saw them making their way up through the crowded area just below.

He wanted to wave, but that seemed as if it would be a breach of the plan he and Denise had concocted. He hunched down a little and simply waited. When Denise came in to take the seat next to him, he heard his father saying, “I don't care for stock car races. Hell, I spend the whole goddamn day looking at the lumps of metal. This is like a busman's holiday. How'd you ever talk me into this, Denise?”

“You know,” she said sweetly. “You were fucking me when you agreed. I think you would have agreed to anything then.” Fred felt his mother stir, then turn and peer up at Denise and Don. She said, “What do you mean, while he was fucking you? You mean that he and…” Words escaped her. “Hey, what's going on here?” demanded Don. “Did you two connive to get us out here together?” He looked accusingly at Denise, then down to Fred. Both of them were smiling ear to ear. “Did you really screw Denise?” Gloria demanded.

“Yeah,” Don truculently replied and then added, “And I'll bet Fred got you out here in about the same way. Where'd you fuck him? In the library?” Gloria blushed and Don knew he'd hit the nail on the head. “All right, you two. Give with the explanations.” “We just thought a little family outing would be nice,” said Fred. “And Denise, after all, is just like one of the family. At least, I think of her that way.” He squeezed her hand and received a comforting pressure in reply. “Shit,” was all Don had to say as he sat down on the cold bench. Denise moved to where Fred had been sitting and rapidly whispered with Gloria. The older woman shook her head, then slowly seemed to come to an agreement about whatever the problem was they discussed. “What's happening, Fred? You didn't get us out in the cold for nothing. I know you. You love your comfort.”

“Just wait and see, Dad. Just wait and I assure you that you'll do more than see!” “Sounds cryptic. Hey, wha-” The blanket across their laps suddenly sprouted two big lumps. Gloria and Denise had dived under the blanket and worked their way between the men's legs.

“Ummm, I think I'm going to like this a bunch, Dad,” said Fred as soon as he felt eager fingers unzipping his trousers. His cock flopped out limply only to be caught up and gently stroked. The look on his father's face told him a similar nice thing was happening to him.

Don asked, “Who's under there? Is it Denise or Gloria?” He started to lift the blanket to see but Fred stopped him. “Don't look,” he ordered. “Guess which one. It's more fun that way.” “What the hell are you talking about? They can't suck us off out here. We're in public!” “Yeah,” said Fred wickedly. “Just as you and Denise were this afternoon. I beard all about that. On a car? In plain view of everyone passing by? Gosh, Dad, I didn't know you got off on things like that!” “Umph,” the man answered, his face appearing a little strained. “I don't. Usually. But, dammit, which one is sucking so hard on my pecker? I've got to find out!” But Fred prevented him from looking again. The anonymous heads under the blanket could belong to either Gloria or Denise. And that excited him. Was it his girlfriend slowly stroking up and down his semi-erect prick? Or was it his mother worshiping his balls, fondling them, gently bouncing them up and down?

He gasped when he felt the wetness of ruby lips press against the very end of his prick. His boner grew gradually as the eager mouth began to really suck on his glans. And all the time fingers massaged the balls dangling limp and loose under the length of his firehose.

When the head began to move back and forth in a rapid face-fucking, he felt himself come fully erect. His hard-on was almost painful. Usually he snapped right to attention, but the work he'd done that afternoon had taken some of the lead from his pencil. After he finished balling his mother in the library, Fred went over to Denise's house.

The two of them had spent most of the afternoon comparing notes on the relative fucking abilities of Fred's parents. And, in the course of the discussion, both had gotten so aroused that it was only natural that they begin to screw. Fred had lost count of how many times Denise had gotten off. He knew it was a couple dozen because he'd fucked her until he'd come, then when he was able to ball again, they'd gone at it as hot and as heavy as the first time, maybe more so. While his balls didn't actually ache, they were a bit sore from the repeated fucking he'd engaged in. But this was so nice and soothing- and stimulating!-that he couldn't complain. The woman under the blanket was doing a thorough job of giving him head. Her lips brushed all over his cock and then she began to lightly nip at his flesh with her teeth. It wasn't hard enough to hurt but it did give him something to contrast the softness of her lips against.

