The extent of Tarkin's betrayal was all too clear to Sienar. The starfighter droids had accepted Sienar's programming, but had enacted hidden code anyway-code designed to sabotage Sienar's plans. For all he knew, the starfighters had killed Ke Daiv, aroused the inhabitants of Zonama Sekot, and completely ruined any chance of getting a Sekotan ship.

Perhaps all Tarkin cared about was making himself look good before the Supreme Chancellor.

Kett walked up the steps to the command deck. Sienar turned to meet him.

'Captain Kett,' he said, 'prepare to receive Commander Tarkin. I empower you to coordinate with his command and tender my resignation as commander.'

'Sir, that is not regulation.'

'Nothing done so far has been according to regulations. You are at the mercy of rogues once again, Captain Kett. I will not be one of those rogues anymore.'

'Sir, you don't understand-'

'I understand only too well.'

'I have orders from Commander Tarkin.'

'He's here already?' Sienar asked with a lift of his lips, neither surprise nor amusement.

'He will board Admiral Korvin and assume command at any moment. He does not need your permission.'

'I see.'

'You cannot resign, because you have been placed under ar rest. Your rank is frozen pending a formal hearing.'

'Have they communicated charges?'

'No, sir.'

Sienar shook his head and laughed. 'By all means, then, do what must be done. Lock me away.'

'Commander Tarkin requests the security codes to all of the new programs installed in the ship's droids, sir.'

'You told him?'

'I told him nothing, sir. He seems to have anticipated you would do some such thing.'

Sienar laughed again, even more falsely. His face flushed with anger. 'Tell him the droid programs are burned in and cannot be modified. Also, tell him attempts to remove the computer cores or engage in a memory wipe will initiate droid self-destruct.'

'Sir, that would put our entire complement of droids out of action!'

'It did not stop the starfighters, Captain Kett. I'm sure Tarkin can figure out some work-around. I just don't want to help him do it.'

Kett examined Sienar with a puzzled expression. 'Sir, what is all this about? Some dispute between you and Commander Tarkin?'

'Not at all,' Sienar said. 'From the beginning, I've been assigned the role of patsy. Our mission was meant to go wrong. It has gone wrong. We've alerted Zonama Sekot to our presence. Subtlety and finesse are out of the question. From now on, it will be brute force and coercion. More Tarkin's style. Nothing I do or don't do now can change that. I'll be in my quarters, should Tarkin wish to see me.'

He climbed down the steps and made his way forward, to the commander's quarters. Along the way, in the wide main corridor that ran above the cargo holds of the Admiral Korvin, Republic troops blocked his path.

Tarkin walked through as the troops parted, and greeted Sienar with a curt nod.

'We need to talk,' Tarkin said, and took him by the elbow. 'Things have gone badly wrong here, and I need to know why.

The senate is concerned by your actions. Even Chancellor Palpatine has taken an interest.'

'Perhaps you briefed him yourself?' Sienar's expression was stony. 'We should go to my quarters. We can talk there.'

'What, and have some lackey droid kill us both? Honorable, arguably, but foolish, Raith. We'll go to my ship, where I know what to expect.'

Chapter 45

Sheekla is injured,' Shappa told him. 'The medics are seeing to her. Gann is in shock.'

Obi-Wan quickly stripped off the ceremonial robe. Underneath he had worn his more familiar tunic. The large chip of rock had punched him hard, bruising a nerve center and scrambling his bodily control, but had not penetrated deeply. The pain was intense but no problem for a Jedi Knight. He removed the tunic, took a long bandage from Shappa, and wrapped it around his midriff. Then he slipped back into the tunic. The architect held up the lightsaber, and Obi-Wan lifted it from his hand.

Gann stumbled across the platform, face racked with confu sion. 'What are we to do? The Magister must rule on this. Who will order activation of the defenses? Perhaps it is time. We must flee!'

Shappa pushed him gently aside. 'The leadership seems to devolve upon me, now,' Shappa told Obi-Wan. 'How may I help you, Jedi?'

'I need a transport. A spacecraft, if possible,' Obi-Wan said. 'To follow them.'

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