'Lean on me, Captain.' w ith ten drummers setting the tempo, twice as many horn players raised their long instruments to their mouths and trumpeted the first of the three prolonged fanfares.

By then Obi-Wan had reached Tiin and the other Jedi.

'It's the droids,' he began in a sally of words.

Tiin had him slow down and repeat everything he and Qui — Gon had learned from Cohl. Then the Iktotchi turned to Adi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Vergere, and the rest.

'Position yourvs as close to Valorum as possible,' he instructed Adi and Vergere.

'Obi-Wan, Ki, and I will be near the Trade Federation rostrum. The rest of you, disperse to deflect blasterfire. Be unassuming but prepared.' 'Master Tiin, do you think the Trade Federation suspects what's in their midst?' Obi- Wan asked as they set out across the floor of the hall.

'They couldn't. They are aggressive only when it comes to commerce.

However this Havac infiltrated the droid among the others, it had to have been done without the knowledge of the directorate members.' 'Should we order the delegation to remove the droids, Master?' Ki-Adi-Mundi replied. 'Whoever is watching may decide to trigger the droids into action. If that happens, it could appear that we posed a threat, prompting the droids to respond with blasterfire.

If there was time, we could get someone aboard the Trade Federation freighter to shut down the central control computer.' 'Have you fought these droids before, Master Tiin?' 'I know only that they're not very accurate, Padawan.' Obi-Wan frowned as he ran. 'With thirteen of them firing, that may not matter.' Not even a quarter of the way around the upper level corridor that accessed the media booths, Boiny spied Havac through a small transparisteel panel set high in the door.

Leaving Cohl to stand on his own, Qui-Gon pressed his back to the corridor wall. 'How many of them are in there?' he asked the Rodian.

'Havac and maybe two other humans-seated to the right of the door.' Qui- Gon nodded to the door release lever. 'Try it.' Gingerly, Boiny placed his hand on the lever.

'Locked.' He glanced at the touchpad mounted on the wall. 'I can probably slice-was 'I have a quicker way,' Qui-Gon interrupted.

Activating his lightsaber, he shoved the glowing blade through the lock mechanism. The metal glowed red and instantly began to slag, tainting the air with biting odors. With a grating sound, the door slid into xs wall pocket.

By then, Havac and his two confederates were on their feet, weapons in hand. A flurry of blaster bolts glanced from Qui — Gon's blade, which he held upraised and threw left and right in precise parries. The deflected bolts blazed around the room, two of them wounding Havac's men and knocking them to the floor.

Undiluted terror fumbled the blaster from Havac's grip. As it fell, Qui- Gon called the weapon to him with a Force summons and tucked it into the wide belt that cinched his tunic.

Havac dropped back into his seat at the console, cowering in fear and raising his shaking hands above his head.

Boiny and Cohl followed Qui-Gon into the booth.

Cohl took stock of the situation and looked at Qui-Gon. 'I'm glad I never had to go up against you people.' 'Cohl,' Havac said in genuine amazement.

Cohl made his eyes narrow. 'Next time you'll know better, amateur.'

'Where is the remote that controls the battle droid?' Qui — Gon asked Havac.

Havac adopted a look of innocent perplexity.

'Remote? I don't know what you're talking about.' Qui-Gon towered over him. 'You infiltrated a droid into ^th the Trade Federation Directorate brought with them.' He reached down and picked Havac out of his chair, holding him up against the booth's fixed window. 'Where is the remote?' Havac clutched vainly at Qui-Gon's hand.

'Enough! Put me down and I'll tell you!' Qui-Gon lowered him to the chair.

'Our shooter has it,' he said, biting out the words.

'I know the one he means,' Cohl said. 'A sniper.' Qui-Gon looked back at Havac. 'Where is he?' 'Out on the walkways,' Havac mumbled, averting his eyes.

Qui-Gon glanced at Cohl, making up his mind about something. 'Are you well enough to remain with these three while your partner and I locate the shooter?' Cohl lowered himself into one of the chairs. 'I think I can find it in me.' Qui-Gon handed him Havac's blaster. He started to say something, but bit back his words and began again, gesturing to the two wounded men. 'I'll send for medical attention.' 'There's no hurry,' Cohl said.

When Qui-Gon and Boiny had disappeared through the open doorway, Cohl stared balefully at Havac.

The trumpeters paused briefly, then began the second modulating fanfare.

The musicians were a stanza into the piece when a human page approached the Trade Federation rostrum and asked for Viceroy Gunray.

The Kuati chair of the delegation directed the page to the far end of the directorate's curved table.

With palpable apprehension, Gunray watched the page advance.

'I'm sorry to intrude, Viceroy,' the human began in Basic, loudly enough to be heard over the trumpets, 'but apparently there is some problem with your shuttle. Eriadu Spaceport Control needs to speak with you at once.' Gunray made his face long and stuck out his already prominent lower jaw. 'Can't this wait until after the summit concludes?' The page shook his head. 'I apologize, Viceroy, but this is a security matter. I assure you, it will require only a moment of your time.' The Kuati chair, who had been monitoring the conversation, swung to face Gunray. 'Go attend to the matter. If luck is with you, you won't have to endure Supreme Chancellor Valorum's opening remarks.'

Lott Dod came to his feet as Gunray was preparing to leave. 'Should I remain in your absence, Viceroy?'

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