concentrated. Then she frowned. 'Nothing. You're as empty as Carter Street.'

Emily grinned. 'I just imagined a wall in front of my thoughts.'

'Ooh, let me try that!' Tracey cried out excitedly. 'Jenna, try to read my mind.'

'You made me promise not to.'

'Well, I release you from your promise, just for one minute. Starting now.'

Feeling like a circus performer, Jenna groaned, but how could she say no to someone who was putting her up for two weeks? So she closed her eyes again.

It didn't take much concentration to read Tracey's thoughts. 'You're thinking about dinner tonight and hoping for spaghetti and meatballs.'

Tracey made a face. 'But I put up a wall, just like Emily did. A brick wall! How come it didn't work for me?'

'How should I know? 'Jenna retorted. 'Why are some of Emily's predictions right and others not?'

'We're mysteries,' Emily said. 'We're not like other people. We've got weird gifts that we don't understand, so we can't expect them to work all the time until we learn more about them.'

Once again, vague, scatterbrained Emily was making an intelligent observation. They really were mysteries, all of them, Jenna thought.

And personally, she liked being a mystery. It meant that life would be full of surprises.

Chapter 5

THE NEXT DAY, WHEN she arrived at school, Amanda went up to the principal's office. There was a student working at the reception desk--a girl named Heather who'd been in Amanda's geometry class last year. Heather wasn't a nerd, but she wasn't in the top clique either, and Amanda was pretty sure she could get Heather to do her a favor.

She was right, and after graciously accepting a compliment from Heather on her new yellow platform shoes, she left the office with a copy of Ken Preston's class schedule. Then she organized her day so that she would accidentally bump into him at various times between classes.

The first two times, he didn't even see her. The third time, he saw her, and when she greeted him, he said hi but didn't stop to talk. And the fourth time, when she tried to start a conversation, he claimed to be busy and hurried off.

It didn't make any sense. Was it possible--really, truly possible--that he wasn't attracted to her? It was hard to believe, but she decided she would have to explore all the possibilities of getting together with him.

For the first time since she'd started the class, she hurried to room 209. She knew Ken wouldn't be there-- he always showed up at the last minute. There was someone else she wanted to see--someone who just might be able to help her connect with Ken.

Being the perfect student, Sarah was already in her seat when Amanda arrived. Whoever sat in front of her wasn't there yet, so Amanda took that seat. Sarah looked up in surprise.

'Hello, Amanda.'

Amanda tried to remember if she'd ever spoken directly to Sarah. She didn't think so, but she smiled brightly and tried to act as if they talked every day.

'Hi, Sarah. How're you doing?'

Sarah recovered from her shock quickly. 'Fine. How are you?'

Amanda put on a doleful face. 'Not too good.'

Sarah had a reputation for being sweet and understanding, and she demonstrated that now. She looked concerned. 'What's the matter?'

'It's Ken,' Amanda said sadly. 'You know--Ken Preston, in our class.'

'What's wrong with Ken?'

'Well, he's so timid . . .'

'Really? I never noticed that.'

Amanda continued quickly. 'Well, he is, and I know he wants to ask me out, but he's too shy. Maybe you could help him.'

Sarah looked confused, 'What could I do?'

'You've got that special ability to make people do things with your mind. And I was thinking, you could make him ask me out. Nothing major--just something like a movie or miniature golf.'

Sarah just stared at her, speechless. Her eyes were very wide.

'It would just be this one time,' Amanda assured her. 'I'm sure once I got him alone, he'd recover from his shyness. Would you do this for me? I mean, for him?'

Sarah shook her head. 'I can't, Amanda.'

'Of course you can. You've got the gift!'

'I suppose I should say, 'I won't.' Amanda, my gift is dangerous. And the only way I can deal with it is to not use it at all.'

'But that's silly!' Amanda exclaimed. 'It's just a date. How is that dangerous?'

'That's not the point, Amanda.'

Amanda frowned. She didn't care about the point. She just wanted a date.

Sarah explained, 'I used to have a fantasy about going to the Winter Olympics so I could help the figure skaters not fall. But 1 know now that doing good deeds can be just as dangerous as doing bad deeds. Because one thing could lead to another. Do you see what I mean?'

'No. Look, Sarah, if you do this for me, we could be friends. You could sit with us at lunch.' Amanda knew that her table, with Britney, Sophie, Nina, Katie, and the others, was considered the best girls' table in the

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