preferred means of travel for Alwari highborn. Arriving in a camp atop one immediately marks the rider as a person of consequence. Not to mention taste.'

Luminara considered. 'The Jedi Council prefers that we travel modestly. We have at our disposal only limited means of exchange.'

'I think we might manage it,' Obi-Wan told her. 'Given that we've been told to resolve this business as quickly as possible, no one should object to our spending a little to achieve that aim. The sooner we leave Cuipernam in search of these Borokii, the better our chances of quick success, and the safer we all will be.'

'Riding a suubatar is like riding the wind.' An eager Bulgan leapt over a dozing crowlyn. As he cleared its wide jaws, it pawed at him indifferently and went back to sleep.

Anakin shrugged. 'I'm a champion Podracer. I'm afraid no organic riding steed, no matter how 'noble' it might be considered locally, is going to impress me very much.'

But he was wrong.

If there was one thing advanced technology had largely eliminated from modern transportation, it was smell. The latter was present in abundance at the travel market, where an amazing variety of domesticated riding creatures was to be found. While the two older Jedi went with their new guides to find suitable animals, the pair of Padawans were placed on guard.

'I've already apologized to my Master for allowing myself to be abducted.' As she spoke, Barriss's eyes were never still, regarding every vendor and shopper, every merchant and animal trainer, as a potential threat.

Having already been lulled once by the apparent tranquillity of his surroundings, Anakin was equally alert. He stood alongside his counterpart, wishing she were someone else but never less than properly and politely respectful of her already established bravery and talent.

'There's no need to be embarrassed. I've done plenty of stupid things in my life, too.'

'I didn't say it was stupid.' She turned away from him.

He hesitated momentarily. 'Look, I'm sorry. We've managed to get off on the wrong foot somehow. All I can say in my defense is that I've got a lot on my mind.'

'You're a Jedi Padawan. Of course you've got a lot on your mind.' Eyeing a seuvhat driver heading purposefully in their direction, her hand strayed toward her lightsaber. When he turned his vehicle, her fingers fell away from the weapon.

'I mean I'm preoccupied.' Reaching out, he put a hand on her shoulder, hoping the gesture would not be misconstrued. He needn't have worried. 'If I hadn't been, if I'd been doing my job, I would have been paying more attention to the shop you went into. I might have followed up in time to prevent your abduction.'

'The fault was mine, not yours. I was guilty of thinking of only one thing at a time. Besides,' she added briskly, 'if events had unfolded differently, I wouldn't have been able to help those two unfortunate Alwari, and we would still be looking for guides to take us to find this overclan. As Master Yoda says, there are many paths through life, so it is best to be happy with whichever one we finally decide to take.'

'Ah yes, Master Yoda.' He slipped deep into thought.

Along with watching the crowd for signs of trouble, she also stole occasional glances at her fellow Padawan. A hard one to read, this Anakin Skywalker. Strength boiled within him. Strength, and-other things. Already, she saw that he was far more complicated than anyone else she had trained with at the Temple. That in itself was unusual. Once chosen, a Jedi's path was straight and uncomplicated. That was not what she perceived within Anakin Skywalker.

'You said you were preoccupied,' she finally said to him. 'I sense that it's an unhappy preoccupation.'

'Do you, now?' She couldn't decide if he was being sarcas tic, or merely agreeable. Behind them, Jedi and guides continued to haggle for mounts. He found himself wishing they would get on with it. He was tired of this place, tired of this assignment. What did it matter if Ansion, or even several dozen allied worlds, seceded from the Republic? Given the current state of galactic governance and of the Senate, with its proven record of corruption and confusion, who could blame them? It might serve as a wake-up call to the rest of the Republic, a warning to clean things up or risk worse to come.

Strong thoughts for a Padawan. He smiled to himself. Obi-Wan was wrong. I do think about the state of things, sometimes, and not just about myself.

'Yes, I do,' Barriss continued. She was not in the least in timidated by him. 'With what are you so preoccupied, Anakin Skywalker? Why are you always so pensive?'

He thought about telling her the truth. In the end, he decided to explain only part of it. With a wave of one hand, he took in the travel market, the surrounding streets, the mixed throng of An-sionians and offworlders, and the city beyond.

'Why are we here? Master Obi-Wan has tried to explain it to me, but I'm afraid I'm not very sympathetic to the intricacies of politics. I find them difficult to understand, even irrelevant to life. Ever since I was a child, I've always had to be a direct sort of person.' He looked over at her. 'Where I grew up, the way I grew up, if you dissipated your energies, idled away your time, you didn't last long. You want my sincere opinion of this assignment?'

She nodded, watching him.

'It's a waste of time. A job for jabbering diplomats, not Jedi.'

'I see. And what would you do if you were in charge, Anakin?'

He didn't hesitate. 'I'd round up the leaders of both fac tions, city and nomad alike, lock them all in the same room, and tell them that if they didn't make peace within a week, the Republic would send a full task force and assume direct control of local affairs.'

She was nodding slowly, an infuriatingly tranquil expression on her face. 'And how would the Commerce Guild respond to that, given its extensive interests in this sector?'

'The Commerce Guild does what is profitable. War with the Republic is not profitable.' He looked convinced. 'That much I've learned.'

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