discover. You merge with the strength, cover the weakness. Together, the two of you are stronger.'

'Siri did no better than I did,' Obi-Wan said. He knew he sounded sulky, but he couldn't help himself. It was Siri who had changed the rules of the exercise.

'Siri is not my Padawan,' Qui-Gon said sternly. 'We are speaking of you. Remember, Obi-Wan, the fear of looking like a fool is never a reason to do something. Or not do it. It is a fear born in weakness.'

Obi-Wan nodded. He knew better than to continue to challenge Qui-Gon.

At least they would soon be leaving. He would not have to repeat the exercise with Siri. Yoda had informed them that he was sending them on a mission.

Just then Yoda entered the training room. He tucked his hands inside his robe, waiting for them to face him.

'A summons we have received,' he said. 'Parents have contacted the Jedi. Think they do that their child might be Force-sensitive. Kegan, the planet is. Are you familiar with this world?'

He asked the question of Qui-Gon and Adi. Both Jedi Masters shook their heads. Obi-Wan was surprised. Between the two, they had traveled an extensive amount.

'Remote Kegan is,' Yoda said. 'A one-planet system orbiting one sun. It is an Outer Rim planet, cut off from the galaxy. Trade agreements, they do not have. Travel to other worlds, they do not do. Outsiders, they do not welcome. No one has landed on the planet in thirty years.'

'That is very unusual,' Qui-Gon observed.

Yoda blinked. He had lived long and seen much. There was not much that could surprise him.

'A good sign this request may be,' he said. 'Think we do that by taking this step Kegan means to open up relations with the Inner Core worlds.

Welcomes this, the Galactic Senate does. Relations between worlds fosters peace. So two parts, your mission has. Open relations with Kegan we must.

Determine the child's potential we must as well. A planet that isolates itself can be filled with suspicion and fear. Diplomatic you must be.

Disruption you must not allow.'

Yoda looked at Adi and Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan was confused. Was he sending the two Jedi Masters instead of a Master-Padawan team?

'Two teams we have decided to send,' Yoda said.

'You mean all of us?' Obi-Wan blurted in dismay.

Yoda ignored his tone. 'Cooperate you must to complete the mission.'

Cooperate with Siri? Obi-Wan wanted to cry. He'd need more than the Force to accomplish that!

Why two teams? Obi-Wan wondered as Adi piloted their craft toward the surface of Kegan. The mission to identify a Force-sensitive child was fairly routine.

Did it mean that the Council was still looking over his shoulder?

After he had left the Jedi for a short time, Obi-Wan had been put on probation. He had used the time to deepen his study of the Jedi path. The probation had been lifted, and he was once again an official Padawan learner. But did the Council still withhold their trust?

Over the past months, the process of repairing his ties with his Master had been satisfying for both of them. They had spent much time at the Temple, and also had roamed the galaxy together, observing other worlds and customs and helping when they could. Their bond had grown stronger.

Had the Council not seen this? Why were they paired with Adi and Siri?

'Landing in three minutes,' Adi announced, breaking into his thoughts.

Obi-Wan stole a glance at Siri. Her face was passive as she gazed over the countryside below. She looked completely calm, but perhaps she hid nervousness well. Obi-Wan remembered how anxious he'd felt before his first mission. It was a new experience to leave the Temple and be thrust into the sometimes rough and violent galaxy. Obi-Wan leaned closer.

'Landing on a planet for the first time can be confusing,' he told her.

'There's usually so much to see that it's hard to focus. But in the first few minutes you can learn many things.'

She didn't turn, but kept her eyes on the approaching landing platform.

'I never lose my focus, Obi-Wan. Or my commitment.'

The words felt like a slap. Obi-Wan leaned back again, his face flushed. Siri had been furious with him for leaving the Jedi path. She had accused him of undermining the commitment of all Padawans by his decision.

She implied that her commitment to the Jedi was stronger than his.

It wasn't fair. He had taken one misstep. His Master and the Council had forgiven him. Why couldn't she?

The craft slowly lowered onto the landing platform. Obi-Wan saw a group waiting for them. Both the men and women wore tunics similar to the Jedis'.

Adi activated the ramp, and they disembarked. A man and a woman stepped forward immediately to greet them.

'Welcome, Jedi visitors,' the woman said in a pleasant tone. She was of middle years, with a broad face and curly gray hair that framed her ruddy cheeks in a frothy cloud. 'We are the Hospitality Guides, here to introduce

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