“How's it going, Dad?” He turned and looked at his father, obviously lost in the enjoyment of the mysterious blow job.

“Great, son. I… I didn't know I'd get such a kick out of getting sucked off in public like this.” The man had to shout just a bit to make himself heard. The roar of the cars passing by on the track would have muffled his voice otherwise. As if realizing that others might have heard what he said, he suddenly looked guilty.

“Don't worry, Dad. They don't know. And if any of them do, they're bound to be jealous of us! Ummm, that's nice. She just tried to stuff her damned tongue down my piss-slit. Didn't make it, of course, but simply trying-God!” “Yeah, I know the feeling.

There's this rough, wet tongue toying with my balls right now. H-have you figured out who it is giving you the blow job?” “Nope, and I don't care as long as she keeps giving me moves like that!” He settled back and simply let the sucking mouth work its magic on his cock. The roar of the cars down below on the oval track drowned out the lewd, obscene sucking noise that was coming from under the blanket. He felt a rough tongue begin to lick along his entire length as if he were nothing more than a meaty popscicle. She started at the base, letting his balls know exactly what she intended to do. The entire hairy bag was drawn into her mouth where she could use her tongue to the best advantage. And when she began to lightly gnaw on the man's nuts, he almost jetted off then and there. Don moaned loudly and gripped at the mound under the blanket that was the girl's head.

“Shit, woman, your mouth is killing me!” he yelled over the roar of the stock cars. “But I love it! Keep working on my prick!” A vendor passing by with a tray loaded with beer and soda pop turned and stared at Don and Fred for a moment, then shrugged and went on his way. Both exchanged glances, then laughed. Fred told his father, “I wonder what he's thinking?” “Probably along the lines of 'what they're getting, I ain't selling.'” Don found it increasingly hard to simply sit still. The woman had spat out the hairy sac containing his balls and was licking and lightly nipping with her teeth along the entire length of his cock. She wasn't missing a single square inch of tasty prick. He knew that she was breathing harder; he could feel her gusty sighs in the tangled mat of his bush. The hot air was making him get more and more aroused as the minutes crept by.

Everything about this public blow job was turning him on more than he'd have believed possible just a few hours earlier. When she reached the end of his cock, she simply enmouthed the glans and began to suck for all she was worth. For a horrifying instant, Don thought his guts were going to be pulled out the end of his prick. The suction she applied to his cock was almost more than he could stand. The man loved the feel of a woman's soft lips working sensuously against his cock and could enjoy that sensation all night long-usually. This wasn't a normal blow job by any means. The very act of doing it where any of the crowd might suspect was an added thrill. Don wondered how he and Gloria had ever missed doing something like this before. He remembered back on the afternoon and the extra zest he'd gotten out of fucking Denise in full view of anyone caring to stop and give a second look. That girl had one hell of a hot pussy! And it was made all the more desirable by the fact that they'd been on public display.

Not for the first time since those luscious lips had closed over the tip of his pecker did the man wonder who was giving him such great head. It might be Denise. The girl was positively cock-hungry. She would do anything to get that long manly pole shoved into her pussy or, Don guessed, into her mouth. But this could be Gloria. His own wife could be giving him the best head of his life and he didn't even know it! “F-fred,” he stuttered out, “tell me. I got to know. Is that Gloria or Denise sucking my cock?” “Hell, Dad, I don't have the foggiest idea. Does it matter that much?” “Yeah, it does. I gotta know.” “Okay then, girls, switch partners!”

Don was horrified to see the lumps under the blanket switch positions. For a dreadful moment his cock began to cool off, being exposed to the cold night air. Then another set of warm, loving lips closed on his prick and continued sucking where the other had quit.

Now he knew the answer. One of them had to be Gloria! But was it the first set of lips of was it this one? He still didn't know!

But the words were beginning to fail him. He felt his jism rising along the length of his prick. No amount of trying would hold it back.

He closed his eyes and almost drown in the sensations of fellation washing through his body. He fought to hold in his come. He knew the tiny drop of preseminal fluid had already leaked out-and a quick tongue had scooped it up in a flash. He tried to sort everything out and guess who it was under the blanket. Gloria had given

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