He could just barely make out Omega standing behind the E-Web. 'Your arrogance will bring you down, Obi-Wan!'

'Funny. I was just about to say the same.' Obi-Wan activated his lightsaber again. The blaster bolts were so powerful they sent shock waves down his arm as he deflected them. The fire was fast and furious. Where was Anakin? He could use his help. Or someone's…

He had to concentrate on the moment. Not on what he didn't have.

You have everything you need, my Padawan.

This time, Qui-Gon's voice was kind. The voice was inside him. It was true, it was real, and it gave him strength.

His lightsaber whirled, spinning in an arc to gather momentum with each strike against the bolts. He could hear Omega breathing heavily. Obi- Wan was sending bolts back to him at a steady pace, but Omega was managing to evade fire as he deployed the E-Web repeating blaster.

The orange streaks were fading now. Obi-Wan could clearly see the outlines of the last tombs. Omega was silhouetted against the blaster bolts that sent faint, electric illumination through the air. He was gripping the blaster on the tripod, intent now in the full fury of his lust to take Obi- Wan down.

Something Anakin had once said floated through his mind. Anakin knew more about machines than Obi-Wan ever wanted to know.

Funny. No matter how advanced, a weapon always has a flaw. It can always turn against itself.

The flaw. What was the flaw?

The E-Web needed two operators because it was liable to overload if one operator didn't keep track of power flow. If overloaded, it wouldn't simply shut down — it would backblast.

Obi-Wan put on another burst of speed. He went after each blaster bolt with skilled parries. But instead of advancing he moved laterally. He only appeared to advance.

Out of rockets now, Omega tore off the wrist launchers. They were heavy, and he was getting tired. Sweat was pouring down his face. The E-Web was smoking now, and he didn't notice.

Obi-Wan's arms began to shake from the effort of deflecting the blaster bolts. He was tired. His vision was still faulty. With sudden clarity, he realized that he could lose this battle. He was calculating on the failure of a machine he wasn't terribly familiar with. He was counting on a bit of luck.

It took all of his concentration. One stumble could send him straight into a blaster bolt that would rip through him like pudding.

Through the smoke, across the haze, Omega's blue gaze was hot and burning. Hate blazed at Obi-Wan. Omega was screaming incoherently now, his voice barely heard over the sound of gunfire. The E-Web pounded and smoked.

Obi-Wan stumbled and hit his knees. Omega smiled. He leaned forward to aim.

The weapon gave in. It shuddered and stopped for one small instant.

Omega shook it.

The blast was tremendous. A concentration of energy blew Omega back, his body dangling in the air, a shocked expression on his face. He slammed into the tomb wall. Broken. The shock on his face faded as his life drained from him.

'You…' It was all he managed to get out. Obi-Wan heard pounding feet behind him. Anakin ran up and stopped. 'Master — '

'It's all right. He's gone.' Obi-Wan deactivated his lightsaber. 'It's over.'

'I was caught in an energy trap.'

'You got out by yourself. That's good. Come, Padawan.' Obi-Wan turned.

'Let's see to the others. We A gathering roar came from behind him. Omega threw himself forward, a blaster firing in his hand, his teeth bared. 'You killed my father! You…

will… not… win!'

Obi-Wan activated his lightsaber as he turned. The moment he had not wanted to come had arrived. No matter how much he had wished to stop Omega, he had never wished to kill him. He remembered how Xanatos's death had haunted Qui-Gon. He did not want the same fate.

But fate had taken away his choices.

His lightsaber rose, as if in slow motion. Yet it moved faster than an eyeblink. It came down and cleaved into Omega.

He fell to his knees.

Instead of retreating, Obi-Wan walked forward. He did not want to see Omega die, but no one should have to die alone.

Omega looked up into his face. His lips were drawn back over his teeth in a gruesome smile. A spasm of something crossed his features. What was it? Satisfaction, Obi-Wan realized. What did it mean?

'Do you think you won? You didn't,' Omega said. Every word was an effort. 'I know… who he is.' He toppled over, curling up like a child.

'You will wish… you did.'

Still smiling, still holding his hatred and rage, Omega let go of his life at last and collapsed into the dust.

Something rushed out, as if a great power had removed its protection from Omega.

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