Obi-Wan walked with Qui-Gon toward the exit, marveling at the change.

The Vorzydiaks would need time to mourn Flip's death and the damage he had done. The rift between the generations would not heal quickly. But Obi-Wan was hopeful.

The irregular bleat of a Vorzydiak echoed down the hall. It made Obi- Wan smile, and then stop in his tracks. It sounded like Grath.

'Master, wait,' Obi-Wan called. He rushed back down the hall toward the familiar noise, and was not disappointed.

Grath sat in a circle of chairs in one of the complex bedrooms.

Taking a second look, Obi-Wan noticed that instead of sleeping couches this room had been filled with chairs and tables positioned for conversation. It had been converted into a sort of leisure lounge.

Obi-Wan was pleased to see the converted room, but immediately sensed a sadness in the air.

Grath stood and greeted his friend. 'We were just talking about Flip, ' he explained. 'The things he did are still very painful, but sharing memories is helping all of us.' He gestured to the others in the room — a few Freelies, his father, Tray, and Tray's grandmother, Ina. They all waved their antennae at Obi-Wan in greeting.

Grath turned back to Obi-Wan. 'You are not leaving yet, are you?'

Obi-Wan was glad when Qui-Gon came into the room behind him and interrupted Grath's question. They were, in fact, on their way back to Coruscant.

'Chairman Port.' Qui-Gon's voice was warm and deep. He crossed the small room in two steps and held out his hand to the chairman. 'You're away from your office. Don't you have work to do?' Qui-Gon's eyes were alight with amusement.

Chairman Port took Qui-Gon's hand but did not return his smile. 'You have shown us there is more important work to do,' he said humbly. 'We are grateful.'

'We were on our way to thank you,' Grath said. 'But we stopped to talk to Ina and were sharing some memories of Flip.'

Obi-Wan smiled slightly. The generations of Vorzydiaks were finally spending time together, sharing emotions. And in spite of the pain caused by Flip's death, they seemed to be enjoying it.

'We wish to thank you,' Chairman Port said formally, 'for assisting us in our relations with Vorzyd 5, and…' Chairman Port struggled to find the words. His flailing antennae touched the top of his son's head, tousling his hair. 'And in our relationships here on Vorzyd 4.'

Qui-Gon nodded, accepting the thanks.

'Oh, and we have a new plan,' Tray said excitedly.

For a brief moment, Obi-Wan thought she was talking about another Freelie prank.

'The young people are helping to make an outdoor space for us,' Ina explained.

'The laborers will also be helping,' Grath added. 'Father is shortening the work week by one day so that there will be time.'

The Vorzydiaks looked from one to the other. Their antennae waved gently back and forth as if they were riding a gentle breeze. Obi-Wan didn't think he had seen any of them looking as alive and happy as they did right now.

'There is still much to be done,' Chairman Port said. 'But we have begun. And together we shall finish.'

'I believe that you will,' Qui-Gon agreed. 'But I'm afraid it is time for us to get back to Coruscant. We have our own work to do.'

'Of course, of course,' Chairman Port agreed.

The Vorzydiaks bid good-bye to the Jedi, and Obi-Wan followed his Master down the hall. They did have work to do, Obi-Wan knew. And it was work they needed to do together.

'Our work is well begun, my Padawan,' Qui-Gon said, breaking into Obi-Wan's thoughts. They stepped outside into the courtyard, and Qui-Gon stopped and turned to his apprentice. 'And though we are beyond the beginning of our journey, we are not quite at the end.'

Obi-Wan nodded. 'I know. I still have much to learn.'

'Yet you have already grown so much,' Qui-Gon acknowledged. 'I am proud of you, Obi-Wan. Proud of what you have become. It is an honor to teach you, to work with you. I could not ask for a better Padawan learner.'

Obi-Wan beamed. 'To work then,' he said. 'Yes,' Qui-Gon agreed. 'To work.'

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