'Whatever for?'
'For making me a woman… and doing it so patiently and gently that I've actually had orgasms — and not little ones, either! — while you did it. For being as sweet as you are, and as understanding, and tolerant, and all the rest. For just being you, I think.'
I kissed her shoulder, then her ear, before answering 'Charlene, you don't have to thank me for any of that. You're the kind of person that
Even if we'd never been together like this, or done the other stuff together, I'd still like you — and even love you, a little bit. If you think I've been nice to you, it's only because I've treated you the way you deserve for being who you are, okay?'
I could see her eyes get wet, and tried to head the tears off by telling her 'No, don't start crying. If you do, you'll get my pillow all wet and soggy, and I won't be able to sleep with it tonight.'
As I'd hoped, the (admittedly) little joke was enough to make her smile and at least try not to let too many tears escape. In exchange for her consideration, I raised up enough to give her a quick kiss before laying back down and trying to snuggle closer to her. The two of us were content to simply lay there in silence for the next few minutes.
As expected, there came the point where both of us knew that my penis had shrunk enough that it was on the verge of slipping out of her. I was the one that actually said something about it by telling her
'I'm probably going to slip out of you any time now.'
She sighed before answering 'I know, I can feel it. Well, not feel it, actually. I just don't want to have to move.'
'You don't have to on my account, if that helps any.'
'No, I'm not going to make you have to change your sheets and everything just because of me.
'Specially not after you've made me feel so good, and made me so happy. Besides, I really should be getting back to Eva — I mean, I'm supposed to be staying the night with her, and everything!'
I had a sudden thought then, and told her 'I've got a couple of propositions for you.'
Giggling, she told me 'You don't have to proposition me, Billy. I'm yours any time you want me!'
I had to laugh, too, before I told her 'Not that kind of proposition, ding-dong. What I was going to say was that you're more than welcome to use my shirt to, uh, catch anything on your way to the bathroom; and if you want, I'd be delighted to take a shower with you if you want.'
She considered it for a moment before telling me 'Yeah, it'd probably be a good idea if I didn't leave any stains on the carpet that your folks would ask about. And I'd love to have you in the shower with me!'
Uncertainly, I asked 'Do you, um, need to be alone in the bathroom before we clean up?'
She giggled again, and answered 'I don't think so. After you've had your thumb in my butt, I'm not going to worry about you seeing me cleaning your stuff out!'
Just then, my cock finally pulled free of her intimate embrace; after telling her 'Hold still a sec…', I moved to where I could reach down and grab the shirt I'd been wearing when she came into my room. I handed it to her, and before I could move or turn my head, she unabashedly spread her legs and got it tucked into her crotch before closing her legs to hold it there. After that little demonstration, I didn't have any doubt that she really was okay with having me see her getting my semen out.
A moment later, without saying a word, she got up and took me by the hand, leading the way to the bathroom. She wanted to be the one to adjust the water, so I had to content myself with standing behind her with my deflated penis tucked into the crack of her ass while I reached around her and cupped her breasts (and teased her nipples). That complicated her efforts with the shower, but she didn't complain; I had to let go of her when we got under the spray, but then a completely different set of rules applied.
As the two of us got cleaned up, there was the obligatory grab-ass — both figurative and literal: after I'd contrived to run my finger across her anus a couple of times, she laughingly told me to knock it off before we had to take a shower to clean up from the shower. As I'd expected, she didn't hesitate in the slightest about using one of her fingers to ensure she got all of my cum out of her vagina; when she saw that I'd started to respond to the sight of her with one finger inside herself, her disgusted exclamation
'Men!' was nullified by her amused smile. Once we were dried off, we held hands as I let her lead the way back to my bedroom where our clothes were. Along the way, I had a nice time watching her lovely ass clenching as she walked in front of me while I brought my shirt along. My mom had gotten me started on doing my own laundry, so I wasn't worried about anyone asking me what the stains were on it.
After we were dressed again (she in her dress-sans-underthings, me with only my jeans on), the two of us hugged and kissed for a minute before she told me 'I know I keep saying this, but again: thank you, Billy. I was as nervous and scared as I could be when I came in here, but you helped me relax. A girls first time is something special, and she never forgets the guy it happened with — but you made it something wonderful for me, and I'll always remember you with love for how you treated me. Whether you did that because, or despite, how I'm different, I don't know… and I really don't care: it's enough for me that you did it. Before we showered, I told you that I'm yours any time you want me… and I mean that, because I know you'd always treat me with love and respect. I don't know when, exactly, but I'm going to tell Eva what we did tonight so that she'll understand and not be surprised when — not IF, but when! — we make love again.'
I gave her a tender kiss on the lips and replied 'Charlene, I told you it was MY first time, too, and I'll remember it and you the same way and for the same reasons. If it happens that we make love again, which I am NOT expecting or demanding, then I'll be both grateful and honored that you choose to share yourself with me. Whether or not you say anything to Eva, and how much… that's up to you; I can promise you that she won't hear anything about it from
With a pleased smile, she said 'I know you'd never say anything, Billy. And I'm honored that you were willing to have your first time be with me.'
With that, the two of us shared a loving kiss before releasing each other. Charlene turned and left my room, closing my door behind her. I moved to sit in my chair again, but didn't bother trying to pick up where I'd left off with the book I'd been reading: I was simply too busy with my own thoughts about what had happened with Charlene, and how I thought things would change between us.
Over the course of the next couple of months, Charlene and I managed to get some 'private time'
together a couple of times. One of them was when her folks were going to be gone all one Saturday, and she claimed to need my help with some school project or other; I don't know what subject she told her parents it was for, but what I ended up helping her with was sex ed: we spent pretty much the entire day fornicating in her room. We made long, leisurely love. We had raw, unbridled sex. We played and teased and joked. We tried every position either of us had ever heard or thought of, and tried to see if we couldn't invent a new one or two. By the time I had to leave, both of us were
'help' Charlene with her 'problem'.
Eva and Charlene continued having sleepovers just as before; sometimes they were at our house, sometimes at hers. If our place, it was
I don't know exactly when Charlene told Sis what happened between us, since I never noticed any real change in the way Sis acted: even when it was just the two of us making each other feel good, she never even hinted about wanting anything more to happen between us. And when it was all three of us together, Charlene never did or said anything to indicate that she wanted us to have sex while Eva was with us — it was always just hands and mouths when I was with both of them.
It was about halfway through the Spring semester when Dad let me and Sis know that he had been selected to attend some kind of conference for the company he worked for — and that Mom would be going with him. The way he explained it to us, it was a two day thing that had a bunch of speakers on a Friday, with a lot of vendors and suppliers putting on a kind of show the next day. He and Mom were going to fly to the thing on Thursday