'We have just as much right to be here as you do,' Cholly said.

'It's a free planet,' Weez added. He frowned. 'Isn't it?'

Astri brandished her vibroblade menacingly. 'It's a big planet. And there's no one around. Haven't you noticed that?'

Cholly scampered backward. 'Whoa, whoa, strong lady, okay, okay. We were following you because of Ren's box.'

'What about Ren's box?' Obi-Wan asked.

'His personal effects, yes?' Cholly asked. 'We requested them from his mother after he… left us.'

'We said, for sentimental reasons. We were his best friends,' Tup added.

'She said no, why should she give what's left of her son to his lowlife lizard friends?' Weez said. 'Some people have no generosity.'

'So true, wise friend,' Cholly agreed sadly. 'The universe is so often against us.'

Astri rolled her eyes. 'Cut the blather. Why do you really want the bin?'

Cholly, Weez, and Tup exchanged glances.

'Ah, if we tell you, you won't cut us out of the deal?' Cholly asked.

Obi-Wan and Astri exchanged a glance. Obi-Wan did not trust the three scoundrels, but they could give them a lead.

'We'll cut you in,' Astri said.

Cholly, Weez, and Tup exchanged another glance. Then they all nodded simultaneously.

'The place where Ren was held,' Cholly said. 'He said the lab had stockpiled medicines. Vaccines, antitoxins, cures for many viruses.'

Astri stiffened. 'And?'

'Well. We thought, if such a place has such a stockpile, someone somewhere would want to buy it. And someone would have to sell it.'

'So why shouldn't the someone be us?' Weez asked.

'But Ren said no,' Tup volunteered.

'He, too, wanted to steal the medicines,' Cholly said. 'But he did not want to sell them. He wanted to turn them over to the Senate, or the Jedi. Some agency that would disperse them honestly. And get this scientist in trouble.'

'We had a small disagreement about this,' Weez said. 'We would help him steal them, but only if we made a profit of some kind.'

'So what happened?' Astri demanded. 'Did he tell you where the lab was?'

'This disagreement was not resolved,' Cholly said. 'Instead, Ren was murdered. But he told us he had the location of the lab in a safe place. So if something happened to him, someone would know where to go.'

'Then something happened to him,' Tup added helpfully.

'And his mother would not release his belongings,' Weez said.

'So we had nothing, just like before,' Cholly added. 'Until you came along. Then we thought, well, if you are on the trail of who killed Ren, perhaps we can find these medicines somehow.'

'So we followed you,' Weez said. 'You see? No harm done. The end!'

'Unless, of course, you wish to steal the medicines as well,' Cholly added. 'There is great profit here for all.'

Astri grabbed Obi-Wan's arm and pulled him away. 'Now we know for sure that Zan Arbor didn't destroy the antitoxins she developed. She has them, Obi-Wan! We have to find that lab!'

'I know,' Obi-Wan said. 'But they don't know where the lab is.'

'May I suggest something?' Cholly broke in. 'Perhaps if we could look at Ren's effects, we would see something you did not. Because we knew him, you see. We would understand the message that you could not.'

'Why would he leave you a message if he didn't want to steal the medicines?' Astri asked angrily.

'Because we are better than nothing,' Tup said.

'At least he knew we would try to find the lab,' Weez said.

'I hate to say it, but they make sense,' Obi-Wan murmured to Astri.

'We might as well see,' she agreed.

Beckoning to the trio, Obi-Wan and Astri led them inside the cafc.

Obi-Wan gestured at the items on the table.

'This is what was in the bin,' he said.

Cholly picked up various items. 'Not much here.'

'No datapad?' Weez asked.

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