5. Complete the sentences.
1. I want him to.......................................................................................
2. They would like her to...........................................................................
3. She made them....................................................................................
4. I saw them.........................................................................................
5. He saw the birds..................................................................................
6. I expected them to................................................................................
7. She wants her sister to...........................................................................
8. He was made to...................................................................................
9. He knew her friend to be........................................................................
10. I didn’t expect you to...........................................................................
11. She felt the baby.................................................................................
12. He heard the boss................................................................................
13. My partner was made to........................................................................
14. They noticed Bob...............................................................................
6. Answer the questions.
1. Would you like your wife/husband to help you in learning English?
2. Have you ever seen the sun coming out?
3. Will you be made to prepare a report soon?
4. Have you ever noticed your children stealing?
5. How do you want the world to change?
6. Have you ever felt the snow falling down on your face?
7. What can make you change your plans?
8. Do you expect your relatives to arrive soon?
9. Do you know anyone to be particularly talented?
10. Have you ever heard your wife speaking a foreign language?
7. Make up your own sentences with the verbs given.
Составьте свои предложения с данными глаголами.
Например: was made, steal
I was made to steal the money from the shop.
wanted, apply
would like, continue
felt, look
noticed, persuade
made, declare
saw, get married
expect, try
will be made, fry
heard, call
8. Translate into English.
1. Я не хочу, чтобы вы обращались за помощью в штаб.
2. Я слышал, как он делала выводы о наземных наблюдениях.
3. Талантливого ученого заставили продолжить работу.
4. Я не хотел бы, чтобы он стал предсказателем будущего.
5. Мы не ожидали, что ливни начнутся так скоро.
6. Он хочет, чтобы мы гуляли в этот туманный и дождливый день.
7. Я заметил, что они получили очень много/ужас сколько сведений.
1. Answer the questions.
1. Are you desperate to find out what will happen to you in the future?
2. Do you believe fortune-tellers?
3. How would you like your life to change?
4. Are you eager to apply for a new job?
5. Have you ever thought about changing your lifestyle/diet/job?
6. What will our world be like in 10/20/50 years’ time?
7. Do you expect the weather to change soon?
8. What would you like your children to be?
9. What do you expect your wife to cook today?
10. Do you expect your children to become world-famous?
2. Make up stories using the words.
A. beneficial, want smb. to cook, famous, to bake, thick, to fry, to boil, to apply for help, on the whole.
B. witness, matrimony, wedding dress, to declare, to persuade, to draw a conclusion, talented, as for me, she was eager to, she expected him to come.
C. what concerns, an awful lot of information, lawful act, to book, don’t expect them to.
D. token of love, to get married, he knew her to be, to be honest, chances are that, he saw her..., registrar.
3. Answer the questions. Pay attention to the use of different tenses
4. Make up short stories using the verbs.
5. Read the dialogue. Fill in the missing words.
eager, get, decided, look for, as, going, if, am, will
Julia: My last day at MAP Advertising.