The blaster fire was so close to his Master that Obi-Wan's heart gave a lurch. That did not prevent him, however, from activating his own lightsaber and slashing forward to protect him in the same moment. If Qui- Gon's reflexes had been a split second slower, he would have been cut down.

As it was, the sleeve of his robe was seared by the blaster heat.

'Stay under cover!' Qui-Gon roared at Obi-Wan. Perhaps Obi-Wan had risked too much to race to his Master's side, but he didn't care. The fire came at them relentlessly from above as they zigzagged down the alley together, keeping their lightsabers arcing above. Trapped in the narrow space, they were easy targets.

'We have to get on the roof above,' Qui-Gon said. 'Activate your cable launcher when you can.'

Obi-Wan had to time his movement to the blasts from above. He needed all his perceptions to keep up his defensive moves. He managed to activate the cable launcher as he moved sideways toward the wall of the building. It propelled him upward as blaster fire pinged around his head.

Obi-Wan leaped up on the roof. He realized that the blaster fire had stopped only seconds before. His gaze whipped around the roof as Qui-Gon jumped up behind him.

'There,' Qui-Gon said.

They ran to one edge of the roof, where they could see a small pile of objects. First they searched the area, looking down to see if their attacker had returned to the alley. Then they scanned the roofs nearby to see if he or she had jumped. There seemed to be no avenue of escape that would allow for the attacker to disappear so quickly.

They returned to the pile. Qui-Gon crouched down and picked up a small transmitter.

'For the probe droid. And here's an ammunition pack.' He tossed it to Obi-Wan. 'Looks like it was only one person. But he or she had two blasters, at least. That was a constant stream of fire.'

Obi-Wan turned the pack over in his hands. It was made of leather.

Burned into one side was a small insignia. He crouched down to show it to Qui-Gon.

'I recognize this. Irini wore a necklace with this same emblem.'

'At last,' Qui-Gon said. 'We have somewhere to start.'

Chapter 8

Dusk had fallen and the air had chilled as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan waited outside the Museum of the Absolutes. They kept their hoods over their heads and stayed in the shadow of a monument directly across from the building.

Soon they were rewarded as various people began to exit the building.

They spotted Irini's compact figure immediately. She, too, raised her hood as she hurried down the broad steps and turned down the avenue.

The Jedi melted into the stream of people on the avenue, always keeping Irini in sight. She boarded a repulsorlift-engined airbus and they just managed to jump aboard on the rear platform. Luckily the airbus was crowded. All the Workers were on their way home.

The airbus made no stops as it sped through the boulevards and avenues of the Civilized Sector. It crossed into the Worker Sector and began to make regular stops. Workers exited at various points. Irini stood, her hand lightly resting on a pole, near the middle of the airbus. She stared absently out at the dark streets.

Qui-Gon leaned in to speak to Obi-Wan. 'We will have to get off soon, even if Irini doesn't. We can't take the chance that she'll see us. We'll have to follow the airbus on foot.'

It would take some hard running through the crowded streets. Obi-Wan nodded. Better to take the chance that they could lose Irini than be spotted. They knew where she worked; they could always find her again.

Just then Irini began to move toward the exit. The airbus pulled over at the next stop. Qui-Gon made sure Irini had exited before signaling Obi- Wan to jump off the rear platform.

Irini moved quickly through the streets, occasionally exchanging a smile or quick greeting as she walked. The population was busy gathering food for the evening meal, or passing time in small cafes along the route.

Mothers and fathers herded children before them, and lights began to come on in Worker housing. They could see families in the middle of their evening routines, children bending over datapads, adults preparing a meal or simply sitting at the window, watching the rest of New Apsolon find their various ways home.

The streets began to narrow, and there were fewer Workers around.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan slowed down, giving Irini a longer lead. She was beginning to use the reflections in darkened windows to look around her.

'Checking for surveillance,' Qui-Gon murmured.

Irini crossed the street. With a deft touch to his elbow, Qui-Gon directed Obi-Wan to melt back. They stood in the shadows as, under the pretense of looking for traffic, Irini swept the street with her keen glance. Satisfied that it was empty, she hurried into a plain stone building. It was slated for demolition along with its partner next door. A sign read BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL SITE OF NEW LUXURY WORKER HOUSING Qui-Gon did his own careful surveillance before starting across the street, Obi-Wan at his heels. Obi-Wan started toward the door of the building Irini had entered, but Qui-Gon stopped him. He had been studying the building next door.

'Let's try this one first,' he said.

The door was bolted with a strong durasteel lock, but Obi-Wan swiped through it easily with his lightsaber. They pushed the door open and stood for a moment in the dark vestibule.

'I don't want to take a chance with the glow rod,' Qui-Gon said.

'Wait a moment until your eyes adjust.'

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