'Woosh, I'm glad we found you,' Tup said as they approached. His round eyes were full of anxiety. 'I didn't know Sim-First could be so scary.'

'Did you get what I asked?' Obi-Wan inquired.

Cholly unloaded a number of items from his pack. He handed one to Obi-Wan. 'Hope it fits.'

'It's for Astri,' Obi-Wan said as he handed the black visor to her.

Astri fitted it over her head. It obscured her features and gave her a menacing look. 'It's fine,' she said.

She took it off and shook out her long, curly hair. Next Obi-Wan handed her a pair of high leather boots. Shrugging out of her tunic, she buckled her utility belt tighter around her waist and pulled on the boots.

'One more thing,' Obi-Wan said. 'I'm sorry, Astri, but — '

She gritted her teeth. 'Go ahead.'

Using a vibro-razor Cholly handed him, Obi-Wan first trimmed, then carefully shaved off Astri's pretty curls.

'Such a shame,' Tup murmured.

Astri's face was set in determined lines. 'It's worth it.'

When he had finished, Astri fitted the dark visor over her eyes. Her shaved skull gleamed. Obi-Wan handed her Ona Nobis's whip. She coiled it and fastened it to her utility belt. With the extra height of her heeled boots, she resembled the bounty hunter.

'I just hope they don't look too closely,' Obi-Wan said. He turned to Cholly, Weez, and Tup. 'You stay here. If the real Ona Nobis turns up, do your best to keep her out of the building. She's very fast, very clever.'

'It's three against one,' Cholly said. 'How can we fail?'

'You have surprise in your favor,' Obi-Wan said. 'I gave you a contact number for Tahl at the Temple. If Astri isn't out again in ten minutes, call Tahl and tell her to send the teams after us.'

'We will take care of everything,' Weez assured them.

Obi-Wan wasn't so sure, but he hoped that Ona Nobis wouldn't show up at all. He didn't need much time.

He and Astri strode across the walkway to the building entrance.

'What did you mean, if I don't come out?' Astri asked him under her breath. 'What about you?'

'If we find Qui-Gon and can't release him, you must leave without me, ' he told her. 'Contact Tahl and tell her what happened.'

'I can't leave you, Obi-Wan — '

'You have to,' he said firmly. 'I am your prisoner. Hand me over if you have to, then look for the medicines. Then leave. Promise me. You could be Qui-Gon's last hope.'

He couldn't see her eyes behind the helmet, but Astri pressed her lips together grimly. 'I promise.'

She pressed the button. Obi-Wan noted that her fingers were shaking.

What if Ona Nobis was already inside? Once again, Obi-Wan marveled at her courage. Astri accepted her fear and charged ahead.

'You're as good as a Jedi,' he told her softly.

He could not see her expression under the visor, but she reached out and briefly squeezed his hand in thanks.

The face of a guard appeared on the screen. Obi-Wan recognized the fine, feathery fur and the triangular eyes of a Quint.

'It's me,' Astri said bluntly, pitching her voice low.

'What are you doing here?' the guard asked. 'I have a Jedi prisoner,'

Astri barked impatiently. 'Let me in.'

The screen went blank. Obi-Wan felt the seconds tick away. Would they be allowed to enter?

The door hissed open. Obi-Wan saw Astri take a deep breath. Then they walked together into the secret lab.

The door shut behind them. They stood in a narrow hallway with a smooth polished floor. There was one double door ahead of them with a small viewing window. They started toward it.

The door suddenly opened and the same Quint guard who had appeared on the monitor hurried toward them.

'We're busy here, you know,' he snapped. 'You'll have to bring the prisoner to holding room C yourself.'

'I don't take orders from you,' Astri snapped back.

'Why isn't the prisoner restrained?' the Quint asked suddenly, his steps slowing. 'You always use servo-cuffs with prisoners.' His hand went for his blaster.

In another moment, Astri's real identity could be discovered. He had hoped to get farther than this, but at least they were inside. Obi-Wan reached out and unfurled Astri's whip in one smooth gesture. He snapped it overhead, aiming for the Quint guard. It wrapped around his ankle and Obi- Wan pulled back with a jerk. The Quint went down with a howl. Obi-Wan jumped forward and quickly wound the whip around the guard, restraining his arms and legs. Then he dragged him past the double doors into a long hallway. Astri ran ahead and accessed a door, which hissed open, revealing an empty holding room. Obi-Wan dumped him inside.

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