'I'm picking up coded communications,' Darra said, pointing to her comm sensor. 'Lots of them. It's got to be a large force.'

'Who are shooting first and asking questions later,' Obi-Wan said, ducking as another blast shook the ground.

'Can you jam communications?' Obi-Wan asked her. 'That's a start.'

'I can try.' Darra bent over her scanner and began pressing keys. In addition to being a superb fighter, she was an expert at communications.

'Half a kilometer,' Obi-Wan repeated, thinking. 'And closing,' Soara said.

'With this moon, they'll be using nightscopes and goggles.'

'I agree,' Soara said tersely.

Another explosion flashed. They felt the shock wave but it had landed clear of the area. The scientists exchanged concerned glances, but no one spoke again. They watched the Jedi, knowing that the only way out was to follow their lead.

'A Padawan-Master team, or should we do it?' Obi-Wan asked Soara.

She thought for a moment. Anakin didn't know what the two Masters were planning, but he knew one thing — he wanted to be in on the action.

'Got it,' Darra said suddenly. 'They're jammed for now, anyway.' She glanced up at them, her expression taut. 'They'll override the jam pretty soon.'

Soara nodded, then turned to Obi-Wan. 'We'll need all of us,' she said. 'It's too large an area.'

'Yes.' Obi-Wan turned to the scientists. 'You must stay undercover. If we don't return in fifteen minutes, go back the way we came. Hide where you were before.'

'You're leaving us?' Fort Turan asked.

'Not for long.' Obi-Wan grabbed one of the extra survival packs they had brought on this mission. He motioned for Anakin to take one.

'What will happen to us if you don't come back?' Reug Yucon asked.

'We'll come back,' Obi-Wan said.

'If you'll come back, why did you tell us what to do if you don't?'

Joveh D'a Alin pointed out.

'Scientists. You're so logical,' Obi-Wan said. 'I said that for your own reassurance. We will be back. Come, Anakin.'

The four Jedi slipped off into the velvet night that was so suddenly and spectacularly lit by flashes of deadly light. Anakin could feel the Force gather around them. He did not often have the experience of feeling the combined Force of two powerful Jedi Knights as well as their Padawans.

It made his vision sharper, his senses clearer. He knew where the explosions would come. He heard the faintest of sss-s000p noises when the grenade launcher fired. He could tell the direction without even thinking about it.

The Jedi headed straight into the advancing troops. Soara and Obi-Wan explained the plan. In the survival packs were luma grenades, projectiles that released particles of intense light. They would fan out along the advancing line and toss the grenades straight at the troops. Since the troops would be wearing night-vision goggles, the effect of the grenade would be doubled. A majority would be blinded for at least an hour. Plenty of time for the Jedi to lead the scientists to safety.

The difficulty would be to launch enough grenades amid what would no doubt be heavy firepower. The Jedi would have to work fast and keep continually on the move. They would also have to coordinate their efforts so that a wide area was covered.

Obi-Wan and Soara gave their directions in low voices. The Jedi fanned out. Anakin counted off the seconds, then lobbed his first grenade.

The night lit up like a flash from a nova. Anakin kept his eyes away from the light. He hadn't expected so much illumination. Even with his Jedi training, it was hard to see. His eyes adjusted, but he stumbled as he ran.

He threw another grenade. Then, taking another leap, he threw a third.

He could see the troops clearly now. The front lines were kneeling, their hands over their eyes. The others were shooting blindly.

He dodged the fire and threw another grenade. He dashed to the rendezvous point, where Obi-Wan and Soara were waiting. Obi-Wan and Soara scanned the field as Darra ran up.

'The right flank,' Soara said.

The right flank was the area Anakin had been assigned.

'The lumas hit behind a wall. We need more cover there.'

'I have grenades left,' Darra said.


Darra didn't pause. She ran off, already pulling the timer release on her luma grenades. The sky lit up in a series of flashes.

Anakin watched as Darra twisted, leaped, and rolled as she lobbed several grenades in a precise pattern designed to box in the troops. He saw where his grenades had missed. He had never seen the wall. He had become disoriented.

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