Anakin shook his head. 'Auben said it's buried.' 'So maybe it just looks buried,' Siri said.

'Let's ask Auben,' Anakin said. 'She can show it to us, at least.'

They walked inside the service bay. It was empty. 'She was hiding behind the old cruiser,' Soara said. 'Where could she have gone?'

'I doubt she'd return to the monastery,' Ferus said. 'She was afraid of the Commerce Guild army.'

'She must have sneaked behind us when we were tending to Ferus,' Siri said.

'Most likely heading for the other exit.' Ferus swallowed. 'She went toward the Sith.'

The Jedi exchanged glances.

Without a word, they moved back to the dark front of the hangar. Using the Force, they searched each service bay as they ran, making sure Auben hadn't hid there. Finally they ended at the pile of vehicles and debris the Sith had used to block his escape. Grimly, they set to work with their lightsabers and cleared a smoking hole through the pileup. One by one, they crawled through.

They walked into the last bay on the line. A new cruiser stood there, its ramp down.

'Did you see this when you came in?' Obi-Wan asked Ry-Gaul.

He shook his head. 'It must have landed after I left.' As they moved closer, they saw a body on the ramp. It was Auben.

She was dead.

Chapter Fifteen

Anakin rushed forward. He checked her vitals, even though he knew she was gone. 'What happened?' he asked. 'There's not a mark on her.'

'Her heart just stopped beating,' Siri said. 'It's said that the Sith were capable of stopping a heart without even touching their victim.'

'The question is, what was she doing here?' Obi-Wan asked.

Ferus had climbed up the ramp into the cruiser. He poked his head out.

'That's easy to answer. Stealing.' He held out two thermal capes. 'She told Anakin and me that she could get her hands on some luxury goods.'

'While you check out the ship, Darra and I will see if we can find the landing platform,' Soara said.

Obi-Wan ran up the ramp. Quickly, he moved through the ship, searching for clues. It was evident that the ship had been left bare of everything except essentials or items that couldn't be traced. He quickly checked the nav computer. Even the archives were wiped.

'This is the Sith ship,' he said.

'Expensive tastes,' Ferus said, dropping the thermal capes with distaste.

'Auben must have found the ship sometime earlier,' Obi-Wan guessed.

'She wanted to nab some items on her way out.'

'Never got the chance,' Ferus said.

'Maybe,' Obi-Wan murmured.

He started out of the cruiser. 'Something I learned from Qui-Gon. When you catch a thief, he'll always pretend he was on his way in, not out.'

Anakin followed closely on Obi-Wan's heels. Obi-Wan bent over Auben.

Gently, he reached underneath her body and withdrew her hand. He uncurled her fist.

'We just got lucky,' he said. 'The Sith was in a hurry. He didn't check.'

'What is it?' Anakin asked.

'A holo-recorder,' Obi-Wan said, holding it up. 'One of the micro versions. She'd get a good price for it on the black market. And there's a received message here in the archive.'

He pressed a button, and a miniature image of Granta Omega appeared.

Omega bowed. 'Greetings, Master. We are grateful that our failure to complete our mission at the Senate did not disappoint you. As you generously said, the intent to disrupt and demoralize was achieved. The Senate is more divided than ever. It gratifies us that you have decided to entrust us with your secret. We have received the coordinates for our meeting. At last you will reveal yourself to us. We will then truly be able to further your cause throughout the galaxy.' Omega bowed again. 'Until we meet, I, Granta Omega, and Jenna Zan Arbor, servants to no one in the galaxy, remain servants to the Sith.'

The hologram fragmented into a shimmer.

'Whew,' Anakin said. 'What a toadying dungcreeper.'

'So they came here to meet the Sith, just as you thought,' Siri said.

'He's going to reveal his identity to them.'

'Which means if we can find out where the meeting is, we'll find out as well,' Obi-Wan said.

Siri pressed her lips together. 'We have a whole planet to search.'

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