She seated herself at a monitor. 'I implanted sensors in your body when I treated your wounds. I am waiting. Use the Force.'

'I need strength to use the Force — ''Stop stalling,' she snapped.

Qui-Gon was weak, but he knew he could reach out for the Force and it would be there. He could not show Zan Arbor how much he could depend on it.

He gazed at a clipboard on the table. Using the Force, he caused it to slide rapidly off the table and clatter to the floor.

'A trick a first year student could accomplish!' Jenna Zan Arbor sneered. 'I can't get a reading from that!'

Good. 'It is the best I can do,' Qui-Gon said.

'Liar!' She sprang up from her chair. 'How dare you defy me! Don't you realize that you are at my mercy?'

'We made a bargain. You would give me an hour of freedom if I accessed the Force. I did so. I do not think you have the right to be angry,' Qui-Gon said steadily.

She moved closer to him. 'I… rule… you,' she spat out in his face. 'Don't forget that.'

She snapped her fingers at Nil. 'Put him back in the chamber.'

'I see you do not keep your word,' Qui-Gon said, as Nil grabbed him.

'Do not play with me, Qui-Gon Jinn,' she answered angrily. 'I know exactly how much strength you have. You think you can deceive me. I will always be one step ahead of you. Don't you understand yet how much I know?

You barter for your freedom with nothing. So you will get nothing from me.'

Only too glad to use brutality against Qui-Gon, Nil roughly pushed him back to the square outline of the chamber. The transparent walls began to rise.

'The amount of effort you use for the Force will result in the amount of time you are given your freedom,' Jenna Zan Arbor told him. 'Think about it.'

The vapor rose around him as the walls surrounded him. Qui-Gon felt despair rise with the enclosing walls.

I need you, Obi-Wan. Find me soon.

Chapter 8

Obi-Wan and Astri hitched a ride on a tech transport to Sorrus. The planet was a large one, with varied climates. Over its vast surface were rugged mountain ranges, huge deserts, and sprawling cities. Large bodies of water were scarce, and a complex irrigation system crisscrossed the planet in an intricate series of waterways and pipes.

The pilot of the tech transport landed in Yinn La Hi, one of three capital cities. Obi-Wan thanked him for the lift.

The pilot gazed out at the city. 'Good luck to you. I hope you know where you're going.'

'A desert region called Arra,' Obi-Wan told him, picking up his survival pack. 'Are the Sorrusians a friendly people?'

The pilot grinned. 'Sure. As long as you don't ask them any questions.'

Obi-Wan understood the pilot's words within a short amount of time.

He asked three different passersby for information on where to find transport to Arra. Each Sorrusian ignored him.

'Friendly place,' Astri said. 'I can see where Reesa On gets her sparkling personality.'

Ahead Obi-Wan glimpsed a transport center. There, a clerk behind an information desk directed them to a public air transport that made one stop at an outpost in the desert of Arra.

Although it was customary throughout the galaxy for Jedi to hitch rides on public transport without payment, here on Sorrus there was no such courtesy extended. Astri and Obi-Wan paid for their seats with their few credits.

It was a journey of several hours to the desert. The cities thinned out and the landscape became rugged. They flew over a mountain range. On one side were green fields, on the other desert. Dunes stretched as far as the eyes could see, with not a green plant growing. All Obi-Wan could see were rocks.

The transport pulled up to a desolate landing platform. Obi-Wan and Astri were the only ones to exit.

The air transport rose and disappeared. They stood on the platform and gazed at the sea of sand. The wind blew pellets into their faces, and they pulled up their hoods.

'What now?' Astri asked.

'I have the coordinates of the last-known camp of the tribe,' Obi-Wan said. 'Let's start walking.'

'I'm beginning to worry that this might be a waste of time,' Astri said as she trudged beside him. 'We might not find the tribe at all.'

'It's too soon to worry,' Obi-Wan answered. But he, too, felt uncertain. There wasn't a sign of life anywhere, not even vegetation. Who could survive in such a harsh land? Perhaps the tribe had moved on.

They hiked to a sheltered canyon near the foothills of the mountain range. The coordinates matched what Tahl had given him, but there was no sign of a tribe. Obi-Wan slogged through the sand, looking for a clue.

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