passed him on her way to the fire. Want some breakfast?

He followed her, tucking in his shirt, not bothering with his boots. A couple of other familiar faces at the fire looked up from their plates and nodded affably. He remembered this from the last time with Hjel s people, the palpable shock of it no whispers behind hands, no scandalized tones or accusing glances, no real interest, in fact, beyond a basic curiosity about his arrival in their midst. Nobody cared. They were too full of their own lives to pass much judgment on others. It was an otherness, a magic as staggering in its way as the ikinri ska.

Ringil seated himself at the fire and was handed a heaped plate of his own. He soaked bread in the beans, chewed and realized abruptly how hungry he was.

Good to be out, eh?

It was the man seated on his right Ringil recognized him now as Cortin, last male to the bedrolls the night before.


Out of the Margins. Good to have the world feel solid again, right?

Ringil chewed and swallowed, nodded.

Never get used to it, myself. All those voices, calling you away. Cortin set aside his plate and sprawled back, reflective on his full stomach. Course, it s easier when you re in company, wouldn t get me out there any other way. Going solo, now that s, like they say, strictly for princes and fools. No offense I m guessing by that broadsword you re the former.

Was a gift, said Ringil around a wad of bread and bacon.

Oh. Hurriedly: Yeah, but still. Man of breeding, am I right? I mean the Black Sail gang don t come all the way up the fjord for just anyone.

Someone coughed on the other side of the fire. The woman who d served Ringil shot Cortin a shut-the- fuck-up glance.

Ringil chewed steadily for a couple of moments. Swallowed and wiped the corners of his mouth with care.

Black Sail gang, eh?

Yeah, Hjel s down there talking to them now

Cortin s voice ebbed to a halt as he finally caught the looks the others were throwing at him. An awkward quiet set in around the fire.

Ringil put together a smile, put down his plate, and brushed his fingers vigorously together, knife-sharpening style, to clean off the grease.

Well, he said. Better go down and see them myself, I guess. Wouldn t want to keep them waiting.

Which was actually a lot less like bravado than he initially feared. Along with the cold, scrubbed feel of things this morning, he d woken, he now discovered, with a fresh sense of momentum, a will to take the next step that didn t need much prompting. Boots and cloak on, the Ravensfriend slung across his shoulders once more, he let the pulse in his veins and the weight of the killing steel on his back carry him forward. The same woman who d served him breakfast gave him gestured directions. He went down off the ruined plaza, through the scattering of tumbled walls and columns to where a steeply sloping path wound down the side of a promontory that hadn t been there the night before. A clean ocean wind came in and ruffled the long grass, hooted around rock outcrops and scudded off the silvery gray glint of the fjord below. He narrowed his eyes against the brightness. Made out some kind of jetty down there, and a black-rigged caravel at anchor fifty yards out.

All right, then.

He made his way steadily downward, curiously at peace. The landscape was a pretty close match for parts of the Gergis Peninsula he knew, and while he wasn t kidding himself he was in any way home, the half familiarity was cheering, like knowledge of an opponent s fighting style prior to a duel. He saw figures standing about on the jetty as he got lower, and a dory moored there. Reflexive combat instinct made the count six or seven, including Hjel. They had spotted him, it seemed, and were watching him make his way down toward them.

Even at this distance, there was something odd about their attire, about the stiff, upright way they held themselves.

Hjel hurried up and met him, a few yards along the path from the jetty s age-bleached planks. Tight smile, an offered clasp.

You re awake.

Very much so. Looking past the young sorcerer s shoulder at the others. He didn t take the offered hand. These friends of yours?

They were corpses the corpses of large men, wrapped head-to-foot in grave swaddling, no inch of flesh visible. Tiny loose lengths of the bandaging fluttered gaily from their bodies in the wind. It was as if a small cemetery had been exhumed and its inhabitants pinned about with mottled gray-and-cream pennants.

Hjel cleared his throat. They are agents. I ve had dealings with them in the past. They can be trusted.

Well, if you say so.

The dispossessed prince took his hand urgently. They ll take you where you need to go, Gil. Believe me, I sailed with them once myself. There s nothing to fear.

You trying to get rid of me? Ringil worked up a small grin. Was it so bad last night?

Hjel s grip tightened. I would keep you with us if I could. You must know that. But there are forces unsheathed here that I have no power to command.

Unsheathed, yes. Rather like my sword this morning the steel one, I m talking about now. See anything you liked, did you?

Hjel let go of his hand. Took a step back. I am not your enemy.

You aren t behaving very much like my friend.

Gil, you haven t understood. Something brought you here. I can see it, it breathes through you. The cold legions wrap around you already. There is power engraved and tempered in the blade you carry. I can t read what s written there, but

I am Welcomed in the Home of Ravens and Other Scavengers in the Wake of Warriors, Ringil recited for him, hollowly.

I am Friend to Carrion Crows and Wolves. I am Carry Me and Kill with Me, and Die with Me Where the Road Ends. I am not the Honeyed Promise of Length of Life in Years to Come, I am the Iron Promise of Never Being a Slave.

It was a rough, clunky translation, according to Archeth, and clunkier still here and now, glossed across into the archaic marsh Naomic so that Hjel would understand. But still the words awoke a faint chill in Ringil s veins as he spoke them.

He guessed from Hjel s face that the sorcerer prince was having a similar reaction.

That s its dedication?

That s its name, Ringil told him flatly.

Hjel swallowed. You must go. I can t help you here. I will help you, that s coming, I see it clearly enough. But not here. Not now. It s too much. If the Black Sail has come in like this, then the storm is building, and it s all we can do to ride it out. I can no more refuse this than a gull can fly in the face of a hurricane.

Behind him, one of the cerement-wrapped figures moved silently up onto the path, closing in. Hjel either caught the flicker of Ringil s gaze or sensed the motion at some other level. He half turned, turned back, took Gil s hand in both of his, raised it to his lips.

You will come back. We will have time. I ll teach you the ikinri ska.

I know you will.

The wrapped corpse was at Hjel s shoulder now, looming. The breeze picked at its windings, set up rippling patterns in the loose cloth tongues. Ringil thought he saw the mica glint of eyes somewhere deep in the gap between bandages across the face, but he could have been mistaken. Where the mouth should have been, a single gauze binding was pulled broad and tight, and something flickered behind it as the thing speaks.

Is this going to take long?

Impossible to say what the voice sounds like. It cuts across the wind with iron force, but there are hinted textures to it as well amusement seems uppermost, and a certain weary patience, but Ringil knows his grip on those salients will slip away just as his image of the creature at the crossroads is already dream-dim and fading. He will be left with the same fumbling sense of detail lost.

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