anyone there?'

'Yes! We're trapped!' Obi-Wan shouted. 'I am Goq Cranna. Who is there?'

'Goq Cranna, it is Obi-Wan Kenobi! I am the Jedi who visited your tribe and asked for your help!'

'Ah, then it is good I stopped. Stay back, young Kenobi. We will dig you out.'

Obi-Wan crawled back into the cave. Siri, Astri, Cholly, Weez, and Tup sat propped against the cave wall, exhausted.

'Goq Cranna has found us!' Obi-Wan said. 'He's digging us out.'

'Thank the stars and planets,' Tup said fervently.

It seemed to take a long time for Goq to dig out the opening. At last light streamed in and they saw the smiling face of Goq's son, Bhu.

They crawled out of the cave into the orange blaze of sunset.

'The wind dies down at dusk, or else we would not have seen the silver rod,' Goq said. 'Even though we were searching. We saw the dead pilot and knew Ona Nobis had been here. We went into hiding. But then when we emerged we met a pilot who was supposed to pick up two passengers at the landing platform. They didn't show up. Bhu said, what if the wonderful lady who saved our tribe is in danger? So I agreed to look. Bhu saved you.'

Bhu smiled shyly at Astri, who hugged him. 'Thank you, Bhu.'

On their last trip, Astri had made a trade with Bhu for information about Ona Nobis. She had taught the desert tribe how to find food in the harsh environment. It was obvious that Bhu now worshiped her.

Siri combed her hair behind her ears with her fingers, shaking out the sand. 'Did you actually see Ona Nobis?'

'Close enough to touch,' Goq told her. 'I was nearby when she called someone on her corn-link. Someone was trying to persuade her to do something and offered her a cut of a potential fortune if she did so.'

'Did you hear if she accepted, or where she is headed?' Obi-Wan asked urgently.

'I merely heard stray words,' Goq said. A look of blankness had come over his face. Obi-Wan recognized it. It was the look of a Sorrusian who did not want to get mixed up in a stranger's business. Obi-Wan shot a glance at Astri.

'Surely you picked up some indication of what she was up to,' Astri said gently, her hand still on Bhu's shoulder.

Goq's eyes warmed as he looked at Astri and his son. Astri had saved his tribe. For that, he would overcome his Sorrusian instinct for self- preservation at all costs.

'I do know where she is headed, wonderful lady. Belasco.'

Obi-Wan stood on the landing platform of Arra. The sunsets were long on Sorrus, and the sky was still ablaze with orange and yellow. He had just concluded a difficult conversation with Qui-Gon. It had not been easy to tell his Master that contrary to orders he had stopped in the desert before heading to Coruscant.

Now he waited out Qui-Gon's silence.

At last the Jedi spoke. 'You were told to come straight to Coruscant.

' 'The stop, we felt, would have been quick. And I had a strong feeling that Astri was in danger.'

'The stop was not quick, and you put yourself and Siri in danger as well.'

'And now we know that Ona Nobis is headed to Belasco. It is the home planet of Senator Uta S'orn! She was Jenna Zan Arbor's only friend. This can't be a coincidence. Uta S'orn could be in great danger. We should go there immediately!'

Another long silence. 'Adi and I are disappointed in both of you. We will discuss this later. For now, we will meet you on Belasco.'

Chapter 12

Qui-Gon gazed through the cockpit of the consular ship that was ferrying the Jedi to Belasco. From high above, the capital city of Senta glowed. It had been built centuries before out of native rose-colored stone. It was a spectacular sight, crowning the golden hills that surrounded a sea of sparkling blue.

Casually, he stretched his arms and legs, testing his strength. His continuing weakness dismayed him. He knew he had not given his body a chance to recover. But he was driven on by his fierce desire to bring Jenna Zan Arbor to justice. He was the one who knew firsthand how her mind worked. He could not leave this mission to others.

'Do you feel you are regaining your strength?' Adi asked politely. He knew she would not ask such a personal question if she were not concerned.

'Yes,' he said shortly. He liked and respected Adi, but he did not wish to tell her his concerns. He hoped that would be the end of the subject.

He should have known better. Adi was not one to pry. But when she wanted a true answer, she did not give up.

'I noticed that your connection to the Force was a bit weak back at the lab,' Adi said. 'I would not wish you to return to the Temple, or ask you to do so. But…' Adi turned her face to look at him directly. Qui-Gon was forced to meet her dark, commanding gaze. She was almost as intimidating as Mace Windu when she wanted to be.

'I just want things clear between us,' she continued. 'Here is what I see. You are pretending to have made a full recovery, but you have not. You compensate for your weakness by demonstrating your strength in strategy and decision-making. You should have consulted me before ordering Siri and Obi- Wan to Sorrus, Qui-Gon. I am your

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