when the lawyer finished speaking.

'If I may be allowed to continue. The Internal Activities Committee does not take issue with any of the statements made by the Supreme Chancellor's legal representative. In fact, when this matter was first brought to our attention, we proceeded under the assumption that no infringement of protocol had occurred. However…' Antilles let the word dangle for a long moment before continuing.

'Subsequent investigation has shown that the contribution to Valorum Shipping did not originate with a consortium or venture capital group. Rather, the revenue was drawn from a blind account, and moved to Eriadu through a Coruscant bank of dubious reputation. I use the term moved advisedly, Your Honors, since the investment was tendered in the form of hard assets.'

Valorum's lawyers regarded one another in puzzlement. 'Of what sort?' the spokesman asked Antilles.

'Aurodium ingots.' Blood drained from Valorum's face, and a stir went through the room. Valorum and his lawyers conferred for a moment, before the spokesman replied.

'Your Honors, we acknowledge that the investment begins to sound, shall we say, less than forthright.

Nevertheless, Senator Antilles has yet to demonstrate exactly how this matter relates to the Supreme Chancellor.' Antilles's expression made clear that he had been waiting for just this moment. He gazed at Valorum while he delivered his finishing stroke.

'What the Internal Activities Committee finds most interesting, and questionable, is that the value of the aurodium-and indeed the quantity- corresponds exactly to a cache of ingots reported missing by the Trade Federation, following an attack on one of their vessels, the Revenue, in the Dorvalla system, several months ago.' Hushed conversations erupted throughout the room, as Antilles stepped out from behind the table and approached the bench.

'Your Honors, this is not an indictment. The committee merely wishes to be reassured that the Supreme Chancellor did not have a hidden agenda in supporting taxation, as part of a scheme to enrich his own holdings in the outlying systems. The committee also wishes to be reassured that the aurodium in question did, in fact, disappear from the Revenue, and was not simply transferred to Valorum Shipping, to seal a clandestine partnership existing between the Supreme Chancellor and the Trade Federation.' Senator Palpatine was one of a hundred or more senators who had been invited to Orn Free Taa's lavish penthouse for an evening of exceptional food and extravagant drink.

What had been touted as an occasion, however, had all the undercurrents of a conclave; and where outsiders assumed that its purpose was to celebrate Valorum's seeming victory in the Senate, it was instead intended to cheer his recent reversal of fortune.

On the largest of the penthouse's many terraces, the blue — skinned Twi'lek host was holding forth for an audience of senators, who hung on his every word.

'Of course we knew about the alleged improprieties. But it was necessary to delay mention of the scandal to ensure that the tax proposal would be ratified, which wouldn't have been the case had Valorum been weakened beforehand.' Taa shook his head and fat lekku. 'No, by waiting to reveal the allegations, and by supporting Valorum, we managed to turn what might have been perceived as an instance of ordinary corruption into what hints at a nefarious plot that threatens the stability of the very Republic.' 'But is there actually anything to the accusations?' Quarren Senator Tikkes asked, his facial tentacles quivering in prospect.

Taa's enormous shoulders heaved in a shrug of indifference. 'There is the aurodium, and there is the appearance of deceit. What else matters?' 'If it is true, then Valorum has become a danger to the general good,' Mot Not Rab remarked.

Tikkes affirmed that with an enthusiastic nod. 'I say we shake him, before worse days endure.' Others nodded in agreement, muttering among themselves.

'Patience, patience,' Taa advised in a soothing voice. 'Baseless or not, the allegations have essentially crippled Valorum. We need only to rid ourselves of those senators who have buoyed him in the past, enabling him to remain afloat despite our best attempts to sink him. Besides, there may yet be some advantage to keeping him high and dry.' 'What advantage?' the senator from Rodia asked.

'With his influence further eroded, and the Justice Department stripped of some of its former authority, commissions will have to be appointed to render judgments and decisions he would ordinarily make. The power of the courts will increase. But cases will invariably take longer than ever to resolve. And yet Valorum will continue to suffer the blame.' 'Unless a strong vice chancellor is appointed,' the Rodian thought to point out.

'We must not let that happen,' Taa said firmly.

'We need a consummate bureaucrat to serve as vice chancellor.' He leaned toward his circle of conspirators. 'Senator Palpatine has suggested that we do our best to install the Chagrian-Mas Amedda.' 'But Amedda is rumored to be well disposed to the Trade Federation,' Tikkes said in disbelief.

'All the better, all the better.' Taa was gleeful. 'What matters is that the more fanatical he is about procedure, the more he stifles Valorum's ability to act.' 'To what final end?' Mot Not Rab asked.

'Why, to Valorum's final end,' Taa said. 'And when that time comes, we will elect a leader with fire in his veins.' 'Bail Antilles is already campaigning,' the Rodian said.

'As is Ainlee Teem of Malastare,' Tikkes added.

Taa noticed Palpatine standing by the terrace doors, engaged in deep conversation with the senators from Fondor and Eriadu.

'I propose that we consider nominating Palpatine,' he said, gesturing discreetly.

Tikkes and the rest glanced at the tall senator from Naboo.

'Palpatine would never accept the nomination,' the Quar — ren said. 'He considers himself a supporting player.' Taa narrowed his eyes. 'Then we must convince him.

Think what it would mean to the outlying systems if someone from other than a Core world was elected Supreme Chancellor. There might finally be equality for all species. He can restore order, if anyone can. He has the right combination of selflessness and quiet power. And don't let yourvs be fooled: there is a strong hand concealed within those loose sleeves.

He cares deeply about the integrity of the Republic, and he will do whatever is needed to enforce the laws.' Tikkes was dubious. 'Then we will not be able to play him as we have Valorum.' 'That's the beauty of it,' Taa

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