'Yes, sir.' Kett hurried to the turbolift, the deep-set and jewel-like eyes of the E-5 droid firmly and balefully fixed on the space between his shoulder blades.

Chapter 27

The Sekotan air transport took them south over some of the strangest terrain Obi-Wan Kenobi had ever seen. Flying at an altitude of less than a thousand meters, the small, flat craft dodged with dizzying speed over tall, thick- trunked boras with bloated balloonlike leaves that spun and wobbled in their wake.

'I think the settlers use those leaves to make their airships,' Anakin said, looking aft through the windscreen that curved almost completely around the transport.

Obi-Wan nodded, lost in thought. If seed-partners preferred Jedi, then some research was called for. Only organisms strong in the Force could detect Jedi. It was becoming more and more apparent that the life-forms of this world-Sekot, as Gann called the living totality-were special, and that his Padawan strongly attracted them.

'This is really beautiful,' Anakin said. 'The air smells great, and the jungle is wizard.'

'Don't grow too attached,' Obi-Wan warned.

'I've never been to a place like this.'

'Remember your earlier feelings about Sekot.'

'I do,' Anakin said.

'You mentioned a single wave, something happening now or in the future.'

'Yeah,' Anakin said. He nodded his head forward, to the door that hid the pilot from them.

Obi-Wan held up his hand. 'He is oblivious to our talk. It's important we analyze what's happening before we get drawn in further.'

'It comes and goes, this sensation of a single wave. I might have made a mistake.'

'You made no mistake. I feel it myself now. Something coming toward us rapidly, something dangerous.'

Anakin shook his head sadly. 'I hope nothing happens before we get our ship made.'

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes in disapproval. 'I am concerned you are losing your perspective.'

'We came here to get a ship!' Anakin said, his voice breaking. 'And to find out about Vergere. She didn't get her ship, so it's even more important for us. That's all.' He folded his arms.

Obi-Wan let these words sit between them for some seconds before asking, blandly enough, 'What does the ship mean to you?'

'A ship that tunes itself to a need for speed. . Wow!' Anakin said. 'For me, that would be the perfect friend.'

'That's what I thought,' Obi-Wan said.

'But it won't distract me from my training,' Anakin assured him.

Once again, Obi-Wan felt he was losing control of the situation. Before Anakin had been Obi-Wan's apprentice, Qui- Gon had encouraged behavior in the boy that Obi-Wan had disapproved of. And now, the Council and Thracia Cho Leem, sending them to this world, were once more tempting Anakin in ways that made Obi-Wan uncomfortable.

'We're going where the Force sends us,' Anakin said quietly, anticipating the direction of his master's thoughts. 'I don't know what else we can do but observe and accept.'

'And then act,' Obi-Wan said. 'We must be prepared for the course laid out for us and receptive to the unexpected. The Force is never a nursemaid.'

'I'll know when something is about to happen,' Anakin said with quiet confidence. 'I like this planet. And the living things here like me. And you. Don't you feel it-something is watching out for us?'

Obi-Wan did in fact feel that-but the sensation gave him no comfort. He did not know who or what could extend such an influence over them, and especially over his Padawan.

The journey continued for another hour. Anakin looked east and pointed out a huge brown scar on the landscape, stretching over the horizon. Obi-Wan had seen this, or something like this, briefly from space-but Charza Kwinn had brought them down before completing a full orbit of Zonama Sekot. The scar had dug clear through to bedrock. Iron-rich red crust opened like the edges of a wound over dark tumbled chunks of basalt.

'What made that?' Anakin asked.

'It looks no more than a few months old,' Obi-Wan said. Thin white threads of waterfalls slipped over the red cliff sides into the gouge. 'It resembles a battle scar.'

The craft now turned and headed due south, flying between and through the tops of the unbroken deck of cloud. A seemingly endless scape of billows and whorls puffed and streamed beneath them.

Anakin turned in his seat. 'Look,' he said excitedly, and pointed to their right. They were veering southwest toward a jagged reddish black mountain that pushed up through the clouds, its sloping flanks almost bare of Sekotan growth and its leveled summit capped with snow. It looked like an old, weatherworn volcano.

'We will be at the Magister's home in three minutes,' the pilot said. 'I hope you've had a nice nap.'

Anakin smiled at Obi-Wan. 'Well rested!' he said.

They crouched low once more to exit the transport, and stood on a level field of crushed lava. A few meters

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