Chapter 7

Besides the identity cards, Den had managed to steal the gray unisuits that the lowest level of tech workers at UniFy wore. It was surprisingly easy to join the stream of workers entering the building at dawn the next day. The security guards swiped their cards and they simply walked through.

Sure, we're in, Obi-Wan thought. But will it be as easy to get out again? For some reason, Qui-Gon had decided to trust this Den character. And the Jedi Council thought he was too impulsive.

Den took the turbolift down to a lower level. 'The main files are in a restricted area,' he explained. 'We'll have to walk down the utility staircase. Then there's a guard at the door. Can you wave those lightsabers of yours at him? We can lock him in a closet until we're done.'

'Just leave it to me,' Qui-Gon said.

They slipped down the utility staircase and entered a long white hallway lit with soothing glow lights. A security guard sat in front of a console at the end.

'Passes,' he said shortly.

Qui-Gon handed him his identity card. He focused on the Telosian's mind. 'This will do. Go on in.'

'This will do,' the guard said. 'Go on in.' The door hissed open, and they walked through.

'What was that?' Den asked wonderingly.

'A Jedi tool,' Qui-Gon answered. 'The Force can easily be used on the weak-minded.'

'I am impressed,' Den said, shaking his head in admiration. 'Can you imagine what you could do with that, if you had a little larceny in you? Hey, do you think your Jedi Temple would take a guy like me?'

'No,' Qui-Gon said shortly, accessing the door marked SECURE FILES.

The room was filled with computers and holographic files. Den crossed immediately to the main terminal.

'I'll break into the system, and the two of you can search on the other monitors,' he said, his fingers flying over the keys. 'They changed the password, but I wrote a program that… there we go! Call me a genius and I won't argue with you.'

Qui-Gon sat at another terminal and motioned Obi-Wan to the next. It would be faster if they all searched independently.

Files names and numbers flashed onscreen. There were many marked SACRED POOLS. 'There are at least three hundred files here,' Qui-Gon said after a moment. 'Let's break it down. Den, you take the first hundred, Obi-Wan the next. I'll do the last. Scan as quickly as you can. Look for any mention of Offworld, mining, or mapping.' He looked over at Den. 'Don't try anything.'

Den blinked at him innocently. 'Like what?'

'I don't want to speculate,' Qui-Gon said dryly. 'Just do what I say.'

Obi-Wan accessed the first file and quickly scanned it. It was a record of correspondence between the manager of the Sacred Pools project and his superior at UniFy. As far as he could see, it was reporting fuel and food needs for the workers. Nothing. He accessed the next.

And the next. And the next.. Obi-Wan waded through file after file. He never imagined that working for a large corporation could be so dull. Information was repeated over and over and double-checked. He saw nothing suspicious.

'I wish Tahl were here,' Qui-Gon muttered. 'She would be able to figure out these financial records. They make everything so complicated…'

Suddenly, Qui-Gon stopped talking. Obi-Wan noticed that his viewscreen had frozen. When he looked back at his own, he saw that it was frozen as well.

'Den, what's happening?' he asked.

'I don't know,' Den said worriedly. He tried to turn his viewscreen off, but the switch didn't work. 'Odds are it's a temporary glitch.' He sprang up from his chair and started toward the door. 'Just lay low.'

'Where are you going?' Qui-Gon asked.

'I'm just going to nose around, see what's going on. You can rely on me.'

Den slipped out the door. Qui-Gon slowly rose.

'We have to get out of here now,' he said.

Obi-Wan looked at him, surprised. 'But we can't abandon Den.'

Qui-Gon looked grim. 'He has already abandoned us.'

Obi-Wan heard the sound of pounding feet. The door hissed open.

'Don't draw your lightsaber,' Qui-Gon quickly ordered, just before the security forces rushed in.

Obi-Wan knew why. Qui-Gon was hoping to escape detection as a wanted criminal. If they were lucky, they would be held at UniFy as trespassers.

But that fleeting hope was dashed immediately when the burly head of security stepped forward.

'You are wanted as violators of Telosian law under the Galactic Criminals Act,' he told them. 'You are under arrest.'

Chapter 8

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