Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood on the circular walkway that surrounded the holomap, waiting to be called before the members of the High Council.

Several other Jedi were about, studying the map or headed for one of the three exterior contemplation balconies that overlooked the vast plain of cityscape below the Temple. It was from the dawn-facing balcony that Qui-Gon had had his first real look at Coruscant.

'This is the first time I've ever seen Coruscant singled out,' Obi-Wan remarked as he gazed up at the sphere, his elbows resting on the walkway railing.

Qui-Gon glanced at the flashing spheroid that was Corus-cant, then allowed his eyes to roam midway to the holomap's perimeter, where a second spheroid was aglow.


'Coruscant should remain illuminated at all times,' he started to say, when yet another spheroid, at even greater remove than Dorvalla, began to flash.

'Eriadu,' Obi-Wan said, reading the graphic attached to it. He looked questioningly at Qui-Gon.

'The site of the upcoming trade summit.' 'Whose idea was that, Master?'

Obi-Wan asked.

'Senator Palpatine,' a baritone human voice said from behind them.

They turned to find Jorus C'baoth watching them.

An elder human Jedi Master, C'baoth had a chiseled face, white hair as long as Qui-Gon's, and a beard three times as long.

'Palpatine represents Naboo,' C'baoth added.

'Just the world for Qui-Gon,' another human Jedi said from farther along the walkway.

C'baoth nodded. 'More indigenous species in one square kilometer than you normally encounter on a hundred worlds.' He smiled faintly. 'I could easily see Master Qui-Gon losing himself there.' Before either Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan could respond, Adi Gal — lia entered the holomap room. 'We're ready for you, Qui-Gon,' she announced.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan folded their arms, so that each hand disappeared into the opposite sleeve of their cloaks, and followed Gallia to the turbolift that accessed the summit chamber.

'Don't say anything, Padawan,' Qui-Gon said quietly when they reached the circular chamber.

'Simply listen and learn.' Obi-Wan nodded. 'Yes, Master.' Arch-topped panes of transparisteel afforded unobstructed views in all directions. The ceiling was also arched, and the lustrous floor was designed as a series of concentric circles, inlaid with floral motifs.

Leaving Obi-Wan to wait by the turbolift, Qui-Gon advanced to the center of the room and stood with his hands crossed in front of him.

To the right of the turbolift sat Depa Billaba, a slender near — human female from Chalacta, who wore a mark of illumination between and slightly above her eyes. Beside her was Eeth Koth, his face a jigsaw puzzle of lines, and his hairless head studded with vestigial yellow horns of varying length.

Next came the long — necked Quermian, Yarael Poof; then Adi, Oppo Rancisis, and Even Piell, a Lannik warrior whose face bore a puckered scar. To Piell's left sat Yaddle, a female of Yoda's species; Saesee Tiin, an Iktotchi, with downward-facing horns; Ki-Adi-Mundi, a strikingly tall humanoid from Cerea; Yoda, in the red chair that cupped him; and Yoda's peer, Mace Windu, a powerfully built, dark — complexioned human with a shaved skull. To Windu's left, close to the opposite side of the turbolift entrance, sat Plo Koon.

Fingers interlocked, Mace Windu leaned forward in his seat to address Qui-Gon. 'We've just met with members of the Judicial Department, regarding the attempted assassination of Supreme Chancellor Valorum. We're trusting that you can shed additional light on what transpired at the Galactic Senate.' Qui- Gon nodded. 'I trust that I can.' Yoda glanced at Windu, then leveled his gaze at Qui-Gon. 'How came you to be at the senate, Qui-Gon? Alerted by your source in the Nebula Front, were you?' 'I'll answer that,' Adi Gallia said. 'I asked Qui-Gon to ac company me to the Senate, to speak personally with Supreme Chancellor Valorum.' Windu regarded her with a frown. 'For what purpose?' Adi looked briefly to Qui-Gon.

'Qui-Gon has reason to believe that the Supreme Chancellor errs by relying on worlds along the Rimma Trade Route to end terrorism in those sectors.' 'Is this so, Qui-Gon?' Ki-Adi-Mundi asked.

Qui-Gon nodded. 'The Nebula Front receives much of its funding from those very worlds.' 'Knows much about the situation, Qui-Gon does,' Yoda said with false flattery. 'Correct he was about Captain Cohl surviving the explosion at Dorvalla.' He paused. 'Behind the attempted assassination attempt, is Cohl?'

'No, Master,' Qui-Gon said. 'Cohl is on the run. Furthermore, I'm not persuaded that the Nebula Front actually wished to harm the Supreme Chancellor.' Yoda's expression hardened. 'Shot him, they did. Traced by documentation to their secret base in the Senex sector, they were.' 'Too easily, Master,' Qui-Gon said, holding his ground. 'The signs were far too obvious.' 'Terrorists they are. Not soldiers.' Windu looked at Yoda, then at Qui- Gon. 'You've obviously given thought to this.

Continue.' 'The assassins aimed their bolts at Supreme Chancellor Valorum's guards. I believe that the bolt that grazed him was inadvertent. The escape was also unconvincing. And since they must have known in advance that there was little chance of all of them getting away, why would they carry documentation?' 'Unlike Captain Cohl, eh, Qui-Gon?' Qui-Gon nodded. 'He would not have been so careless.' Yoda brought his right forefinger to his mouth.

'Plan this he did-from afar. Seek out your Bith contact in the Nebula Front, you must.' Qui-Gon turned to him. 'I'll do that, Master.

Still, why would the Front target the Supreme Chancellor, when he has finally taken a stand against the Trade Federation?' 'Answer your own question,' Windu said.

Qui-Gon took a breath and gave his head a quick shake. 'I'm not certain, Masters. But I fear that the Nebula Front has something even more treacherous in mind.' Hyphens of angry light streaking past her to all sides, the Hawk-Bat fled the surface of a green planet, graced by two small, close-set, and heavily cratered moons.

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