remained on one knee as he accepted it and turned it towards Isak. There was
a thin film of sweat on his brow, but anticipation shone in his eyes as he lifted the lid and held it out for Isak to see.
The other Farlan gasped as the contents shone as bright as Siulents in the moonlight.
Isak was speechless, trembling all over. At first he was too afraid to believe what he was seeing, then a primal hunger flared inside him, sparked by the eerie glow coming from the box. He felt the damp touch of pain as his hand clenched so hard he drew blood.
The rest of the Land faded away and he lost himself in the smooth lines of the two Crystal Skulls. For a moment he could do nothing, hear nothing, as he stared dumbfounded at what was being offered to him. He knew their names at once. Unbidden, the memories rose in his head: Hunting and Protection, the Skulls Aryn Bwr had forged for himself that together made him stronger than any mortal – the weapons that had killed Gods.
With the heady beat of blood pounding in his ears, Isak slowly fought for control of his senses and at last reached out a shaky hand. The world grew heavy and textured as his fingers neared the box. He spread his hand to touch both at once. He expected them to be cold, until he felt the power they contained. They were warmer than his fingers – he could see a little wisp of steam curl away from the surface of one. Then they were hotter still, then suddenly scorching. A wrench of burning pain gripped his arm, growing fiercer with each passing instant. Then the world went black.
Isak awoke to
Pulling his silver gauntlet back on, Isak noticed it had lost its lustre. The silver had faded with the light and now it looked plain and dull, like weathered iron. It was still his armour, yet somehow diminished; when he checked, Eolis was the same. He pulled off his helm and the blue silk hood and drew in deep gulps of thin air. His muscles were weak and stiff, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to shake off the fatigue.
'I've been waiting for you.'
Isak whirled around, hand on sword, to see an armoured figure standing ten yards away. The knight had a blank helm hiding his face and the teardrop shield on his arm was turned away so Isak could not see the design on its surface. His sword was drawn, but held behind his back; the pose reminded Isak of some of the formal duelling positions he'd seen Vesna practise.
Isak could see from the knight's stance that a challenge was being offered. The air of menace was all too apparent. He drew his own weapon and planted his feet securely, a shoulder-width apart and with one slightly ahead of the other, just as Carel had taught him so many years ago.
'Where am I? Who are you?'
'You are nowhere, caught in a moment between your past and the future.' The voice was male, rich and subtle, like King Emin's, but with an accent he couldn't place. Everything about the knight was threatening, even his words;
'What do you want from me?'
The knight hadn't appeared to expect that question, but for reply, he raised his shield and brought his sword around to point it directly at Isak. Realisation came with a jolt; the knight was wearing Siulents, and carrying the same blade Isak had in his hand, not copies, but as real as those Isak himself carried, similarly dimmed yet unmistakable.
'What do I want from you, boy? Everything, all that you are. Part of me has been with you all your life to make of you the tool I need for the years to come.'
'All my life?'
'Certainly. Events needed to be guided, my investment protected. That priest of Larat for example – he could not be allowed to rum' mage around in your head.'
'So what happened when I touched the Skulls?'
'I doubt you would understand even if I told you,' the knight sneered.
'So the prophecies of the last king are really true? You denied Death's judgement?' Some part of Isak demanded proof, despite the growing dreadful certainty in his gut.
The knight eased the helm from his head and let it drop to the ground. He shook his silvery, almost insubstantial hair loose. It accentuated his thin jaw and sharp cheekbones. Aryn Bwr's strange beauty made him look delicate, but far from weak; Isak suspected he had a whipcord strength that could strike like lightning.
'All this for revenge?'
'Don't think to pity me,' the elf lord spat. 'You know nothing of my cause, nothing of the war I fought. My time has come again, and this time I will not fail.'
In a heartbeat he leapt forward and slashed up underneath Isak's shield. The white-eye hardly saw the blow coming; he barely caught it in time. A second overhand cut flashed past his head as Isak twisted sideways and slashed wildly to deflect a cut to his exposed legs. Somehow he battered Aryn Bwr's blade away.
Isak scrambled backwards to give himself some space, but the elf pursued and struck again and again. Even Isak's unnatural speed was barely keeping up with Aryn Bwr.
The elf stopped suddenly and gave Isak a cold smile. 'Strange, when I was looking out through your eyes you seemed faster than this.' He attacked again, not looking for a killing blow, but content to drive Isak back, confusing and unbalancing the young white-eye, always stepping back at the last moment when Isak could almost feel the bite of Eolis at his neck. He took the moments of respite gladly, then lunged at the elf with every ounce of strength in his massive body.
Aryn Bwr rode Isak's clumsy attack like a willow branch flexing in the wind, then thrust hard. Isak caught the blow on his shield, and as the blade cut down it forced the shield into his shoulder with jarring force.
Isak tried to retaliate, but again the elf stepped around Isak's thrust. This time he smashed his shield down on to Isak's wrist and pain burst through his hand as something snapped under the blow. Worse, Eolis was knocked from his grip. Isak gasped and reeled; he didn't even see the elf punch forward with Eolis's hilt. The blow connected and stars flared before his eyes.
He fell, sprawled at the last king's feet. Aryn Bwr stared down at him with contempt. 'Is that all you have? So it is true, they made you weak; weak enough to be one they could control.'
Isak struggled up on to his elbows. 'What do you mean?'
'You do not know?' Aryn Bwr laughed. 'Boy, you are not even the first Saviour this Age has seen, and you are his inferior in every way. Dare you deny it? You see him in your dreams; you've known him your whole life.'
'The Saviour? Then-' Isak could not begin to find the words for the questions he wanted to ask.
‘Then what happened? Azaer happened. Azaer encouraged their vanity, urged the Gods to be their own undoing, to be divided and distrustful of each other, while I returned to power. The Gods made their Saviour the greatest of men, perhaps even greater than me, but
before long the Saviour began to question why he needed to serve any master.'
Isak lay on the floor, overwhelmed by what he was hearing, but not so dazed that he did not desperately search for a way to escape. He knew it was futile: Aryn Bwr had been the supreme warrior; he had killed Gods. He had fallen only to Karkarn, the God of War himself.