at the most. He could feel the power of the Force burning in her, fueled by grief and rage and hatred. Even if he hadn't sensed it, the broken Jedi at her feet gave mute testament to her abilities.

He didn't speak, but stood silently. The girl's sobbing stopped. She sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. Then she rose to her feet and took a tentative step toward him.

'Who are you?' he demanded, his voice deep and threatening.

She didn't retreat or flee, though her reply was hesitant. 'My name is Rain… I mean Zannah. My cousins used to call me Rain, but they're dead now. Zannah's my real name.'

Bane nodded, understanding completely. Rain: a nickname, a name of childhood and innocence. An innocence now lost.

'Do you know who I am?' he asked.

She nodded and took another step forward. 'You're a Sith.'

'You're not afraid of me?'

'No,' she insisted with a shake of her head, though Bane knew she wasn't being completely honest. He could feel her fear, but it was buried beneath far stronger emotions: grief, anger, hatred, and the desire for revenge.

'I have killed many people,' Bane warned her. 'Men, women… even children.'

She shuddered but held her ground. 'I'm a killer, too.'

Bane glanced over at the Jedi corpses, then turned his focus back to the little girl standing defiantly before him. Was she the one? Had the Force led him along this route back to his ship? Had it brought him here at this exact moment simply so he could find his apprentice?

He asked the final, most important question. 'Do you know the ways of the Force? Do you understand the true nature of the dark side?'

'No,' Rain admitted, never dropping her gaze from his own. 'But you can teach me. I'm young. I will learn.'

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