I have archived offline the original version, which I quoted from.

34 Jenkins exchange with Stephen Tonkin. http://alignment2012.com/tonkins-error.html.

35 Zap, Jonathan. http://alignment2012.com/zap-on-tonkins-error.html. Also on www.zaporacle.com.

36 de Santillana, Giorgio. The Crime of Galileo. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955; de Santillana, Giorgio. “Galileo and Oppenheimer.” Reflections on Men and Ideas, 1968, pp. 120-136.

37 “Word of Mouth.” NPR radio program. December 31, 2008. http://www.nhpr.org/wordofmouth.

38 “Bad Astronomy.” http://www.badastronomy.com/.

39 Nassim Haramein on the orbital motion of our solar system: http://uk.youtube.com/watch? v=ir5sQEg0rs4&feature=related.

40 Geoff Stray. http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/idiot.html.

41 Jenkins, John Major. Original 2000 essay reprinted in Galactic Alignment. Rochester, VT: Bear & Company, 2002, pp. 40-42.

42 Pointed out to me by Michael Grofe, e-mail of February 2009. Grofe, Michael. “Palenque’s Temple XIX and the Creation Stories of Central Mexico: Flint, Fire, and Tlaltecuhtli.” n.d.

43 Transcript of Barb MacLeod’s interview for the film “Breaking the Maya Code” at: http://www.nig htfirefilms.org/breakingthemayacode/interviews/MacLeodTRANSCRIPT.pdf.

44 Bibliographical resource for Maya Studies research: http://Alignment2012.com/bibbb.htm.

45 Stuart, David, and Stephen Houston. “Classic Maya Place Names.” Studies in PreColumbian Art and Archaeology #33, Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1994, p. 80.

46 Jenkins, “Commentary on Stuart and Houston’s Study of Mayan Place Names.” 1995. http://www.alignment2012.com/fap11.html.

47 Van Stone, Mark. “It’s Not the End of the World: What the Ancient Maya Tell Us About 2012.” http://www.famsi.org/research/vanstone/2012 /index.html, 2008.

48 Aztlan discussion group: http://www.famsi.org/pipermail/aztlan/2008-December/005363.html.

49 Aztlan discussion group: http://www.famsi.org/pipermail/aztlan/2008-December/005366.html.

50 Online resource for the Tulane 2012 conference of February 2009: http://alignment2012.com/Tulane2009.html.

51 David Stuart. http://www.alignment2012.com/CNNinter viewerPawlowski.html.

52 “Six Points Essential for a Fair Critique of the 2012 Topic”—a four-page document I handed out at Tulane. http://Alignment2012.com/Six-essential- points-Tulane.html.

53 Audio clips and/or the full recording of Aveni’s talk will remain available for informational purposes on: http://alignment2012.com/Tulane2009.html. Aveni’s quotes from various authors are transcribed directly from his reading.

54 Geoff Stray. http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/logo.htm.

55 Pawlowski, A. “Apocalypse in 2012? Date Spawns Theories, Film.” CNN .com/technology. January 27, 2009. http://www.alignment2012.com/CNNinter viewerPawlowski.html. Compare to Joseph’s comments in Apocalypse 2012, pp. 8, 10, 114, and 126.

56 Newsome, Elizabeth. Trees of Paradise and Pillars of the World. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press, 2001.

57 Looper, Matthew G. “Quirigua Zoomorph P: A Water Throne and Mountain of Creation.” Heart of Creation: The Mesoamerican World and the Legacy of Linda Schele, ed. by Andrea Stone. Tuscaloosa, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 2002, p. 199.

58 The Lacandon Maya conceive of the Milky Way’s bulge in Sagittarius as the roots of a giant tree. Bruce, R. D., C. Robles U., and E. Ramos Chao. Los Lacandones 2, Cosmovision Maya. Publicaciones 26. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Departamento de Investigaciones Antropologicas, 1971.

59 Western science and philosophy marginalize the insights of Traditionalist philosophy. See: Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy 1, Selected Papers: Traditional Art and Symbolism, ed. by Roger Lipsey. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977; Corbin, Henry. Temple and Contemplation, trans. by Philip Sherrard. London: KPI Ltd., 1986; Guenon, Rene. Fundamental Symbols: The Universal Language of Sacred Science. Cambridge, UK: Quinta Essentia, 1995; Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Knowledge and the Sacred. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989; The Betrayal of Tradition, ed. Harry Oldmeadow; Science and the Myth of Progress, ed. by Mehrdad M. Zarandi; Wolfgang Smith. The Wisdom of Ancient Cosmology; Rene Guenon, The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, trans. by Lord Northbourne. New York: Penguin Books, 1972. Good books on Gnosis and Gnosticism include The Gnostic Religion by Hans Jonas, Gnosis by Dan Merkur, and Gnosis by Kurt Rudolph.

60 Publishers Weekly on Aveni’s scientism, from a review on the Amazon.com listing for Aveni’s book Behind the Crystal Ball: “This informative but stacked-deck history of science and magic… presupposes a readership that embraces a scientific-materialistic worldview that sees little or no sense in the pursuit of so-called magical practices.”

61 More info on the keynote address and the Sunday panel, including audio clips, is here: http://alignment2012.com/Tulane2009.html.

62 Aveni, Anthony, and Horst Hartung. “Water, Mountain, Sky: The Evolution of Site Orientations in Southeastern Mesoamerica.” Precious Greenstone, Precious Quetzal Feather, ed. by Eloise Quinones Keber. Labyrinthos, 2000.

63 Jenkins, John Major. “Open Letter to Mayanists and Astronomers.” http://www.alignment2012.com/openletter.htm.

64 Aveni, Anthony, and Horst Hartung. “Water, Mountain, Sky: The Evolution of Site Orientations in Southeastern Mesoamerica.” Precious Greenstone, Precious Quetzal Feather, ed. by Eloise Quinones Keber. Labyrinthos, 2000, p. 58.

65 Field trip to Izapa in 2006 to measure the ballcourt. http://www.alignment2012.com/izapa-solstice-2006.html.

66 Lowe, Gareth, Thomas A. Lee, Jr., and Eduardo Martinez Espinoza. “Izapa: A Guide to the Ruins and Monuments.” Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, No. 31. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1982; Norman, V. Garth. “Izapa Sculpture, Part 1: Album.” Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, No. 30. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1973; Norman, V. Garth. “Izapa Sculpture, Part 2: Text.” Papers of the New World Archaeological

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