probably give us the slip. He's good at changing identities. And he's had a long time to get ready.'

'Pop,' said Hank, 'get over to the old lady's place. See if you can speed things up.'

Cash said, 'I know where he went.'


'Same place as Miss Groloch. Her brother's place. He followed her. To get them both at the same time.'

'Don't start that shit again!'

'Don't you start. I'm up to here…'

Beth gripped his arm. Cash forced himself to calm down. 'Who's the resident Groloch expert? Maybe I haven't done so good, but you have to admit I know more than anybody else. And I was the only one who realized it was important back when you wanted to push it off on somebody else.'

'He's got a point, Henry,' Old Man Railsback said from the door.

'At the top of his head.'

'Where do you think he went?' Malone asked. 'I didn't catch your name, by the way. Nor yours,” he told Beth. He turned, but was too late to catch Old Man Railsback.

'Norman Cash. A sergeant in this chicken outfit. That's Beth Tavares. She's a detective too, only she mostly gets shafted into being a secretary.'

'Norm's got the fastest mouth and gun west of the Mississippi,' Hank snapped.

'You're the jerk who makes me lug a piece…'

The strain had begun to tell.

'Norm, please!' Beth gripped his arms again, wearing an expression so pained and pathetic that he could not help but desist.

He glanced at his watch. Still a half hour before he could collect Teri. He wasn't sure he could handle Railsback that long.

'Sorry, Norm,' Hank told him. 'You're right. It's as much my fault as yours. I should have listened when I talked, especially… just bear with me, okay? Going to be a job getting out of this one.'

Cash was flabbergasted. A Railsback apology? They were as common as hen's teeth.

Beth poked him.

He gabbled something. Enough to satisfy Hank and Beth. He turned to Malone. 'I think Smiley went after a woman I've been investigating-a Fiala Groloch. The daughter of the man who lived in that house in Czechoslovakia. She has a brother in upstate New York. She doesn't know we know that. That's where they'll both end up. In my opinion.'

Railsback opened a Styrofoam cup of coffee that had cooled to lukewarm, began pacing. 'What did you want from us, Mr. Malone?'

'I think I have most of it. At least an idea of why he's moving. I'd like copies of the pertinent reports, and a chance to talk to a few people. Also, a look at what's left of the man's house. And I'll want that New York address if you have it.'

Cash felt a stubborn streak coming on. 'That's my baby. I'm going up there personally.' He expected smoke to roll from Hank's ears.

Railsback spent a few seconds staring out the window. Reasonably, he asked, 'You think you'd be any safer going after her there?'

Norm hadn't considered the risks. 'Tran's going with me,' he blustered.

'That's good. I hear he can take care of himself. But maybe you need reminding. She took out four of Egan's thugs.'

'Two at a time. And they weren't ready for her.'

'Dammit, Norm, I don't want to lose you too.'

Beth interrupted with an explanation for Malone's benefit.

Cash checked his watch. Still a little early… no. Downtown traffic would hold him up. 'I've got to leave. Got to break the news to a couple of ladies.'

Beth overtook him at the car. 'I almost left my purse.'

He hadn't invited her. Didn't really want her along. And Teri wouldn't like it. But he couldn't find the nerve to say no.

'She won't like you being there.'

'She'll change her mind.'

Lord, the girl's getting assertive, he thought.

The surprises were piling up.

Teri certainly wasn't pleased.

'Who's she?' she demanded, as Beth got out and moved to the back seat. 'You said-'

'Beth Tavares. She's a cop too. And don't worry. She'll keep her mouth shut. Not that it really matters anymore.'

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