justify it before a court could lead to all sorts of complications. Just hang tight, stick to the story and it’ll be fine. I will, if you will. Yeah, OK, good. Speak soon.’ He ended the call, breathed out, and leaned on his car roof, jumping almost out of his skin at the voice behind, thinking no one was near.

It was Karl Donaldson, who had somehow come right up to Flynn without him noticing.

Donaldson held out a hand. ‘It was nice to meet you, pal.’ They shook hands. ‘You seem a handy guy… but just a word to the wise.’

‘What would that be?’

‘Don’t underestimate Henry Christie. He was the first detective on the scene and whilst he may have been shot and injured and exhausted, he was still sharp as a knife.’ Donaldson looked knowingly at Flynn. ‘He’s a man who knows.’ Donaldson tapped his nose, turned and limped away without a backward glance. ‘And if you’ll excuse me, I need to see a man about a chicken.’

Flynn watched the American, mouth open, wondering just who the guy really was. His mobile phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. No number was displayed.

‘Steve? It’s me, Adam Castle.’

‘Boss, I was just thinking about you.’

‘Well, good — I need your arse back here as soon as,’ Castle said.


‘We have a charter arriving in two days from Germany, that bunch of businessmen you took out last year. Two weeks, paid upfront — and they asked for you. Can you make it?’

‘Already on my way.’

Вы читаете Facing Justice
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