was carried out on a stretcher, the crowd screamed in delight. It was a disturbing event.

Telos had been a peaceful planet, renowned for its innovative tech industry and its interest in culture and the arts. Qui-Gon wondered what had happened. Had Katharsis changed them, or had their years of prosperity dulled their senses and made them long for more bloodthirsty, pulse-pounding pleasures?

Den seemed unmoved by the commotion around him. He carried a small datapad and entered numbers, constantly watching the odds. Qui-Gon could see he was a serious gambler, yet he placed very small bets.

At last a break was called. The third round of the contest consisted of a vibroblade duel as the contestants were strung from tension cords. The vibroblades did not cut but carried a small electrical charge. The duel had been a free-for-all. Three more contestants had dropped out. One had been seriously injured. The remaining group looked exhausted and drained. Yet after the break they would have to undergo another grueling set of contests.

'Hungry? We can head to the food stalls,' Den said, activating the floating box to return to the stadium platform.

'Thank you, but I think we'll move on,' Qui-Gon said politely. 'We must tend to our business. Can you direct us to UniFy?'

'You can't miss it? just keep heading down the main boulevard. It's on your left. Good luck,' Den told them.

They bowed and joined the sea of beings heading for the food stalls in the middle tier of the dome. The security police were nowhere in sight. Qui-Gon hoped they'd given up at last. As the crowd surged toward the tempting food, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan headed toward the blue-lighted exit.

As they passed by the vast arching struts that held up the dome, Qui-Gon felt a sudden surge in the dark side of the Force. Alarmed, he stopped and faded back into the shadow of a thick durasteel strut. Obi-Wan had felt the surge as well and moved with him.

Qui-Gon gave his surroundings a sweeping glance. He knew what he was looking for.

A black shape detached from a shadowy passageway entrance. Xanatos strode across the empty space, the deep blue lining of his dark cape swirling around him, his black hair flowing to his shoulders. Suddenly, he stopped.

As a former Jedi, Xanatos was also Force-sensitive. He had stopped so abruptly that Qui-Gon had no doubt that he had felt the presence of the two Jedi. But would he interpret what he felt to mean that Qui-Gon was near?

Xanatos stood in the harsh overhead light. The scar that formed a half-circle on his cheek stood out, whiter than his pale, translucent skin. He surveyed the crowd a few meters away as they surged toward the food stalls. His gaze moved slowly over each form. Then he stopped and turned. His eyes swept the empty space, the arching struts, the corridors leading out in all directions.

Qui-Gon did not move. He did not even breathe. Obi-Wan was trying to be just as still beside him. Not with the flicker of an eyelash would they disturb the deep shadows.

Xanatos did not see them. But a slow smile spread over his face.

Qui-Gon knew what the smile meant. Xanatos knew they were here.

The battle had begun.

Chapter 4

Chuckling, Xanatos swiveled and strode back into the central dome.

'He knows we're here,' Obi-Wan said quietly.

'Yes,' Qui-Gon agreed. 'Let's find UniFy. We must move as quickly as we can.'

They left the dome and started down the main boulevard. The streets were strangely deserted. Qui-Gon imagined that most of the population was in the Katharsis Dome. Did they suspend work during Katharsis days?

He and Obi-Won passed a large, impressive building with blue-veined stone columns in front. A silver plaque read THE XANATOS INSTITUTE FOR HEALING.

'He has certainly made his mark,' Qui-Gon murmured.

'Look at the library across the street,' Obi-Wan said, pointing. 'He funded that, too.'

'The problem will not be finding him, obviously,' Qui-Gon said. 'The challenge will be to expose him for what he really is. The people love him. He has made sure of that. He has protected himself better by staying in the open than by hiding.'

Obi-Wan scanned a sign that announced that Xanatos was providing the funds to restore a large city park. 'He must have a reason behind all this,' he observed.

'He always has a reason,' Qui-Gon agreed. 'Naturally he wants to exert influence on Telos. But that is too broad a goal for him. We shall have to discover exactly what he intends.'

'Hey, genius guys!'

They turned to see Den heading for them. 'I thought you might need help finding UniFy,' he said. 'I realized that there's no sign on the building.'

'What about the lottery?' Obi-Wan asked. 'Isn't today your lucky day?'

'All my days are lucky, kid,' Den said, falling into step next to them. 'But I don't get a chance to do a good deed often enough.'

'We were just noticing all the buildings Xanatos has built in Thani,' Qui-Gon remarked. 'He has been a true benefactor.'

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