their time leaving the office. Thorne stayed in his seat and watched them go, his mind wandering. He span his chair round and gazed out of the window. A glorious view of the industrial estate on the other side of the AS. Stores with names like Carpet Kingdom and Shoe World and Dictatorship of Leather. Vast, American-style warehouses. Everything becoming more American.

Including the killings.

Thorne watched the little square cars passing the big square superstores. From the windows on the other side of the building, he could gaze down at the college parade ground, occasionally see recruits being put through their paces.

Either way, the view was depressing.

'Looked interesting…'

Thorne spun round. McEvoy was perched on the edge of his desk, waiting to be told everything. He couldn't be arsed with telling her much more than was blatantly obvious from his expression. 'Not really.'

McEvoy wasn't going to be fobbed off. 'Seemed like a slippery customer.'

Thorne said nothing. She had one last crack at him. 'I was especially impressed by the subtle way he managed to give my tits the once over.'

Thorne laughed. 'It wasn't that subtle…'

'Trust me, it's relative. Is he going to be a problem?'

'I don't think so, as long as we let Mr. Norman think he's keeping the massed hordes of the press at bay. Right now, I've promised him this e-fit as soon as. We need to get Murrell and Knight in here…'

McEvoy edged herself off the desk. Thorne saw her eyes flick away from him for a second. Bad news. 'What?'

'That was actually what I needed to see you about.' McEvoy tried to sound matter of fact. 'We can't find Margie Knight.'

'Can't find her?' Thorne was shouting. He knew that heads would be turning outside the office door.

'Look, she must have freaked out after she talked to us. Maybe she's gone on holiday…'

Thorne stood up, stomped across the small office. 'For fuck's sake, Sarah. We should have brought her in here straight away, got an e-fit then.'

'She's a prostitute. She has a natural dislike for the police because most of the time we're trying to arrest her or stop her making a living. You reckon we should have dragged her across London, tied her to a chair?'

McEvoy was reacting aggressively to the anger born out of Thorne's frustration, but he knew that she was right. Co-operation had to be just that. Memory was an untrustworthy thing at the best of times. Never a reliable ally. The last thing it needed was to be forced.

'Couldn't we just go with Murrell's description for now?' McEvoy asked. 'Maybe give the press a couple of options. With and without glasses…'

'No.' Thorne knew only too well how much of a difference a description could make. He'd made costly mistakes before. Inaccuracies, inconsistencies, were unavoidable, but keeping them to a minimum could save lives. It was that horribly simple.

'Murrell's description is five months old. Margie Knight had a good look at this fucker two weeks ago.' He walked back towards his desk, stopping opposite McEvoy, making it very clear. 'I want to see the face she's carrying around in her head. We'll put it together with Murrell's and then we'll see what he looks like.' She nodded. He moved across to his chair and sat down. 'So, what are we doing?'

'I've called in a few favours at Vice and every uniform in the area is carrying a description. We'll find her.'

Thorne looked at her. Her face was often difficult to read, but at that moment it told him that whether McEvoy found Margie Knight or not, she'd tear every dodgy sauna, massage parlour and tin-pot knocking shop in the city apart trying. He leaned back in his chair and tried to sound as if he was still a little pissed off.

'Go on then…'

The doubts swept over him with the draught from the door that McEvoy slammed behind her. For a minute or two with McEvoy, when the anger had taken hold, he'd sounded almost decisive. It had almost been as if he actually had an idea what he was doing. Two weeks since Ruth Murray and Carol Garner had died and they were going backwards fast. Scrabbling about for leads from two murders committed five months before that.

Thorne knew that he was going to spend the rest of the day working by numbers and fighting away two horrible thoughts. The first was that probably, no, almost certainly, the only thing that would help the case move forwards now, that could provide a springboard that might lift the investigation on to another level, was another pair of bodies. The second was not so much a thought as a feeling; like a virus or an infection lurking within him, waiting to burst into life, clammy and clinging, and immune to treatment.

A feeling that they wouldn't have to wait too long. The police came to the office today, Karen. Two of them, hunting in pairs. Like the men they're after…

They were just sniffing around really. It wasn't at all dramatic. There was no smashing down of doors or snipers on the rooftops opposite. It's difficult to know just how much they've worked out. I've been racking my brains ever since they left but it gives me a headache just thinking about it. They wouldn't have come if they hadn't made a connection between Jane and the other one, you know… Ruth, the one behind the railway station. They must know about that. But how much do they know about the others?

About his? I can't work it out at all…

All the time they were here, I knew that I could have ended it with a word. It would have been so easy to fall on the floor in front of them and confess. This is complete fantasy, I know. If I hadn't been terrified of the police, I would never have begun this in the first place, would I? So, I'm left, as usual, confessing to you, Karen. I must tell you that your face, the face I see in my mind's eye as I'm confessing, is full of understanding, and warmth. Full of love.

My work's really starting to suffer now and people have noticed. I got a warning the other day. I don't think they'd ever sack me or anything but if I want to carry on moving up in the company, you know, the intimation was that I'd better buck my ideas up. How can I concentrate on anything, Karen? How can I think about anything, with what's in my head? I'm amazed that I can still breathe. I'm astonished, all the time, that I can eat, and walk and dress myself.

All I can see are open mouths and red eyes and spit on teeth. All I can hear are grunts and gulps and the sound of blood bubbling out of holes.

All I can feel is dead flesh against my fingers. This is not even the worst, Karen. There is something much, much worse. All this, the sensory memories of these acts, might fade I suppose, given time, but time is something I am not being given.

Two weeks, no more, only two weeks since I pushed that girl into the shadows and put my clumsy, great hands on her. It's only been two weeks, Karen. Fourteen days, that's all. Hardly time to catch my breath and already there is a new set of… instructions. Soon, I've got to do it again.


He knew, even before he'd come, that this would be the last time. He'd glanced down at the head of the man on his knees in front of him and seen the bald patch and the grease and the bits of scurf in his hair, and decided. This was probably as good a time as any to call it a day. He'd put enough money away in the last three years. Now, he could move on.

He'd only spent a short time begging, and even then he'd done it properly. He'd gone about things professionally. It was the same with this. He wasn't doing it to finance a smack habit like most of the other boys in the same line of work. His earnings were not wasted on drink or gambling. He used what he needed for the very minimum of food and shelter, and salted the rest away.

He'd made a lot of money in dirty hotel rooms and executive motor cars. He worked harder and more often than any of the others. He'd always been able to take a lot of pain and his disgust threshold was no lower. It had been easy. Half a dozen a day, ten on some days and all paying in cash. Seven days a week, rain or shine. His customers knew that they could always go to him.

He was like a 7Eleven.

He had more than enough now, and he'd spent time getting to know the people who could help with the paperwork. Now it was time for all that effort to pay dividends. What he was planning to do made sense of course.

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