hands in a gesture that begged silence.

His first words brought a faint smile to Pal-patine's lips.

'Delegates of the Galactic Senate, we find ourselves beset by a confluence of sobering challenges.

Frayed at its far-flung borders by internecine skirmishes and hollowed at its very heart by corruption, the Republic is in grave danger of unraveling.

Recent events in the Mid and Outer Rim demand that we stem the rising tide of strife by restoring order and balance. So dire is our plight, that even extreme measures should not be dismissed out of hand.' Valorum paused briefly to allow his words to sink in.

'The free trade zones were originally created to foster exchange between the Core Worlds and the outlying systems of the Mid and Outer Rims. At the time, it was thought that free and open trade would prove a benefit to all concerned. But those zones have since become a haven not only for smugglers and pirates, but also for shipping and trading cartels that have availed themselves of the liberties we ensured, by setting themselves up as entities of political and military leverage.' Murmurs of concurrence and discord stirred the already impassioned air.

'The Trade Federation comes before us with a request that we do something to safeguard commerce in the outlying sectors. They are within their rights to request this, and we are obliged by our covenant to respond. But in a very real sense it is the questionable practices of the Trade Federation that have made it a target for thieves and terrorists.' Valorum raised his voice to be heard over hundreds of separate conversations, in as many tongues.

'In the same way, we must accept some of the blame for this, since it was this body that granted the Trade Federation such latitude, and it is this body that has chosen to turn a deaf ear time and again to what transpires in the outlying systems. This practice cannot be allowed to continue. The Trade Federation has become a bloated creature, ingesting lesser concerns and refusing to do business with worlds that seek to ship with its few remaining competitors. It would not be overstatement to say that these trade zones are no longer free.

'And yet the Trade Federation comes before us to solicit our help in putting an end to the disorder it has fashioned.

'The Federation asks for protection-as if this body can blithely deploy a military force against the pirates and terrorists who prey on the Federation's freighters. As if this body could provide starfighters and Dreadnaughts and, in so doing, turn the free trade zones inffcctested space-a battleground.

'There is, however, a solution to all this. If the Trade Federation wants us to ensure that the outlying systems be made safe for commerce-a task that will require action from this body, as well as from the many systems that lie within the free trade zones- then those planetary systems must be brought into the Republic as member worlds. Those worlds that the Trade Federation currently represents in the senate must abjure their affiliation with the Federation and bring their individual voices to this hall, to be heard as autonomous systems once more.' Valorum allowed the grumbling to go on for several moments before he gestured again for silence.

'We urge that the worlds of the free trade zones move quickly and decisively. Terrorist groups like the Nebula Front are merely the tip of a more deep-seated discontent. By working in accordance, the volunteer militaries and space corps of the affected systems can quell local insurrections before they swell to widespread revolution.

'The direct consequence of this will be the abolition of the free trade zones. The trade routes to those outlying systems that join the Republic would henceforth be subject to the same taxation that applies to routes in the Core, the Colonies, and the Inner Rim. I urge you to consider that such action is long overdue.

For free trade is no longer that when all trade is controlled by one cartel.' Clamorous cheers and boos punctuated the air, but reaction was not as mixed as Palpatine had feared it might be. Still, he was disappointed. Valorum had made a case for taxation without addressing any of the consequences or the possible compromises that might be made.

Before such a motion could be enacted as legislation, special interest groups-on the payroll of the Trade Federation or similar concerns-would register their protests. Then the motion would move to committee, where it would be further weakened. After that, it would be burdened with ancillary legislation, aimed at appeasing the special interest groups and lobbyists.

Finally, it would be endlessly debated, in the hope of continued deferral.

But there were ways to cut through the bureaucratic tangle. Exasperated, Palpatine glanced around the amphitheater, wondering who would make the first move — comfiguratively and literally.

It was the Neimoidians who acted, loosing their balcony from the inner wall and directing it to the center of the rotunda. Detached, the platforms resembled sleeker versions of the repulsorlift air taxis that filled Coruscant's skies. Word had it that some of the platforms moved more rapidly than others-even on autopilot-which was crucial, since delegates frequently raced to be recognized by the Supreme Chancellor.

'We recognize Delegate Lott Dod,' Valorum said, 'representing the Trade Federation.' Lott Dod wore rich robes and a tall, black miter. A saucer — shaped hovercam with a single antenna rushed in to broadcast his flat- faced likeness to the screens built into the display consoles of the balconies.

'We submit that the senate does not have the right or the authority to enact taxation of the outlying trade zones.

This is nothing more than a ploy to break up our consortium.

'It was the Trade Federation who opened the hyperlanes to the outlying systems, who risked the lives of its space-faring captains to bring formerly primitive worlds into the Republic, and new resources into the Core.

'Now we learn that we are expected to defend ourselves against the mercenaries and pirates who masquerade as freedom fighters, merely to enrich themselves at our expense. We come before you asking for aid, and instead become the victim of an indirect attack.' From delegations representing the Commerce Guild and the Techno Union came loud shouts of encouragement.

'If the senate does not wish to intercede with the Nebula Front-or, indeed, if it is incapable of doing so,' Dod continued, 'then it must at least grant us what we need to defend ourselves. As it is, we are defenseless in the face of far superior fighters.' Where some cheered and some booed, Valorum merely nodded. 'Commissions can be appointed to determine if additional defense capabilities are warranted at this time,' he said sternly.

Another balcony dropped from the curved wall.

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