'And I know Didi will be well,' Obi-Wan told her.

They had been through much together. Astri had no Jedi training, no Force-sensitivity, and could barely manage to hit a target with blaster fire. Yet Obi-Wan had come to admire her many skills. Her fear was obvious but she never failed to charge ahead.

Now she fumbled as she withdrew the vibroblade from her belt. 'Here.

You might need this.'

He took it from her. 'Thanks. I'll see you back at the Temple.'

Biting her lip, Astri nodded. Then she rushed off, wobbling a bit in the thigh-high boots she had donned to impersonate Ona Nobis.

Siri's hand rested lightly on her lightsaber hilt. Her bright blond hair was combed straight back and tucked behind her ears. Her no-nonsense appearance matched the way she attacked a problem. She did not waste time.

'Tahl contacted us a moment ago,' she told Obi-Wan. 'Zan Arbor has blocked out all communications from the lab, but Qui-Gon managed to get a last message through to the Temple. Zan Arbor has locked herself in with the other prisoner. If Qui-Gon attempts to come through the door, she will kill the captive. He is searching for another way inside that room.'

'Did he see the other prisoner?' Obi-Wan asked.

Siri shook her head.

'We think we know who he is,' Adi said. 'He is a Jedi Master.'

Obi-Wan was startled. 'She was able to hold two Jedi Masters hostage?

' How could such a thing happen?

'Noor R'aya is an elder Jedi,' Adi explained. 'He does not live at the Temple. He no longer goes on missions, but he chose to live out his remaining days in seclusion and meditation on his home planet. He disappeared several weeks ago, and we've been searching for him.'

'We traced his disappearance to the bounty hunter, Ona Nobis,' Siri explained. 'As soon as we told Tahl this, she told us about Jenna Zan Arbor's involvement. Noor R'aya must be the other being Qui-Gon sensed at the lab.'

'Our first problem is getting in,' Obi-Wan said. 'There are no windows and only one door. Other Jedi teams are on their way, but the more we delay, the more we risk Qui-Gon's and Noor R'aya's lives. And Simpla-12 has no security police. It's just us.'

'It's not a problem,' Adi said serenely. 'We have a way in.'

Chapter 2

'We've learned through our contacts that someone is looking for a large shipment of black market assassin droids for protection on Simpla-12, ' Adi said. 'We know this person is Jenna Zan Arbor. We've tracked down the droid dealers. Now we just need to get the dealers to agree to smuggle us inside along with the shipment.'

'When is the transfer supposed to happen?' Obi-Wan asked anxiously.

'As soon as possible,' Adi replied. 'The droid sellers got the definite impression that Zan Arbor is planning to leave the planet. She could have lied, but I'm guessing her departure plans are behind the urgency of the request. She needs protection in order to leave and she needs protection wherever she goes. She knows the Jedi are on her trail.'

'If she's planning to leave, we can't wait for reinforcements,' Obi- Wan observed.

Adi nodded grimly. 'I agree. Let's head for the warehouse where the droids are being loaded. The sellers are waiting for us.'

The warehouse was a dingy metal structure that tilted alarmingly to one side. The foundation was sunk deep into the mud. Simpla-12's constant cloud cover made for frequent rain, and Obi-Wan, Siri, and Adi slogged through ankle-deep mud to reach the entrance.

As Obi-Wan pushed open the door, he heard familiar voices.

'Gibbertz and ham, these droids are old. Couldn't you have found some newer models?'

'Oh, of course, why didn't you say so? Let me reach into my deep pocket full of credits and pay for them.'

Obi-Wan groaned aloud. 'You don't mean to tell me,' he said to Adi and Siri, 'that the droid sellers are Cholly, Weez, and Tup?'

'You know them?' Adi asked.

Just then, Cholly caught sight of Obi-Wan. 'My friend!' he cried in a warm voice that did not disguise his nervousness.

'Jedi Kenobi!' Weez echoed as Tup slid behind him to hide. 'We did not expect you!' 'Why?' Obi-Wan asked, walking toward them. 'Because you thought I was Zan Arbor's prisoner? Because you said you would prevent Ona Nobis from approaching the building, and ran away instead?'

'Well, no,' Weez said, shifting his feet nervously. 'I wouldn't say that's why.'

Tup peeked out from behind him. 'We are on your side, Obi-Wan.'

'As long as you don't have to risk your own necks,' Obi-Wan observed.

'Well, of course,' Weez said. 'But we are like that with everyone!'

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