'One ship and a treasure box. If our benefactor really is who he claims to be, such losses are meaningless.' Haako raised a palsied hand. 'And if he is, he is a thing to fear, not to delight. And how can we be certain, in any case? What proof does he offer, Viceroy? He contacts you out of the ether, only by hologram. He can claim to be anyone.' Gunray worked his jutting jaw.

'Who would be brain-dead enough to make such a claim without being able to support it?' He brought forth a portable holoprojector and set it down on a table.

When the Dark Lord of the Sith had first contacted him, months earlier, he seemed to know everything about Nute Gun — ray and his rise to personal power. How Gunray had testified to the Trade Federation Directorate against Pulsar Supertanker-at the time a participatory company within the conglomerate-accusing Pulsar of 'malicious disregard for profit' and 'charitable donations lacking discernible reward.' Indeed, it appeared to have been that testimony and similar declarations of avidity that had first attracted the notice of Darth Sidious.

Even so, Gunray had remained as skeptical then as his advisers were now, despite demonstrations by Darth Sidious of his wide-ranging influence and sway. Secretly, Sidious had arranged for several key resource worlds to join the Trade Federation as signatory members, abdicating their representation in the Galactic Senate in exchange for lucrative trade opportunities, and, where possible, protection from smuggling concerns and pirates. And at each turn Sidious had made the procurements appear the doing of Gunray, thus helping to consolidate Gunray's increasing authority and assuring his appointment to the directorate.

As to whether Sidious's influence truly owed to Sith powers, Gunray could not say, nor did he care to know, based on what little he knew of the Sith-an ancient, perhaps legendary order of black mages, absent from the galaxy for the past thousand years.

Some referred to the Sith as the dark side of the Jedi; others claimed that it was the Jedi who had ended the reign of the Sith, in a war that had pitted dark and light against each other. Still others said the Sith, greedy for power, killed one another. But Gunray knew nothing of the truth of these things, and he hoped to keep it that way.

He stared pointedly at the holoprojector; the appointed moment was close at hand.

Gunray hadn't finished the thought when the head and shoulders of a cloaked apparition rose from the device, the cowl of his dark garment pulled down over his eyes, revealing a deeply furrowed chin and a jowly, aged face.

An elaborate broach closed the cloak at the neck.

When the figure spoke, his voice was a prolonged rasp.

'I see, Viceroy, that you have assembled your underlings, as I asked,'

Darth Sidious began.

Gunray knew that the word underlines wasn't going to find favor among Monchar and Haako. Though there was little he could do about that, he thought it best at least to attempt to rectify matters.

'My advisors, Lord Sidious.' Sidious's face betrayed nothing. 'Of course- your advisors.' He paused for a moment, as if probing the incalculable distance that separated them. 'I perceive an atmosphere of misgiving, Viceroy.

Has the aftermath of our plan failed to please you?' 'No, not at all, Lord Sidious,' Gunray stammered. 'It's only that the loss of the freighter and the aurodium ingots is a matter of concern to some.' He glanced with purpose at his two counselors.

'The others lack your grasp of the larger purpose, Viceroy,' Sidious said with a note of disdain.

'Perhaps we need to reacquaint them with our intent to stir sympathy for the Trade Federation in the senate.

That is why we informed the Nebula Front militants of the shipment of aurodium. The loss of the ingots will further our cause. Soon you will have the politicians and bureaucrats eating out of your hands, and then the Trade Federation will at last have the droid army it needs. Baktoid, Haor Chall Engineering, and the Colicoids are waiting to fill your orders.' Gunray began to fidget. 'Army, Lord Sidious?' 'The riches of the Outer Rim await those with the courage to grab them.' Gunray gulped. 'But, Lord Sidious, perhaps the time isn't right to take such actions-was 'Not right? It is your destiny.

With a droid army to support you, who would dare question Neimoidia's authority to rule the space lanes?' 'We would welcome the ability to defend ourselves against pirates and agitators,' Rune Haako risked saying. 'But we don't wish to break the terms of our trade treaty with the Republic. Not when the price of a droid army is taxation of the free trade zones.' 'So you've heard about Chancellor Valorum's intentions,' Sidious said.

'Only that he is likely to give his full weight to the proposal,' Gunray said.

Sidious nodded. 'Rest assured, Viceroy, Supreme Chancellor Valorum is our strongest ally in the senate.' 'Lord Sidious has some influence in the senate?

' Haako asked carefully.

But Sidious was too clever to take the bait.

'You will come to learn that there are many that do my bidding,' he said.

'They understand, as you will understand, that they serve themselves best by serving me.' Haako and Monchar traded quick looks.

'The ruling members of the Trade Federation Directorate are not likely to sanction spending hard-earned profits on droids,' Monchar said. 'As it is, they consider us Neimoidians to be unnecessarily suspicious.' 'I am well aware of the opinions of your partners,' Sidious rasped. 'Be advised that foolish friends are no better than enemies.' 'Nevertheless, they will oppose this arrangement.' 'Then we will just have to find some way to convince them.' 'He doesn't mean to sound unappreciative, Lord Sidious,' Gunray apologized. 'It's simply that… It's simply that we don't really know who you are, and what you are capable of providing. You could be a powerful Jedi, hoping to entrap us.'

'A. Jedi' Sidious said. 'Now you do mock me. But you will see that I am a forgiving master. As to your concerns about my identity-my heritage, let us say-my actions will speak for me.' The Neimoidians exchanged perplexed looks.

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