acrid smoke curled from the torches they carried.

The wide tunnel beyond the stairway was constructed of un — mortared but precisely cut stones, some of which were perfectly curved to form vaulted supports.

Shifts in the land had wrought damage to the ancients' work. Lake water dripped through formerly solid joints and puddled on the stone floor. In several places, the walls were entirely encrusted in salt.

Depa continued to converse with the slave as they began to descend beneath the shallow lake.

'When the Nebula Front first arrived on Asmeru, they asked the slaves for shelter, and made no demands of them,' she explained. 'But the later arrivals- the members this one calls 'the soldiers'-forced the slaves to surrender their homes and provide food. The soldiers are as cruel as the Senex Lords, and they frequently clash with the Front's more nonviolent founders about how things should be done. Fortunately, there are few commanding soldiers onworld just now.' 'Few soldiers,' Qui-Gon said to Obi-Wan.

'That's odd.' 'How so, Master?' 'Where are they, while we are here?' The tunnel began to angle up and the dripping ceased, indicating that they had reached the mainland. Smaller tunnels branched off in all directions, and there were visible signs that the passageways were used on a regular basis for moving about the ancient city.

Crude sconces were affixed to the walls, and the edges of stones at the tunnel intersections had been polished to a gloss by the caresses of countless hands.

'We're close to the landing platform,' Depa announced quietly.

The central tunnel debouched into a large rectangular cavern, with stairways leading up at the center of each wall. Depa pointed to the nearest one.

'This will take us into the northern pyramid. The starfighters are parked near the structure that houses the tractor beam generator.' 'That's a good distance away,' Qui-Gon said.

Depa nodded. 'Most of the guards are quartered in the tractor beam pyramid. We're certain to encounter resistance.' The slave led them up the stairs and guided them through a series of small rooms to a massive portal that looked out on the plaza. Several CloakShapes could be seen, along with the Hawk — Bat, resting on a trio of landing pads.

In the middle distance, a few armed guards traded remarks in Basic.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan led everyone but the slaves out into the plaza, most of which lay in deep morning shadow. They weren't even halfway to the closest starfighter when a voice called out.

'I'm glad to see that you've decided to join us.' Seven lightsabers igniting in a rush, the Jedi formed a protective circle, with their energy blades poised for deflection. At the center of the circle, the judicials crouched with drawn blasters.

The human who had spoken to them from the hover vessel stepped out onto the balcony of a palatial structure that overlooked the plaza. Then, to all sides of the plaza, appeared Nebula Front soldiers brandishing all styles of blaster weapons.

Behind the terrorists gathered a curious but wary audience of slaves.

'Again, we are betrayed,' Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

Depa looked back at the pyramid doorway.

Quaking with primitive fear, the three slaves were being shoved forward by two armed terrorists.

'Only by our predictability,' she said.

'Master, who is our enemy here?' Obi-Wan asked quietly.

Qui-Gon shook his head. 'I've been wondering that since Dorvalla, Padawan. There is more to all this than we know.' The terrorists' spokesman followed an exterior stairway down into the plaza, where he was joined by a second member-a Bith.

Obi-Wan glanced briefly at Qui-Gon.

'Master, isn't that-was 'Quiet, Padawan,' Qui-Gon cut him off.

The human and the Bith stopped while they were still some distance from the ominous circle the Jedi had formed.

'We have two choices here,' the human began. 'Of course, we could fight.

Ultimately, you would certainly emerge the victors.

But some of you might die in the process, and those who don't will be forced to kill all of us. Or-was He paused briefly. his-comwe could all lower our weapons.' Qui-Gon looked to Yaddle and Tiin, who nodded curtly and deactivated their lightsabers. At a signal from the spokesman, the terrorists began to holster their blasters. Qui- Gon and the other Jedi followed suit, dousing their lightsaber blades but keeping the hilts at ready.

'I'm delighted that we could reach an understanding,' the human said in what sounded like genuine relief.

Qui-Gon's gaze roamed over the terrorists in front of him. 'Where is Captain Cohl?' He asked after a moment.

The question took the human off his guard. 'Ah, of course,' he replied, after a moment. 'You recognized his ship.' 'Where is he?' Qui-Gon repeated.

The human shook his head. 'I'm sorry to report that Captain Cohl is no longer with us. I believe he retired. But back to matters at hand, do we have a truce here?' 'A temporary one, at best,' Tiin cautioned.

'One piece of business first,' the terrorist said, then turned to the soldiers who had herded the three slaves into the plaza.

Without warning, blasters discharged and the slaves fell to the ground.

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