when a security alarm was going off. Then it stopped abruptly, and the silence was worse.

'False alarm, folks!' Becka called. 'Just enjoy yourselves!' He motioned to the musicians. 'Great Leader Teda orders you to keep playing!'

The sight of someone in an official uniform had some effect. The musicians began to play, and the guests began to murmur.

'This way.' Becka led Obi-Wan down a hallway and then into the great room from another door. He saw Anakin and Ferus, still monitoring the corridor where Obi-Wan had disappeared. Obi-Wan knew his apprentice was close to charging down the corridor after him.

He hurried over. 'It's all right. Becka is going to help us. Where is Valadon?'

'She's outside, ready to cover you in case you come out the window.'

Becka, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ferus hurried outside. Lights illuminated the wall. Droids buzzed overhead. They saw Siri on the side of the palace, standing just outside the ring of guards surrounding the window. The durasteel panel had risen, and some of the guards had leaped inside the room.

Obi-Wan sent out a call to Siri, using the Force. She turned and saw him. He saw the relief on her face. She started toward him.

Becka was watching the placement of the guards carefully. Suddenly, a group of them turned and started toward the gates. Lights began to blink rhythmically on the top of the wall.

'Not good,' Becka said. 'They're going into lock-down.'

Obi-Wan looked around. 'Any ideas?'

'I scouted out the back wall,' Anakin said. 'I think we can make it.'

'I don't think you should try it,' Becka said. 'If they see you, it will just make things harder. Security will be looking for you until they catch you. Leave this to me. All we need is a little panic for cover.'

The crowd was on the edge of panic already. They didn't know what was going on. Security guards were now storming through the place, checking ID docs. Flocks of sentry droids buzzed overhead. The sumptuous party had turned into a replica of a prison — a place nobody at the party was particularly interested in revisiting.

'Just wait here for a moment,' Becka said.

He went from group to group, speaking quietly. As soon as he left them, the groups talked among themselves, and then to others. Soon, voices began to rise. 'This is outrageous!'

'I will not be detained!'

'I came to this planet for security and peace….' Becka reappeared at Obi-Wan's side. 'Just walk out with the others.'

'No one is leaving.'

'You lead the way. The guests will follow. I've told them that Teda is keeping them indefinitely for interrogation. They are furious and afraid.

Teda will have to let you leave. He depends on their bribes to survive. He won't stop them. You'll see. Go.'

Siri looked at Obi-Wan and shrugged. 'Worth a try.' Obi-Wan drew his cloak around him. 'I for one won't stand for this,' he said loudly. 'I'm leaving!'

'Yes, let's leave immediately,' Siri agreed.

Heads turned. As Obi-Wan and Siri stalked off, followed by Anakin and Ferus, some of the braver guests followed. At first it was a trickle, then a wave.

Everything happened as Becka said it would. The crowd approached the nervous security guards at the gate. They drew their blasters but did not fire them as Obi-Wan and Siri continued to stride ahead. One officer spoke quickly into a comlink. Obviously, he was contacting Teda.

In just seconds, the security gates opened. Teda could not compromise his treasury by angering those who propped up his regime.

So Obi-Wan and the Jedi left the palace compound in a fashion they hadn't suspected when they'd arrived — leading a large group of angry criminals straight out the front gates.

Joylin was waiting for the Jedi in the prearranged spot, in a narrow alley behind the exclusive shops on the boulevard.

'Heard you had a rough time,' Joylin said.

Obi-Wan handed him the codes.

Joylin quickly accessed the small disk and scanned its contents. 'It's all worth it.' He looked up. 'Our operatives are in place. We're going to hit the security center first and knock out the CIP Then we'll take over the rest.'

'Remember,' Obi-Wan said, 'we want Zan Arbor.'

Joylin nodded. 'Part of the deal. We won't go back on it. We'll contact you at dawn and you'll tell us how you want to proceed. Your ship will be fueled and you'll have permission to leave, if that's what you want. We have plans to confiscate all other transports, so you'll be the only ones allowed to get off-planet.'

Obi-Wan nodded. Good. That way, the Slams would be Zan Arbor's only choice.

'Until then, my suggestion is for you to go back to your villa and lie low. Things are going to get worse before they get better.'

'I thought you said this would be a bloodless revolution,' Ferus said.

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