Roberts checked again in the full-length mirror. He was dressed in a tight black shirt, homburg on his head, and dark shades. Oh yeah, and white socks, meeting the too-short pants. Brant had finally talked him into the idea for the fancy dress at the Met dance. When Fiona saw him, she gasped: ‘What on earth?’
‘I’m a Blues Brother!’
‘You look like a spiv.’
And she’d retreated in gales of laughter. When Brant had explained, it seemed more feasable. How they’d burst into the hall, light shining behind them. Before anyone could recover, they’d launched into an improvised version of a) ‘Rawhide’ or b) ‘Stand By Your Man’ (‘As long as it’s loud, Guv’).
Roberts readjusted the shades and said tentatively: ‘We’re…
‘We’re on…
Better. And finally, out loud and proud:
‘We’re on a mission from God.’