Well, she s not stopping you now. Can we get on with this?
The Kiriath, said Anasharal smoothly, had no way to counter the sorceries of the Ilwrack clan, or at least none that they could bring themselves to deploy. Instead, they built for safety. A city was constructed, standing above the waves south and east of the Ghost Isle. A watch was set.
A city in the sea?
There was a sudden, odd strain in Archeth s voice. Jhiral glanced at her in mild surprise.
That is correct, daughter of Flaradnam. Commissioned and built by the clan Halkanirinakral, manned, initially at least, by its scions. The city was named An-Kirilnar that s City of Phantom Hunters to you, your majesty it was designed to shadow the Ghost Isle in and out of the Gray Places. But recently it seems to have returned to the world permanently
It s still there?
Yes, it s still there, daughter of Flaradnam. Currently it stands in the ocean beyond the Hironish isles, as it has now stood for some weeks.
Then we have to go there!
Yes, I would say that s an appropriate conclusion to draw.
Can you communicate with
Archeth! The Emperor s voice cracked like a whip. He got up from the bench and moved toward the balcony. His tone softened to a honeyed irony. Would you be so good as to attend me within?
My lord. She hurried after him. My lord, this is an opportunity to
This is an opportunity to calm the fuck down, my lady kir-Archeth. Jhiral leaned in closer to her. In her tumbled state, she could not read it menace or a plea for intimate confidence, the Emperor or the boy she d watched grow up. The words came spaced. Now walk with me if you will.
So she went with him.
Out of earshot though she wasn t convinced that was meaningful where the Helmsmen were concerned. Angfal never spoke to her outside of the study where he was hung across the walls like a nightmare in iron; Manathan would speak to you anywhere within the An-Monal keep. She didn t know if ripping Angfal out of the fireship he had once commanded had in some way truncated a broader sense of awareness, or if the Helmsman was hiding its true reach. But she was tolerably sure that Anasharal, a being who could pluck personal details from the heads of the men it spoke to apparently at random, would not have a problem listening to a conversation maintained a few hundred paces away in the shade of the inner garden.
If there really is a Kiriath city up there, my lord
A city standing in the ocean?
An-Naranash in Lake Shaktan stands above the water in exactly the same way.
Yes, so they tell me. And is abandoned.
Their voices were growing heated again. Archeth backed off, seated herself on a tall, arching tree root just off the path. Her pulse was up, her vision dizzied dim. Her thoughts skittered back and forth on the shiny jagged edges of krinzanz lack.
She forced calm.
My lord, whether the city is abandoned or not is hardly the issue.
Is it not, Archeth? Is it not?
He had her however hard she tried to crush the knowledge out. My concern, my lord
Is that you may yet find some of your father s race who have not abandoned the world. Jhiral sighed and sat down beside her on the root. His shoulder jolted her. He stared across the path into the foliage opposite. I don t blame you, Archeth. Really, I don t. Who wouldn t like to call back their parents sometimes? But your need is transparent. Be honest. With me, even if you cannot with yourself. You are supposed to be my most trusted adviser. Can you honestly tell me this is about a threat to the Empire?
She grimaced.
I carried a warning to you last winter that we came close to ignoring, and look how that turned out.
Yes, rub my face in that, why don t you.
The facts remain, my lord.
All right, don t milk it. Jhiral leaned back and peered upward into the canopy of the tree, as if he might discern a way out among the branches. He frowned. You said after Ennishmin that the dwenda do not favor harsh light, that they can probably not abide the sun in these latitudes.
That s not what I said, my lord. It s what the knight Ringil Eskiath said he surmised from his time among them. It s a supposition, nothing more.
The young Emperor nodded vigorously. Yes, but still. Even in Ennishmin, where the sun barely breaks through the clouds, even in the pall of winter, the dwenda chose to fight at night.
They could fight at night here, too.
That was not what this Eskiath surmised, though, was it?
Most of the time I was in the Aldrain marches, it was dark or dim, like twilight. Ringil s hesitant theorizing rose in her memory. One place we went, there was something like a sun in the sky, but it was almost burned out. Like a hollow shell of itself. If that s where the dwenda are from originally, it might explain why they can t tolerate bright light.
They still came to Khangset, she said stubbornly.
They ripped the town apart. And if the Helmsman is to be believed, the Ilwrack Changeling is not dwenda at all. He s an undead human sorcerer, wielding Aldrain powers. How, unaided, would you stop something like that?
You believe in this Ilwrack Changeling, then? Tell the truth, Archeth. Have you even heard of him?
No, my lord.
But the timing is suggestive. Less than a year after our skirmish with the dwenda, and here we are, warned of an escalation in the conflict. Can we afford to ignore this as some kind of coincidence?
I ll tell you what we can t afford to do, Archeth. We can t afford to equip a full naval expedition to the middle of the northern ocean in the hope that it ll stumble on some figment of a mad machine s imagination. Quite apart from anything else, that s the other side of League waters. We sail there in force, it s a major diplomatic incident in the making.
We are not at war with the League, my lord.
No, said the Emperor glumly. Not yet. But piracy is on the increase north of Hinerion. And I have it on good authority from the admiralty s spies in Trelayne that the League shipmasters association is pressing for a renewal of privateer licensing. You know what that means. It always kicks off the same way.
Except when we kick it off ourselves by marching north in force.
She quelled the thought. She had no great love for the League, had always believed, as her father s people had perhaps because her father s people had that Yhelteth offered the better way forward.
Admiral Sang s spies are less than wholly reliable. She trod warily. They ve been known to exaggerate claims before.
As has the old bastard himself. Yes, all right, Archeth, I know you don t like him. Abruptly, Jhiral was on his feet again, pacing. But I ve read the reports, and I don t think this is Sang beating the drum. We ve seen this before, after all. Those mercantile little shits up north can t afford a war right now any more than we can, and they know it. But it won t stop them farming the unpleasantries out to private shipmasters and then taking a tithe on the booty it brings in. Their coffers fill up with plunder from imperial cargo, their diplomats shake their weasel heads in sorrow and deny all knowledge. And meantime, as if we didn t have enough to worry about down in Demlarashan and up at Ennishmin, we have to raid the treasury again to build navy pickets, or risk losing our own trade lanes to League competition.
Maybe Admiral Sang is just looking for some new warships.
I already told you I don t think it s that. Trace of a growl in his voice now.
Besides which there must be a whole constellation of League trade interests on land who don t want any