
Tyro flickered before them in miniature form. 'I've received my answer from the authorities,' he said. 'I did my best, Obi-Wan. But I could persuade them to agree to keep the Slams' arrest secret for only three standard days. After that it will be posted on the HoloNet news. I'm sorry.

You'll have to complete your mission in that time.' Tyro looked worried.

'Is three days enough?'

'Most likely not,' Obi-Wan said. 'But it will have to do.'

Chapter Four

The Teda Landing Platform on Romin was high in the clouds above the capital city of Eliior. It was the only arrival station for the area.

Nevertheless, it wasn't crowded. Anakin guided the ship down to the nearly empty platform.

'Not much business or tourism going on here,' Obi-Wan observed. 'The planet's economy runs on bribes paid to Teda.'

'That means that the only one getting rich is Teda,' Siri said.

Anakin released the ramp control. Siri strode down in front of Obi- Wan. Obi-Wan was amused by the contrast between Siri's purposeful, athletic stride and the lilac shimmersilk robe she now wore. It was tied with a rose-colored sash embroidered in delicate gold thread, but over the sash Siri had insisted on wearing her battered utility belt. Siri would do her best, she'd promised, but Obi-Wan had his doubts that she would be able to summon up Valadon's trademark flirtatiousness. It was good that this mission would be short.

'Look, that must be Zan Arbor's ship,' Anakin murmured to Obi-Wan.

Anakin and Ferus were wearing their minimal disguises, while Obi-Wan was nearly unrecognizable in his finery. All had managed to conceal their lightsabers except Siri, whose outfit was simply too revealing to cover much of anything. So Obi-Wan carried hers.

A sleek white ship was parked in a hangar nearby. Obi-Wan recognized the Luxe Flightwing. The nose of the cruiser was curved, the wings folded back like a bird's in flight. The ship's exterior was made out of a rare gleaming white ore.

A security officer met them at the bottom of the ramp. He was dressed in an ornate uniform with silver cords looping over his shoulders. The Romins were a species with golden skin and eyes. Their noses were flat, barely raised on their faces, and their mouths were wide and expressive.

'Welcome to Romin. Docs, if you please.'

Obi-Wan handed over the ID docs. The officer perused them carefully.

'You have come to Romin for what purpose?'

'We would like to relocate here,' Obi-Wan said.

The officer looked up. 'There are procedures and waivers. We do not allow just anyone to be a citizen of Romin.'

'We will be happy to follow all procedures,' Obi-Wan said. 'In the meantime, we would like to enter your beautiful city.' He passed over a bundle of credits.

The officer slid them into his pocket in one practiced movement. 'One moment.'

The officer left with their four ID docs. He took them to a console and began entering the information.

'He plugged in our names and discovered that we're escaped criminals,'

Siri murmured as the officer's face changed. He looked up and gave them a quick glance. Then he spoke into his comlink.

They waited. The officer spoke, waited, spoke again. Then he put down the comlink but did not return to the visitors. The Jedi waited. They knew how to be patient. In a few moments, the officer's comlink signaled and he spoke into it again.

'We have to hope that Roy Teda's contacts are wide,' Obi-Wan murmured.

'He will know that there is a fortune in crystalline vertex out there, and that we know where it is.'

When the officer returned to them, he was smiling broadly. 'Forgive me if I failed to welcome you properly earlier. We are so busy here, you see.'

'Of course,' Obi-Wan said, waving his hand extravagantly and ignoring the empty spaceport.

'Due to your status as important guests, Great Leader Teda would like to extend a personal welcome,' the officer said. 'My name is Becka. With your kind permission, I am to escort you to his grand palace.'

Becka led them to a large turbolift, which quickly brought them down to the planet's surface. A large, six- seat airspeeder was parked nearby.

Becka indicated that they should board. He slid into the pilot seat. They glided out into moderate traffic on a wide boulevard.

'Eliior has no crime, as you will see,' Becka said. 'We have peace and prosperity here. Citizens have plenty of work and plenty of leisure time.

Our gardens are renowned and our goods are the finest in the galaxy. I will take you by our best shopping street on the way to the palace and you will see.'

'You are lucky to live on such a world,' Siri said. 'We are lucky to have a leader such as Roy Teda,' he replied. 'He has created the great perfection around us.' Just as Becka finished this statement, they drove by a

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