the other side of the Atlantic a more sombre mood prevailed. Exercise of gunnery took on new meaning as the ominous rumble of heavy guns was felt through the deck at all hours. Who knew what trial by battle lay ahead?

Landfall on the continent of Europe was the looming heights of Portugal's Cape St Vincent, which faded into the dusk as they held course through the night. The officers took their breakfast quietly and though the fleet was not expected to be sighted before the afternoon every one went on deck straight after the meal.

'News! For the love of God, let us have news,' groaned Adams, running his hands through his fair hair. They had been cut off from the world for weeks across the width of the Atlantic and anything could have happened.

'For all we know of it,' Bampton said drily, 'we may be sailing into an empty anchorage, the Spanish gone to join the French and our grand battle decided five hundred miles away.'

Bryant glared at him.

'Or peace declared,' said Renzi.

Conversations tailed off at the mention of this possibility and all the officers turned towards him. He continued, 'Pitt is sorely pressed, the coalition in ruins, and the threat to our shores could not be greater. If he treats with the French now, exchanges colonies for peace, he may secure a settlement far preferable to a long-drawn-out war of attrition.' He paused. 'After all, France alone has three times our population, a five times bigger army—'

'What do y' mean by this kind o' talk, sir?' Bryant snapped.

'Simply that if a French or Spanish vessel crosses our bows, do we open with broadsides? Is it peace or is it war? It would go hard for any who violate hard-won terms of peace ...'

At a little after two, the low, anonymous coast of Spain firmed in a bright haze ahead. The mainmast lookout bawled down, 'Deck hoooo! Sail-o'-the-line, a dozen or more—at anchor!' The long wait was over.

'Gunner's party!' came the order. There would be salutes and ceremony as they joined the fleet of Admiral of the Blue, the Earl St Vincent. Kydd, as Tenacious's signal lieutenant, roused out the signal flag locker and found the largest blue ensign. He smiled wryly at the thought of the hard work he knew would be there for him later: the signal procedures this side of the Atlantic would be different and he would need to prepare his own signal book accordingly.

Ahead, the dark body of the fleet against the backdrop of enemy land slowly resolved into a long crescent of anchored warships spreading the width of the mouth of a majestic harbour. As they approached Kydd identified the flagship in the centre, the mighty 110-gun Ville de Paris, her admiral's pennant at the main.

To seaward of the crescent a gaggle of smaller ships was coming and going, victuallers and transports, dispatch cutters, hoys. A sudden crack of salutes rang out, startling him at his telescope. Answering thuds came from the flagship.

Now opposite Ville de Paris, Tenacious backed her main topsail, but an officious half-decked cutter foamed up astern and came into the wind. An officer with a speaking trumpet blared up, 'The admiral desires you should moor to the suth'ard of the line.' Obediently Tenacious paid off and got under way for her appointed berth.

Kydd marvelled at the extraordinary sight before him: the grandest port in Spain locked and secured by a fleet of ships so close that the great ramparts of the city were in plain view, with a wide sprawl of white houses glaring in the sun, turrets, cathedral domes—and a curious tower arising from the sea.

At the end of the line they rounded to and came to single anchor, the newest member of the fleet. Captain Houghton's barge was in the water even as the cable was veered. Resplendent in full dress with best sword and decorations, he was swayed into it by yardarm tackle and chair, and departed to report to the commander-in- chief.

Houghton did not return immediately; rumour washed around. 'There's been a fright only,' Bryant huffed. 'Just as the Frogs always do, made to put t' sea an' when they see us all in a pelt put about and scuttle back. Not like Old Jarvie t' take a scare so.'

Adams looked disconsolate: the thought of enervating blockade duty was trying on the spirit after the thrill of the headlong race across the Atlantic.

'Still an' all, you'll not be wanting entertainment,' Bryant mused. 'The old bugger's a right hard horse. Marks o' respect evewwn in a blow, captains to be on deck during the night when takin' in sail and if there's a sniff o' mutiny, court-martial on the Saturday, hangs 'em on the Sunday ...'

The captain arrived back at dusk and disappeared into his cabin. Within the hour word was passed that all officers were desired to present themselves in the great cabin forthwith.

'I shall be brief,' Houghton snapped. 'The situation in respect to the present threat to England is unclear. France's Army of England is still massing for invasion and there are fears for Ireland. Now we've heard that its commander-in-chief—this General Buonaparte—has abandoned it for the time being and gone to Toulon, God knows why. Now you know as much as I, and the admiral.

'To more important matters. Those who have served before with Sir John Jervis, now the Earl St Vincent, know well what to expect in the article of discipline and order. We are now a part of his fleet and his opinions on an officer's duty are robust and unambiguous. You will each consult the Fleet Order Book until its contents are known intimately. Any officer who through ignorance of his duty brings disrepute upon my ship will incur my most severe displeasure.'

'Sir, might we know our purpose? Are we to remain while the seventy-fours—'

'Our purpose is very clear, Mr Adams. In case it has escaped your notice, let me inform you that in this port there are twenty-six of-the-line under Almirante Mazzeredo. Should we fail in our duty and let this armada get to sea ...' His face tightened. 'We lie before Cadiz on blockade, sir, and here we shall stay until the Spanish see fit to sail. Do you understand me?'


THE SOUND OF FIRING transfixed the wardroom at their breakfast. After just three days on blockade, any variation to routine was welcome and there was a rush to the hatchway as saluting guns announced the approach of a smart 74 from the north.

Houghton appeared on deck, wiping his mouth with a napkin. 'Sir,' called Bampton, who was officer-of-the- watch. 'Pennants of HMS Vanguard, seventy-four, flag of Rear Admiral Nelson.'

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