The Armalat turned from where he had been staring out the window. 'These Jedi are good people, I believe. But who knows what they have been told to do, or what has happened to them? They presume too much.' The heavy head gestured affirmatively. 'The end of the week. It is agreed.'

It was so decided. No more delays, no more excuses. Jedi or no Jedi, treaty or no treaty, they each of them had responsibilities to their individual constituencies, whose citizens had been clamoring for a final decision on the matter of secession. Concerned communications had come as well from offworld, from the Malarians and the Keitumites, whose own futures were so closely and formally tied to that of their Ansionian allies.

Ogomoor was delighted. The end of the week was farther away than his master would have liked, but neither was it next solstice. Soergg and whoever he was working for would be much pleased.

The majordomo was much pleased with himself.

Chapter 18

Ogomoor had just delivered a minor bit of good financial news to his bossban and was on his way out of the lounging chamber and back to his office when Soergg erupted behind him.

'It's not possible!' the Hutt bellowed into the commdroid, whose job it was to hover close to the massive, lumpy head during business hours.

Adroit fellow that he was, Ogomoor was able to divine sev eral things simultaneously from his master's exclamation. First, when someone declares loudly and violently that something is not possible, it is probably an accomplished fact. Second, things that are supposed to be not possible that become reality almost always imply negative consequences. And third, there was no point in hurrying from the room because in all probability he would immediately receive an order to return.

All this flashed through the majordomo's mind in an instant; just long enough for him to mentally prepare himself. Soergg continued listening to whoever was on the other end of the transmission. The Hutt's huge eyes bulged and veins throbbed on his neck region and head. He must be upset indeed, Ogo- moor knew, for those blood-carrying tubes to force themselves to the surface through so much intervening fat.

He listened patiently if uneasily. Patently, his bossban was not receiving good news. As bad news traveled rapidly down the chain of command through the Hutt's many enterprises, it was his destiny to be among the first to share in it. Occasionally, Soergg would interject a comment or two into the largely onesided conversation. As the Hutt continued to listen, these rapidly grew both stronger and more profane in tone.

When at last the transmission ended, the enraged bossban swung furiously at the mechanical deliverer of bad news. A heavy hand smacked the guiltless hovering droid into the nearby wall. It crackled once before falling to the ground, shattered. Ogo-moor swallowed hard. If the Hutt was angry enough to sacrifice expensive equipment on the altar of his rage, it did not bode well for his organic, more easily broken, subordinates. The major-domo took care to remain well out of the Hutt's reach.

Soergg was not in the mood to mince words, even at the sac rifice of his beloved sarcasm. 'Those accursed Jedi are back!'

'Back?' Ogomoor looked blank. 'Back where?'

Vast yellow eyes glared down at him, and Ogomoor was glad he had not moved any closer. 'Back here, you idiot!'

Genuinely taken aback, the first assistant gaped at his master. 'Here? In Cuipernam?'

'No,' Soergg growled dangerously. 'In my sleeping quarters.' Voicing a curt command, he called forth another comm-droid from the cabinet in which they were stored in multiples. 'They're at the city inn where they stayed subsequent to their initial arrival. At least we retain one competent informant! Get over there. Take whatever you need. Hire whomever you need.

Maybe, just maybe, they're too tired to ask questions and will retire for the rest of the day. If not-if it appears they are coming out and heading for the Cuipernam municipal complex-stop them. Do whatever you must. But keep them from reaching the complex. They must not be allowed to interfere with the vote of the Unity delegation. Not now. Not when we are so close to achieving everything we have worked for.' The Hutt made a visible effort to calm himself as he checked the newly activated comm-droid's chronometer.

'Hold the Jedi until sunset. After sunset the vote will have been taken and it won't matter what they do. But prior to the setting of this benighted planet's sun, none of them must be allowed to reach the municipal hall.'

'Yes, Bossban. You said I should do whatever I must.' He hesitated. 'If I have to take steps, they might be in full view of the populace.'

''Cross-spit the populace! We will deal with any adverse public reactions later. It is not local reaction I am concerned with.' Grunting, he leaned toward his majordomo. 'Do you understand?'

'Yes, Bossban,' Ogomoor replied somberly.

'Then what are you doing standing here oozing mental fluids? Go. Now.'

Ogomoor went.

The manager was a Dbarian; all tentacles, warts, and worry. That it was astonished to see them again, alive and well, was a given. Suffice to say that its flexible unsegmented extensions turned bright blue with surprise.

Were there rooms available for its honored guests? Did one eat a loomas head-first? And could the manager possibly notify the Unity delegation that the visiting Jedi had returned, with a signed treaty not only from the Alwari overclan but the Januul as well?

The Dbarian executed its kind's equivalent of a frown. 'You mean, honored guests, that you have not yet informed the delegation of this important achievement?'

Tired but happy, Luminara shook her head by way of response. 'Our comlinks were lost during our sojourn on the plains, and neither the Borokii nor the Januul employ them.' She smiled. 'Tradition.'

'But…' The Dbarian's chromophores were flashing different shades of maroon, indicating bewilderment. 'The Unity dele gation is voting on the matter of secession from the Republic today.''''

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