'Where?' To call at any port on the Barbary coast would be to condemn
'Sir, all they who sail th' Mediterranean know where is water. Not at the port—no, on th' shore, in the rock.' His shrewd eyes crinkled with amusement.
'Go on!'
'Near Zuwarah. Another five leagues, no more.'
'What's the depth o' water?'
'Good holding in seven fathom, jus' four cable off.'
While watering they would be vulnerable, but the bay was set back and out of the way of casual coastal transits. The prize of perhaps another week at sea was too good to pass up.
'We'll do it!'
With a leadsman chanting the depths they ghosted in and anchored—with chancy desert winds inshore, Kydd took the precaution of laying out a kedge first and
The hold was opened. As quickly as possible, the planking of the mess deck was taken up and the hatchways thrown back to allow tackles between the two masts to be rigged to sway the big casks up and into the cutter for the pull to shore.
Dacres returned from a quick exploration. 'Water indeed, sir! Comes out from between the rocks in that cliff.' Heaven only knew how water was present in such quantities in rocks of the desert, but Kydd was not in the mood to question; the sooner they were under way again the better. He paced impatiently up and down, then retreated to his cabin.
He stared out of the stern windows at the watering party ashore: with an exotic earth beneath the feet they might be difficult to control. Perhaps he should have sent Dacres instead of midshipman, but he knew he could not grudge them a light-hearted seizing of the moment.
A sudden shout of alarm pierced his thoughts. Confused thumping of feet sounded and, as he stood up, the door burst open. Attard was wide-eyed. 'Mr Dacres's compliments—sir, there's a frigate! A thumper! He says —'
Kydd knocked him aside in his rush on deck. It was the nightmare he had feared—Ganteaume! They were neatly trapped in the little bay as if by special arrangement. And there it was, frighten-ingly close in, and manoeuvring to close off their escape.
'That's not Ganteaume—that's one of ours!' Dacres exclaimed, with relief.
'One o' Warren's frigates?'
'No, it ain't, sir,' Purchet said heavily. 'Can't say as I know 'oo he is—but one thing's f'r sure, he's not ours.'
Kydd ignored Dacres's anxious look and snatched his telescope. He did not recognise the vessel either. Big, very big. In a sudden rush of hope he searched the mizzen rigging, the image dancing with the thump of his heart, until he found what he was looking for. 'Thank God,' he breathed. 'Stars 'n' stripes,' he said, in a louder tone, snapping the glass shut decisively.
'Stars and what, sir?' Dacres asked hesitantly.
'They're Americans,' Kydd said happily. 'The United States Navy!'
'The United States?'
'Yes, Mr Dacres. They have a regular-goin' navy now, I'll have ye know.' It was not the time to explain that two years or so before he had been aboard the first war cruise of the newly created United States Navy.
What was puzzling was that their concern, as far as he knew, was in the defence of the seaboard of the United States and their interests no further distant than the Caribbean. Why were they in the eastern Mediterranean?
Then another thought struck: he had not heard that the quasiwar was over, the undeclared war that had broken out between the United States and an over-confident France over the latter's arrogant interpretation of the rights of neutrals and the subsequent taking of American prizes. Could they be here as a consequence of quasi-war operations?
'Clear away th' pinnace and muster a boat's crew. I'm t' call on the Americans, I believe, Mr Dacres.'
It soon seemed clear that their manoeuvring was an evolution to allow them to remain, probably for watering, and while he watched, sail was struck smartly while their anchor dropped. Kydd made sure that
As they approached, he saw activity on her decks. At first he feared his gesture of respect had been misconstrued: in his experience the young navy could be prickly and defensive, but then again there could be no mistaking his own purpose, with boat ensign a-flutter and his own figure aft. Then he saw they were assembling a side party to pipe him aboard.
The boatswain's call sounded, clear and piercing, as Kydd came up the steps, his best cocked hat with its single dash of gold clapped firmly on as he mounted. At the top he stopped and deliberately removed his hat to the flag in the mizzen, then turned to the waiting officer. 'Commander Kydd, Royal Navy,' he said gravely, 'of His Britannic Majesty's ship
The officer, young and intense with a high forehead and dark eyes, straightened. 'Lootenant Decatur, United States Navy frigate