shadowed passageway. 'All Ansioni-ans are more or less the same size-and weight.'

'Three go into the shop, two come out, and neither of those sets human.' Obi-Wan was nodding approvingly. 'You are learn ing to see beyond the obvious, Anakin. Would that you always continue to do so.'

Luminara had shut her eyes tightly. Now they opened anew. 'I cannot sense her presence anywhere. If she has been taken, I should be able to detect her distress. But there is nothing.'

'She might be unconscious.' Obi-Wan had moved farther out into the alley, the better to scan its most distant reaches. 'If the two locals who took her intended her ill, they might have used the same method to knock her out that they used on the owner of the shop.'

'Or she might be dead,' Anakin pointed out. In another set ting, among other people, his comment could have provoked angst or outrage. Neither Luminara nor Obi-Wan reacted, how ever. As Jedi, they were not offended by objectivity, no matter how sensitive the subject.

But within, Luminara was churning. While a Jedi might not show many emotions, that did not mean she did not have them.

'This is a sizable city. How are we going to find her?' She fought to keep the anger she felt in check.

'We could ask the city authorities for assistance,' Anakin proposed helpfully.

Obi-Wan set the suggestion aside. 'That's all we need now, at this delicate stage of negotiations. To confess to our hosts that one of our own has gone missing, and that we were helpless to prevent it. How much confidence in our perceived omnipotence do you think that admission would inspire?'

Anakin nodded understandingly. 'I see what you mean, Master. Sometimes I am too direct.'

'A common affliction of the inexperienced, for which you are not responsible.' He looked back at Luminara. 'We have to find her ourselves, no matter what her condition.' His anxious colleague smiled tightly. 'And quickly, lest our Ansionian hosts sense something is amiss.'

Luminara indicated the shop. 'First we'll get as detailed a description as we can of the two Alwari who were here at the same time as Barriss. Then I think we should split up, each of us taking a third of the city. Using this shop as a nexus, we'll fan out and sweep as much of the community as we can; asking questions, offering rewards locally, and striving to sense Barriss's presence.'

'Obi-Wan, do you think the same people as those who were assaulting Master Luminara and Padawan Barriss when we ar rived are behind this?' Anakin wondered.

'Impossible to say,' the Jedi Knight replied. 'There are so many factions opposing one another on this world that it could be the work of any one of them. And as you know, there are off-world interests at work here as well.' In his quiet way, Anakin saw, Obi-Wan Kenobi was more than a little displeased. 'This is all we need-to add heat to a flashpoint. But politics aren't important now. What matters is finding Barriss.' He did not add 'alive and well.'

He did not have to.

NEWSBLINK (Coruscant News Network)-Nemrileo irm-Drocubac, representative from Tanjay VI, died yesterday when his aircar collided with a heavy-equipment delivery vehicle in south quadrant, section ninety-three, of the exclusive Bindai suburb where he lived. Questioned at the site, the pilot of the delivery craft declared that his vehicle's internal guidance system had suffered an undetected software failure that led directly to the fatal collision. Investigators on the scene were attempting to confirm this assertion, though their efforts have been complicated by the severe damage to both vehicles.

Representative from Tanjay irm-Drocubac leaves behind a wife and two children. Though active in the growing secessionist faction, and suspected of sympathies with the more extreme members of that movement, he was well respected by his colleagues and coworkers, as well as by his supporters on his homeworld. In accordance with Tanjay tradition, his ashes will be scattered tomorrow above the capital city where he lived and worked for the past fifteen years of his life.

A grieving Chancellor Palpatine is scheduled to deliver the eulogy.

(end transmission; end article)

Chapter 5

'For a young humanoid female, she weighs more than I would have expected.' Kyakhta let out a tired whoosh of air as he and his companion set the sack down on the bed. In response to movement within, Bulgan released the seal at the top. Sitting up, Barriss shuffled the sack off her shoulders. It fell to her waist and, when she stood, to her feet. Her ankles were strapped together and her hands secured behind her back. A quick glance downward, then up at her captors, found her focusing on Kyakhta's smile.

'Looking for this, apprentice?' From a bag slung at his waist, he removed her service belt. It contained all of her personal gear, including her comlink and lightsaber. Shuffling over, Bulgan tentatively fingered the latter.

'Jedi lightsaber. Always want try one.'

Kyakhta yanked the belt away, let it slip back into the open bag like a sedated snake. 'Don't touch that, you idiot! Don't you remember briefing where Hutt warned about handling such devices? A Jedi lightsaber can be tuned to its owner's personal electrical field. Try activate this one, and you likely blow it to bits. Along with you your dumbself also.'

'Ou, that right. Bulgan forget.' Turning, he once more con sidered their bound captive. 'Not much to look at, is it? I could break it in half easy.'

'Only physically.' Unable to run or gesture, Barriss sat down on the bed. 'You obviously know who I am, what I represent. Are you aware that even as we speak there are three Jedi hunting furiously for me, and that they will not be happy when they find out what has happened?'

Kyakhta laughed while Bulgan chortled gruffly. 'Let them look. They not find you here.' He indicated the high smooth walls that enclosed them. 'This a safe place, and in any case you not stay here long.' Remembering, he flicked the switch on his call-in. 'Already, others being notified. They come here, take you off our hands. Then we a little rich, and done with you as well.'

Choosing not to dispute the claim, she continued quietly. 'What do you, or whoever you work for, want with

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