the roof, crunching across the dust and detritus, glad of the noise his footfalls made. In the sharp contrast of blazing light and shadowy gloom, the silence of the place was like a solid presence, filling up his hungover senses. He walked as if in a slight trance, along the raised flagstones of what had clearly once been a central aisle to the altar.
He paused theatrically when he got there, pivoted about to face the way he d come, and raised his arms cruciform.
Anybody home?
The echoes of his voice fell flat, as if trying to scramble out through one of the skylights and failing. He d really meant to shout louder. He d meant it as a joke, but the echo wouldn t carry the irony. He sounded just like the next man, calling for his gods.
He grimaced. Let his arms fall slackly to his sides.
All things will become clear, Gil. Yeah, right.
Footfall crunch at his back.
He whipped about, one hand already up and reaching for the Ravensfriend. The upwelling urge to kill something, hot and instant, there in his guts and the muscles in his limbs. The old dance, driving out the vagueness in his head.
He stuttered to a halt, peering. The gloom around the altar was undisturbed. He was still tangled up in memories of the Queen Consort Gardens. Of Seethlaw and the dwenda, of terrible blue fire, of something dark and formless catching up with him.
He shook his head, tried to shake it all loose.
His eyes settled on the bas-relief stone screen. It was a pretty good match for the one he d seen on the temple wall in Hinerion another ranked assembly of the Dark Court, carefully rendered in more human aspect to suit local taste. Only this time, it was Hoiran himself who was missing from the sculpted ranks and the gap he d seen in Hinerion was filled by
Filled by
He felt abruptly light-headed again. He felt the ground give way.
The missing dark courtier at Hinerion had been the Lady Kwelgrish Kwelgrish the twilight banshee, the dark moan at evening, the mistress of wolves. Kwelgrish, who wore the skins of women and beasts with equal aplomb, who carried an ancient unhealing wound in her head and liked to trade sneering humor with demons before she bested them in shrieking, snarling combat. Kwelgrish who here, in the Temple of Red Joy, stood in bas-relief among her fellow gods with one hand pressing a towel to her bleeding skull and the other shoulder covered by a wolf skin complete with wolf head and jaws, such that the creature appeared to both hang off her and be biting her at one and the same time.
Let us say only that you will owe me a favor, Ringil Eskiath
The voice bubbled up in his head, whispered at his ear, walked on his spine. Quilien of Gris, somewhere behind the stone screen in the gloom, circling him and the altar he stood at with luminous wolf-eyed intent
Yelling, from the street.
He jerked a glance backward along the raised stone aisle to where he d come in. His vision seemed to tilt with the sudden shift in focus, as if he stood in a boat on choppy water. Sunlight crowbarred in where he d forced the door open, spilled in a distant puddle on the dusty floor there, and it seemed, suddenly, a long, dark way back out of this place.
Yes run, said another, deeper voice that was not Quilien s. Run while you still can. Remember who you are. Who you were. Who you will be.
Another footfall in the dust and detritus behind him, and he was running, he was sprinting, down the raised aisle path as if to the closing gates of some abruptly offered salvation.
Later, he would look back and be unable honestly to say if he ran toward the uproar in the street outside or away from what had just stepped out of the shadows at his back. He knew only the motion, the impulse that drove him forward, through each falling arrow of sunlight from the cracked roof the spots burned on his shoulders like newly minted coins the slanting tumble of light and gloom, the breath hard in his throat, approaching the doorway, that must, he knew, must slam closed just as he reached it, he could already hear the long, grating shriek it would make It did not.
He grabbed the oakwood edge, stuffed himself through the gap and out into the sun. The Ravensfriend, caught in the gap for a moment, seemed not to want to leave, then gave as he twisted savagely about, and came out with him.
He stood blinking in the sunlight, trying to understand.
Uniforms and boot clatter and shouting up and down the cobbled street, half a dozen men-at-arms running about and gestures upward, tilted-back, helmeted heads the sun struck glints from the cheap metal and there, suddenly, shatter and splinter at a first-floor window in the fa ade across the street. Glass falling outward in brief, lethal rain, window frame smashed and torn free. Ringil, already tracking the noise, shaded his eyes just in time to catch a glimpse of two men come through the ragged gap, still struggling in midair. One was a uniformed man- at-arms, helmet gone. The other
The two men hit the street with a solid crump, opposite the temple door. Dust billowed up around them, boiled as they fought. Still some struggle in both, but the man-at-arms had landed on his back and most of the fight seemed to have gone out of him with the fall. As Ringil watched, the other figure got fully astride him, reared up and rammed something long and thin down hard into his opponent s eye. A shriek floated up, the fight jammed to a halt. The figure snapped off whatever weapon it was using and blundered awkwardly to its feet. Wind caught the dust and whirled it away.
Ringil stared.
Egar the Dragonbane, dust-plastered and wild-eyed, the sheared-off stump of a fucking flandrijn pipe clenched in one fist, blood streaming from a cut on his face
Gil? Ringil?
Take him down!
Ringil swung to the voice, heard the hard edge in it, the custom of command. There, amid the gathering uniforms, a slim figure clad in the black-and-silver livery of the King s Reach. As Ringil stared, the man s voice took a rising cadence.
Bow men!
There were three of them, two with bow already cranked and quarrel loaded. At this range, they could hardly miss. The Dragonbane crouched and bared his teeth, pipe shard clutched like a knife in his fist. He might cover the ground to one of them before the order fell, but the other
Ringil raised his hand and traced the ikinri ska symbol in the air.
No thought in it at all the impulse rose like instinct, like a diver s first breath on breaking surface. Like the urge to puke or feed.
Bow men. He stole the command from the other man s voice, took it out of the air, copied it, fed it back to them. Your weapons are serpents!
Like a veil falling across the sun, like a sudden chill wind blowing down Keelmakers Row. Even the Dragonbane seemed taken aback. The bowmen shrieked and threw their crossbows away. Ringil stalked into the midst of them, like a black wraith, like a shadow detached from the shade in the walls of the temple. His sword was still on his back.
Spiders, he said, painting the air about him with three more swift symbols. Dredge crawlers. Corpsemites.
And suddenly the men-at-arms were berserk, stamping at the ground, brushing maniacally at themselves, tearing at their mail, moaning and yelping in terror. Only the King s Reach officer was unmoved, staring in disbelief at his men as Ringil moved through them and took up station ten yards away in the middle of the street.
The man s sword rang clear of its scabbard.
Ringil unsheathed a grin. That s right.
But beneath the seething, jagged exultation the ikinri ska set loose in him, he had a moment to feel out the